Natural Reserve-Yucatan Silvestre - Valladolid

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Natural Reserve-Yucatan Silvestre

Address :

Valladolid, Yuc., Mexico

Categories :
City : Yuc.

Valladolid, Yuc., Mexico
Emily Suaste on Google

Este lugar es muy bonito para pasar en familia lo único que hace falta es la venta de comida o snacks digo si puedes meter tus cosas para pasar un día de campo increíble pero si no sabes vas sin nada aunque si venden aguas refrescos y todo lo de una tienda normal,sin duda es una experiencia muy bonita para disfrutar con tus hijos, venden comida para peces y la porción es bastante buena el precio es de 10 pesos eso para alimentar a las tortugas y peces del lago,los precios de acceso por persona no recuerdo bien me parece que es de 80 pesos si no estoy mal adultos y 50 niños para nacionales
This place is very nice to spend with the family, the only thing that is needed is the sale of food or snacks, I say if you can put your things to spend an incredible day in the field, but if you do not know, you go with nothing, although they do sell soft drinks and everything from a normal store, without a doubt it is a very nice experience to enjoy with your children, they sell food for fish and the portion is quite good the price is 10 pesos that to feed the turtles and fish of the lake, the access prices per person I don't remember well I think it's 80 pesos if I'm not wrong adults and 50 children for nationals
angelis balopez on Google

Falta un poco más de interés de los empleados para la atención y mantenimiento en el habitad de los animales el costo es de 80 pesos para nacionales. Y diferentes precios para hospedaje se puede acampar.
There is a lack of interest from the employees for the care and maintenance of the animals' habitat, the cost is 80 pesos for nationals. And different prices for lodging you can camp.
Valladolid Pueblo Magico on Google

Valla Zoo Fuimos a visitar el zoológico de Valladolid Pueblo Magico, además de tener animales exclusivamente endémicos, es un jardín botánico con especies de árboles de todo el mundo, desde árboles de Brasil o Colombia, hasta árboles de la India o China. ? Periférico, Libramiento Norte Km. 7 +300 Rancho Blancaflor, 97780 Valladolid, Yuc. Iván Perera nos acompañó todo el recorrido que inició con los pericos frente blanca, pericos cabeza amarilla y pericos de cachete amarillo, así como las guacamayas coloradas y verdes. Los animales son rescatados del tráfico ilegal, de animales atropellados, de decomisos, de donaciones e intercambios totalmente legales, reciben atención profesional por biólogos y médicos veterinarios y se promueve su cuidado y reproducción. Vimos al coyote, la nutria, armadillos, tlacuaches, tejones, mono aullador, mono araña, ocelotes, tigrillos, pumas, el jaguar negro, burros, chivos, caballos, conejos, pavos de monte, chachalacas y muchos, muchos animales más. Es una experiencia maravillosa, sobretodo si tienen niños, también pueden dar paseos en bote en el lago, jugar mini golf, tienen columpios, área para picnic, fogata, incluso hospedarse en sus hermosas y acogedoras habitaciones. Además tienen un santuario de la Virgen desatadora de nudos, en donde podrás tomar una cinta blanca, escribir tu petición y al desatarse ese nudo que te roba la paz, regresar y cambiarlo por una cinta de color. Es un encuentro con la naturaleza que vale la pena disfrutar en familia o en pareja, tiene spots increíbles para sacar fotos e inmortalizar el momento, tiene tienda de snacks y souvenirs y en general la visita resultó un momento hermoso que debes considerar en tu visita a Valladolid Pueblo Magico. Los encuentras en redes sociales como: FB: Vallazoo IG: @vallazoo Síguenos en: FB: Valladolid Pueblo Magico IG: @valladolidpm YT: Valladolid Pueblo Magico GM: Valladolid Pueblo Magico Tiktok: Valladolid Pueblo Magico
zoo fence We went to visit the Valladolid Pueblo Magico zoo, in addition to having exclusively endemic animals, it is a botanical garden with tree species from all over the world, from trees from Brazil or Colombia, to trees from India or China. ? Peripheral, North Bypass Km. 7 +300 Rancho Blancaflor, 97780 Valladolid, Yuc. Iván Perera accompanied us throughout the tour that began with the white-fronted parakeets, yellow-headed parakeets and yellow-cheeked parakeets, as well as the red and green macaws. The animals are rescued from illegal traffic, run over animals, seizures, donations and totally legal exchanges, they receive professional care by biologists and veterinarians and their care and reproduction are promoted. We saw coyotes, otters, armadillos, opossums, badgers, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, ocelots, ocelots, pumas, black jaguars, donkeys, goats, horses, rabbits, wild turkeys, chachalacas and many, many more animals. It is a wonderful experience, especially if you have children, you can also go boating on the lake, play mini golf, have swings, picnic area, campfire, even stay in their beautiful and cozy rooms. They also have a sanctuary of the Virgin who unties knots, where you can take a white ribbon, write your request and when that knot that robs you of peace is untied, return and exchange it for a colored ribbon. It is an encounter with nature that is worth enjoying as a family or as a couple, it has incredible spots to take photos and immortalize the moment, it has a snack and souvenir shop and in general the visit was a beautiful moment that you should consider in your visit to Valladolid Magic Town. You find them on social networks like: FB: Vallazoo IG: @vallazoo Follow us on: FB: Valladolid Magic Town IG: @valladolidpm YT: Valladolid Magic Town GM: Valladolid Magic Town Tiktok: Valladolid Magic Town
juan Ix on Google

Zoológico, Excelente lugar para exploración, convivencia familiar o solo por el hecho de conocer, la entrada tiene costo de $80 los adultos y $30 los niños, al ser privado considero que está bastante accesible, cuenta con bastante flora y fauna, campo de mini golf, y lago artificial para paseo en canoa.
Zoo, Excellent place for exploration, family gathering or just for the sake of knowing, the entrance fee is $80 for adults and $30 for children, being private I consider it to be quite accessible, it has a lot of flora and fauna, mini golf course , and artificial lake for canoeing.
Юлия Хола on Google

Отличный опыт пребывания в этом месте. Это территория заповедника и апартаменты находятся рядом с зоопарком, вход в который бесплатен для гостей. Номера просто огромные, чистые, каждый номер с тематикой разных зверей : мы жили в номере игуана и ягуар) Надо заплатить городской налог и НДС. На территории находится плантация голубой агавы, из которой делают текилу, магазин, где её можно купить через дорогу.
Great experience of staying at this place. This is the territory of the reserve and the apartments are located next to the zoo, the entrance to which is free for guests. The rooms are just huge, clean, each room has a different animal theme: we lived in an iguana and a jaguar room) We have to pay city tax and VAT. On the territory there is a plantation of blue agave, from which tequila is made, a shop where you can buy it across the street.
Vadim on Google

Туристический центр. Деньги, деньги, деньги... Но всё можно посмотреть бесплатно)) как и сфотографироваться
Tourist centre. Money money money... But you can watch everything for free)) as well as take a picture
Frederic Jean on Google

Very quiet place, great zoo
Pavla Kratěnová on Google

The biggest surprise and I definitely recommend this accommodation The description on booking is not accurate but you won't regret this. The apartments are on the grounds of the Valazoo, on a private guarded land. Breakfast is served in the owners house with his family. The owner is very friendly and served local produce and his own honey and made us feel very welcome. Yes, the swimming pool is not in ideal condition and internet was slow sometimes but those were just minor thing outweighed by the fact that we were staying in the zoo and could see the animals practically any time we wanted.

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