Nomad Republic - 06100 Ciudad de México

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nomad Republic

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Av. Baja California 261-piso 5, Hipódromo, Cuauhtémoc, 06100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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City : CDMX

Av. Baja California 261-piso 5, Hipódromo, Cuauhtémoc, 06100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Sebastian Garcia-Lopez on Google

Definitivamente la mejor experiencia que he vivido en mi vida! Altamente recomendado, todo salió a la perfección y fue tal cual me dijeron al momento de venderme la experiencia. GRACIAS NOMAD REPUBLIC!! :)
Definitely the best experience I have ever lived in my life! Highly recommended, everything went perfectly and it was just as they told me at the time of selling me the experience. THANK YOU NOMAD REPUBLIC !! :)
Paulina Madero Suárez on Google

Para todos los que me preguntaron qué pasó con el asunto de Mundo Joven y Nomad Republic va la historia completa: Como publiqué anteriormente, en enero contraté por medio de Mundo Joven y Nomad Republic un voluntariado para enseñar inglés en Bali con Volunteer in Bali. Me cobraron $1,000 USD por un voluntariado de dos semanas. En la cotización se indicó una tarifa de administración de $150 USD y una tarifa por el programa del voluntariado de $855 USD. Llegué al voluntariado y platiqué con varias voluntarias en relación con las tarifas del programa; todas las voluntarias habían pagado $300 USD por las dos semanas. Después de publicar en redes sociales mi descontento con Mundo Joven y Nomad Republic, las agencias se pusieron en contacto para aclararme el asunto. Para esto, me enviaron una factura por parte de la organización en Bali por $704 USD. Hablé con el director de la organización para que pudiera aclararme por qué se me había cobrado el doble que al resto de los voluntarios. Me contestó que vio los precios que cobra Nomad Republic por sus voluntarios y que, entonces, decidió cobrar el doble a los voluntarios de Nomad Republic ya que “Ese fue el precio negociado”. Entonces ya en este punto estaba furiosa por dos razones: 1. Nomad Republic cobra en realidad una tarifa de administración de $300 USD en lugar de $150 USD que señala en su contrato y te hace pensar que el precio del voluntariado es de $855 USD; 2. La organización en Bali funciona más como un negocio que un voluntariado, en el que ve cómo pueden lucrar con las agencias, dándole un trato desigual a la gente que va a darle algo a su comunidad. Después de discutir con el director de la ONG logré que me reembolsara $300 USD en efectivo. Claro, esto después de una larga discusión de lo más incómoda y estresante. Cabe mencionar, que durante esa conversación el director de la organización me aseguró que nadie de Nomad Republic había visitado el programa ni tenía conocimiento de que Mundo Joven estuviera involucrado. Posteriormente, hablé con la gente de Nomad Republic y Mundo Joven, quienes me dijeron que el cargo extra de $150 dólares había sido un “malentendido en el contrato y una falta de comunicación” y se comprometieron a pagarme el total de $300 USD que fue lo que les pagué a ellos. Finalmente, después de 4 días decidí abandonar el programa del voluntariado: no me sentía segura en un lugar donde había discutido con el director de una supuesta organización sin fines de lucro, y, por lo tanto, envié un correo electrónico a las personas de Mundo Joven y Nomad Republic señalando los siguientes puntos: 1. Debían de responsabilizarse de la situación por su pésima administración, la que claramente me puso en una situación de riesgo en un país del otro lado del planeta y reembolsarme el total del voluntariado. 2. Me parecía negligente de su parte enviar voluntarios (y en ciertos casos a menores de edad) a una organización en la que ni ellos habían estado. Había sido una lástima y una pena fungir como un programa piloto para ellos; más cuando la experiencia ha sido tan desagradable. 3. Que si me regresaban los $400 USD con gusto podía visitar sus oficinas en México para poder hablar del voluntariado. Específicamente su mal funcionamiento: la falta de recursos para enseñar y mala organización del programa. El viernes 24 de agosto recibí sólo la devolución de los $300 USD y no el total de los $700 USD. En conclusión: Nomad Republic y Mundo Joven no se responsabilizan por su trabajo negligente (independientemente de que claramente sus contratos están elaborados incorrectamente en relación al desglose del precio de sus servicios). No visitan sus programas de voluntariado, ni mucho menos se dan a la tarea de investigar cómo funcionan las supuestas organizaciones sin fines de lucro. No se hacen responsables por poner a sus clientes en riesgo.
For all those who asked me what happened to the matter of Mundo Joven and Nomad Republic, there is the full story: As I previously published, in January I hired through Mundo Joven and Nomad Republic a volunteer to teach English in Bali with Volunteer in Bali. They charged me $ 1,000 USD for a two week volunteer. An administration fee of $ 150 USD and a volunteer program fee of $ 855 USD were indicated in the quote. I came to volunteering and spoke with several volunteers about the program fees; all the volunteers had paid $ 300 USD for the two weeks. After posting my discontent with Mundo Joven and Nomad Republic on social media, the agencies got in touch to clarify the matter. For this, they sent me an invoice from the organization in Bali for $ 704 USD. I spoke with the director of the organization so that he could clarify why I had been charged twice as much as the rest of the volunteers. He replied that he saw the prices Nomad Republic charges for their volunteers, and then decided to charge Nomad Republic volunteers twice as "That was the negotiated price." So at this point I was furious for two reasons: 1. Nomad Republic actually charges a $ 300 USD administration fee instead of the $ 150 USD that it states in its contract and makes you think that the price of volunteering is $ 855 USD; 2. The organization in Bali works more like a business than a volunteer, in which it sees how they can profit from agencies, giving unequal treatment to people who are going to give something to their community. After arguing with the director of the NGO, I was able to get a refund of $ 300 USD in cash. Of course, this after a long discussion of the most uncomfortable and stressful. It is worth mentioning that during that conversation the director of the organization assured me that no one from Nomad Republic had visited the program or was aware that Mundo Joven was involved. Later, I spoke with the people of Nomad Republic and Mundo Joven, who told me that the extra charge of $ 150 dollars had been a “misunderstanding in the contract and a lack of communication” and they promised to pay me the total of $ 300 USD which was the that I paid them. Finally, after 4 days I decided to leave the volunteer program: I did not feel safe in a place where I had argued with the director of a supposed non-profit organization, and therefore, I sent an email to the people of Mundo Joven and Nomad Republic making the following points: 1. They had to take responsibility for the situation because of their terrible administration, which clearly put me in a situation of risk in a country on the other side of the planet and reimburse me for the total amount of volunteering. 2. It seemed negligent on their part to send volunteers (and in certain cases minors) to an organization in which not even they had been. It had been a shame and a shame to serve as a pilot program for them; more when the experience has been so unpleasant. 3. That if they returned the $ 400 USD, I could gladly visit their offices in Mexico to talk about volunteering. Specifically its malfunction: the lack of resources to teach and poor organization of the program. On Friday, August 24, I only received the refund of the $ 300 USD and not the total of the $ 700 USD. In conclusion: Nomad Republic and Mundo Joven are not responsible for their negligent work (regardless of the fact that their contracts are clearly drawn up incorrectly in relation to the breakdown of the price of their services). They don't visit their volunteer programs, let alone investigate how so-called non-profit organizations work. They are not responsible for putting their clients at risk.
Jose del Rio Vierna on Google

