National Institute of Migration - 88000 Nuevo Laredo

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Contact National Institute of Migration

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Av César López de Lara Centro, Sector Centro, 88000 Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., Mexico

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City : Tamps.

Av César López de Lara Centro, Sector Centro, 88000 Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., Mexico
Guadalupe Garcia on Google

fui para mexico ase dos semanas tres agentes me dijeron que tenian q checar mis maletas me preguntaban si traia los resibos de mis cosas personales? les dije q no porq yo no guardo resibos de algo q uso todos los dias ellos no traian mascarilla ni guantes y estaban tocando todas mis cosas me querian asustarme dijeron q me ivan a multar porq yo no traia resibos le dije dame factura y boy a pagarla pero no me estes tocando mis cosas asi porq no traen guantes ni mascarilla y se molestaron demasiado porque les dije eso y me disen para q vienes a mexico le dije porque soy mexicana si fuera salvadoreña pues me iria para el salvador y mas se molestaron finalmente me dijo pasa a pagar 1500 pesos ? no se me iso mucho pero porque quieren umillar a uno si supuesta mente somos paisanos a otro señor q llevaba una bocina y como 3 maletas de ropa le dijeron tu vas a pagar 500 dollares y yo le dije al señor no se deje porque le quieren cobrar en dolares si estamos en mexico y el señor les abento todo y dijo quedense con mis cosas q les aga brobecho pero el oficial le dijo no benga bamos a arreglar y el señor dijo q les pago la mitad d eso q tristeza me da de veras q uno va muy ilusionado y te encuentras con estas personas d tu misma raza y te tratan como perro??
I went to Mexico take two weeks Three agents told me that they had to check my suitcases, they asked me if I had the remnants of my personal things? I told them that no, because I do not keep anything that I use every day they did not wear a mask or gloves and they were touching all my things They wanted to scare me, they told me that they were going to fine me because I didn't have any money. I said give me an invoice and boy to pay it but don't be touching my things like this because they don't bring gloves or a mask and they got too upset because i told them that and they give me why you come to mexico I told him because I am Mexican If I was Salvadoran then I would go to El Salvador and more bothered finally told me happens to pay 1500 pesos ? I do not know much but why do they want to kill one if we are supposedly countrymen another man who had a horn and about 3 suitcases of clothes they told him you are going to pay 500 dollars and I told the Lord not to leave because they want to charge you in dollars if we are in Mexico and the lord gave them everything but the officer said no Benga, let's fix and the man said that I pay half of that What sadness really gives me that one is very excited and you meet these people of your same race and they treat you like a dog??
Andrii Belanenko on Google

Этот пропускной пункт из Мексики в США воистину прекрасен. Когда я со своими друзьями пересекал эту границу я был ошарашен тем, что для выхода из Мексики нужно платить деньги))). В этом месте стоят пограничники с довольно серьезным оружием, но люди приятные и всегда подскажут Вам как правильно пройти в США. Самое большее, что меня поразило, так, это, то, что с меня и моих друзей плату не брали, а пропустили бесплатно))). Очередь в США из числа местных жителей колоссальная, но с людьми всегда можно поговорить и узнать много нового о городке Ларедо и Нуево-Ларедо. И кстати, я не встретил здесь ни какого криминал о котором все так говорят, так, что можете смело воспользоваться этим переходом!
This checkpoint from Mexico to the USA is truly beautiful. When I crossed this border with my friends, I was dumbfounded that to exit Mexico you need to pay money))). Border guards with rather serious weapons are standing in this place, but people are nice and will always tell you how to get to the USA. The most that struck me was that they didn’t charge me and my friends, but let them go for free))). The lineup in the USA from among local residents is colossal, but you can always talk to people and learn a lot about the towns of Laredo and Nuevo Laredo. And by the way, I have not met here any crime that everyone says so about, so that you can safely take advantage of this transition!
Miguel Montalvo on Google

Akabo de pasar por este lugar y me da tristeza pero la verdad nada a cambiado una muchachita como de 18 años prepotente me reviso y me dijo vas a tener q pagar como 1700 de impuesto pero t Voi ayudar solo vs. A pagar 1000 en el baño c los vas a dar un chavo y le dijo no mejor pago los 1700 q me den recibo y me dijieron q si no c los daba me Iván a cobrar 3700 por una ropa q llevaba para mi hija son unas ratas la verdad pensé q avían cambiado un poko las cosas pero creo q está peor
Akabo to go through this place and it makes me sad but the truth is, nothing has changed a girl like 18 years old, arrogant, she reviewed me and told me that you will have to pay about 1700 in tax but I will help you alone vs. To pay 1000 in the bathroom c you are going to give them a guy and he said no better I pay the 1700 that they give me a receipt and they told me that if I did not c give them to me, Iván to charge 3700 for a clothes that I wore for my daughter they are rats The truth is, I thought things had changed a bit, but I think it's worse
olivia ramos on Google

INM Tamaulipas, delegación Miguel Alemán. El delegado tiene trabajando ahí a Iris Guadalupe Gómez Cáceres, para que haga trámites apócrifos por los que están cobrando 5000 dólares. Son trámites para extranjeros de diferentes nacionalidades.
INM Tamaulipas, Miguel Alemán delegation. The delegate has Iris Guadalupe Gómez Cáceres working there, to do apocryphal procedures for which they are charging $ 5,000. They are procedures for foreigners of different nationalities.
Mary Polanco on Google

hola alguien me podria decir como se llama el director o oficial encargado den centro migratorio nuevo laredo
Hello, could someone tell me the name of the director or officer in charge of the Nuevo Laredo immigration center
Jose Barrios on Google

Friendly staff..was detained for suspicious reasons I guess but was treated with respect, long wait but got out there...oh uea don't try and cross meats...they will take away...
Ervin Swervo on Google

Traffic is horrible avoid till night time
Ozziel “TuNetworker” on Google

Agents are jerks but hey what can you do? They don't care where are you from, careful

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