Notaría Pública 124 del D. F. - 07020 Ciudad de México

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A las Familias Sonorenses por la tragedia ocurrida en la Guardaría “ABC” en Hermosillo, Sonora, México.

Contact Notaría Pública 124 del D. F.

Address :

Valparaíso 57, Tepeyac Insurgentes, Gustavo A. Madero, 07020 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
Website :
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City : CDMX

Valparaíso 57, Tepeyac Insurgentes, Gustavo A. Madero, 07020 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Rosa Alvarez on Google

Estoy de acuerdo con los comentarios es un pésimo servicio, en dos ocasiones me citaron sin resolver nada después de una hora de estar esperando sale una persona y nos dice que el notario no llego, al estar a punto de retirarnos nos dice que ya llegó y nos dejan esperando aproximadamente 20 minutos sin volver a salir
I agree with the comments it is a terrible service, on two occasions they summoned me without solving anything after an hour of waiting a person comes out and tells us that the notary did not arrive, when we are about to leave, he tells us that he has already arrived and they leave us waiting for approximately 20 minutes without going out again
Miros Viveros on Google

Los licenciados solo son amables cuando tratan de vender sus servicios,despues nunca estan disponibles. Tambien muestran una actitud muy despota con todo y que se les esta pagando.
Graduates are only nice when they try to sell their services, then they are never available. They also show a very despotic attitude towards everything and that they are being paid.
Edna Chavarin on Google

Pésimo trato, demoran mucho con un trámite tan sencillo. y nunca hay trato directo con los abogados o con el notario. La secretaria que tienen es ineficiente y trata mal a la gente.
Bad treatment, they take a long time with such a simple procedure. and there is never a direct deal with the lawyers or the notary. The secretary they have is inefficient and treat people badly.
Mario Vergara on Google

Tienen un excelente servicio, te asesoran adecuadamente y los precios pues son los que cobran casi todos los notarios publicos
They have an excellent service, they advise you adequately and the prices are those charged by almost all public notaries
Maria Elizalde on Google

Empezamos con la.secretaria es poco profesional y tiene carencias en servicio al cliente, a los notarios es poco probable que los veas ... Tienes trato con la asistente del mismo la Lic. Chantal excelente trato . . Pero no salva la experiencia.
We start with the secretary is unprofessional and has shortcomings in customer service, notaries are unlikely to see them ... You have a deal with the assistant of the same Lic. Chantal excellent treatment. . But it does not save the experience.
Francisco Ricano on Google

PESIMA NOTARIA para un tramite tan sencillo como un segundo testimonio mas de dos meses y cuando marcaba para ver mi tramite, la secretaria se enojaba contestaba mal y no me ayudaba 0% recomendable los abogados nunca dan la cara y del notario ni sus luces siempre manda a su asistente
PESIMA NOTARIA for a procedure as simple as a second testimony more than two months and when I checked to see my procedure, the secretary was angry answered badly and did not help me 0% recommended lawyers never give the face and the notary nor his lights always sends to his assistant
Claudia Ocaña on Google

PÉSIMA NOTARÍA. Nada recomendable. Trato con los clientes bastante deficiente... Hace como 2/3 años acudimos a esta notaría, ya que a un familiar cercano le solicitaban aclarar un documento para dar por cancelada una Hipoteca. Nos atendió un Abogado de apellido Tovilla, muy joven y bastante incompetente ya que demostraba no saber nada de lo que solicitábamos y todo el tiempo iba a preguntar a sus superiores. Total que la atención fue muy torpe y tardada entre tanta vuelta que daba esta persona a preguntar. Se nos dio fecha para acudir a recoger el documento y un numero de teléfono para confirmar. Así lo hicimos, la secretaría/recepcionista nos confirmo fecha y hora, y resulta que el día fijado tardamos como 2 horas para que nos atendieran, y en el momento en que ya nos entregaron el documento, le hacían falta hojas y sellos, esperamos como otra hora más para que nos entregaran completo el documento. Meses después, mi familiar me platica que todavía le habló una persona de la notaria para solicitarle un comprobante de domicilio porque según le hacía falta al documento que habíamos tramitado, que si podíamos pasar a la notaría a entregarlo o en su defecto por el correo electrónico de la oficina. Lo cierto es que recibieron una auditoría y les encontraron muchos fallos en los documentos que emitían y querían subsanar sus errores.
BAD NOTARY. Nothing recommendable. Dealing with clients quite lacking ... About 2/3 years ago we went to this notary, since a close relative was asked to clarify a document to cancel a Mortgage. We were attended by a lawyer with the last name Tovilla, very young and quite incompetent since he demonstrated that he knew nothing of what we were requesting and all the time he went to ask his superiors. Total that the attention was very awkward and delayed between so many turns that this person gave to ask. We were given a date to go and collect the document and a phone number to confirm. So we did it, the secretary / receptionist confirmed the date and time, and it turns out that on the set day it took us about 2 hours for them to attend us, and at the moment they delivered the document, they needed sheets and stamps, we waited as another hour for the document to be delivered to us in full. Months later, my family member tells me that a person from the notary still spoke to him to ask for a proof of address because, according to the document that we had processed, he needed it, that if we could go to the notary to deliver it or, alternatively, by email of the Office. The truth is that they received an audit and found many flaws in the documents they issued and wanted to correct their errors.
luis pi on Google

Nefasto lugar, poca higiene, se cayo mi hermana al entrar, el piso mojado por la lluvia y la tierra, se le pidió un poco de alcohol, o una curita para su rodilla y no tienen ni agua, nos hicieron esperar mas de 3 horas llegamos desde la 2 de la tarde y hasta las 5:30 pasamos, previamente nos dijeron que no cobraban por la consulta y cuando salimos resulta que nos dice la recepcionista ( que a decir verdad muy mal encarada y de todo se molesta) que eran 350 pesos, un rubo y un pésimo servicio. no acudan cero recomendable
Nefarious place, poor hygiene, my sister fell when entering, the floor wet from the rain and the earth, she was asked for some alcohol, or a bandage for her knee and they have no water, they made us wait more than 3 hours We arrived from 2 in the afternoon and until 5:30 we passed, previously they told us that they did not charge for the consultation and when we left it turns out that the receptionist tells us (who in fact very badly faced and bothers everything) that they were 350 pesos, a rubo and a terrible service. do not go zero recommended

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