La mejor experiencia de mi vida. Todo el asesoramiento por parte de Nomad es muy completo y te hacen sentir seguro y querido. El voluntariado me cambió la vida, espero pronto volver a viajar con ellos.
The best experience of my life. All advice from Nomad is very comprehensive and makes you feel safe and loved. Volunteering changed my life, I hope to travel with them again soon.
Marco Jimenez on Google

Fui voluntario en el programa ambiental de Costa Rica y me encanto, convivir con la gente local, la conexión con la naturaleza de este gran país y despejar la mente de todo lo cotidiano, sin duda hacer un voluntariado y aportar con un granito de arena es una experiencia que te cambia la vida, sin duda hacer un voluntariado debe estar en la lista de todos aquellos que buscan perderse y encontrarse para terminar de conocerse y estar dispuesto a aprender aún más. Con Nomad Republic, su excelente atención y contacto vives una experiencia única Muy recomendado
I was a volunteer in the environmental program of Costa Rica and I loved it, to live with the local people, the connection with the nature of this great country and to clear the mind of everyday life, without a doubt, volunteering and contributing with a grain of sand is a life-changing experience, without a doubt volunteering should be on the list of all those who seek to get lost and meet to finish knowing each other and be willing to learn even more. With Nomad Republic, your excellent service and contact you live a unique experience Highly recommended
Sade Romo on Google

Viajar como voluntaria con Nomad Republic ha sido de las mejores experiencias que he tenido. El servicio es muy bueno, me resolvieron dudas y ayudaron a toda la preparación de mi viaje adaptándose a mi presupuesto. Una excelente forma de ayudar y conocer otras culturas.
Volunteering with Nomad Republic has been one of the best experiences I have ever had. The service is very good, they answered my doubts and helped me with all the preparation of my trip, adapting to my budget. An excellent way to help and get to know other cultures.
Enrique Blanco on Google

Si quieres viajar como voluntario y al mismo tiempo explorar sitios remotos y diferentes culturas, Nomad Repúblic es la mejor opcion. Tienen viajes en Puerto, Chiapas y Riviera Maya. Y muchos destinos más en el extranjero.
If you want to travel as a volunteer and at the same time explore remote sites and different cultures, Nomad Republic is the best option. They have trips in Puerto, Chiapas and Riviera Maya. And many more destinations abroad.
Karen Medina Álvarez on Google

He tenido la oportunidad de viajar con Nomad Republic en varias ocasiones, mi último viaje con ellos fue a las costas de Oaxaca. Participé en 3 de los programas que tienen en Puerto Escondido y uno en Chacahua. Todos los programas son diferentes entre sí, sin embargo se nota el seguimiento que se les ha dado a través de los años. Todo el staff está 100% capacitado y súper abierto a dejarte participar y aportar en todos los sentidos a cada uno de los proyectos, lo cual te hace sentir bastante útil y dejar tu esencia a la vez que aprendes y ayudas. Recomiendo muchísimo viajar con Nomad Republic, sin duda es una empresa que se está enfocada en resolver diversos problemas tanto sociales como ambientales y en la que me gustaría involucrarme no sólo como voluntaria.
I have had the opportunity to travel with Nomad Republic on several occasions, my last trip with them was to the coasts of Oaxaca. I participated in 3 of the programs they have in Puerto Escondido and one in Chacahua. All the programs are different from each other, however the follow-up they have been given over the years is noticeable. All the staff is 100% trained and super open to let you participate and contribute in every way to each of the projects, which makes you feel quite useful and leave your essence while you learn and help. I highly recommend traveling with Nomad Republic, without a doubt it is a company that is focused on solving various social and environmental problems and in which I would like to get involved not only as a volunteer.
Veselina on Google

It took me a while to write this review, but I just needed my emotions to settle to be able to describe in a few words what turned out to be – without exaggeration – a trip of a lifetime. As others before me have said, traveling with Nomad Republic is fun, it's beautiful and exciting, but the reason I chose it is really their slogan: traveling with impact. And they delivered - volunteering with Nomad Republic gives meaning to tourism – you have enough time to discover the place, the people, the culture while at the same time it gives you a feeling of contributing to something. I only had a week with the children in Yucatan and probably I learned more Spanish than they learned English, but this was a unique opportunity for me (as I believe it was for them) to open our minds, to meet new people, to get curious about new cultures and this beautiful world we live in. I was expecting to fit in in an established, structured teaching programme which turned out not to be the case at all, but after the initial shock I realised that this is even better because it required a level of creativity and energy and adaptability and in fact it only made things better. This would never be possible if it wasn't for the people - every Nomad Republic staff I came in contact with – starting with Sade who answered my first email enquiry through Santiago and his moving acceptance letter, to Ivan who was my local coordinator in Merida – went out of their way to answer my every question, query or need prior, during and even after my trip. They showed extreme flexibility, professionalism and above all friendliness and I can only recommend traveling with them – I for one can't wait to do this again and probably even take along my family. I can't imagine a better way to teach my daughter humility!

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