Notaría Pública No.24 - 45030 Zapopan

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

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A las Familias Sonorenses por la tragedia ocurrida en la Guardaría “ABC” en Hermosillo, Sonora, México.

Contact Notaría Pública No.24

Address :

Av Guadalupe 5228, Jardines de Guadalupe, 45030 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av Guadalupe 5228, Jardines de Guadalupe, 45030 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Adriana Berenice Parra Mena on Google

Llamé para hacer un cambio de cita y la secretaria bastante molesta por ello. Me negó la cita que porque estaba lleno ! Bastante desagradable el trato de la señorita.
I called to make an appointment change and the secretary was quite upset about it. I declined the appointment because it was full! Quite unpleasant the treatment of the young lady.
Julia Becerra on Google

Cero profesionalismo y seriedad!!!! No cumplen con citas agendadas. No me cumplieron con tiempos de entrega, tenia que estar llamando para ver avances y al final terminaron diciendo.... "Este fíjese que no podemos... venga por sus documentos" MES Y MEDIO DESPUÉS DE HABER RECIBIDO LOS DOCUMENTOS
Zero professionalism and seriousness !!!! They do not meet scheduled appointments. They did not comply with delivery times, I had to be calling to see progress and in the end they ended up saying ... "This one, we can't see ... come for your documents" MONTH AND A HALF AFTER RECEIVING THE DOCUMENTS
Rubí J. Pérez on Google

Mínimo profesionalismo, inexperiencia, lentitud y faltos de respeto. Tardaron 1 mes en hacer una investigación de 3 días. Hacen creer que no hay problema con una condición aún cuando insistes en clarificarla para luego argumentar que esa misma condición es por la que no se lleva a cabo tu solicitud. Se contradicen y te notifican demasiado tarde. No tienen respeto ni por tu tiempo, ni por tu persona ¿confiarías en personas así?
Minimal professionalism, inexperience, slowness and disrespect. It took 1 month to do a 3-day investigation. They make believe that there is no problem with a condition even when you insist on clarifying it and then argue that the same condition is why your request is not carried out. They contradict and notify you too late. They have no respect for your time or for your person. Would you trust people like that?
gilo crack on Google

Lentos, pésima atención. Nada recomendable.
Slow, poor service. Nothing recommended.
Jose Pablo Barba on Google

Muy mala atención, lentos, careros, impuntuales. Tuve que revisar un contrato 6 veces porque tenia muchas faltas de ortografia, en fin, nada recomendable.
Very bad attention, slow, expensive, unpunctual. I had to check a contract 6 times because it had many spelling mistakes, in short, nothing recommended.
Gin Orozco on Google

Pésima atención, nulo profesionalismo por parte de las señorita que atiende la cual tiene una actitud agresiva y burlesca, además de mentir y no cumplir con lo solicitado. Pierden papeles, te entregan archivos con papeles que ni siquiera son de tu caso, tienen todo mal archivado y revuelto, te hacen dar vueltas, se tardan tanto que se vencen los papeles y tienes que volverlos a sacar para que al final no puedan con el trabajo. Te hacen perder tu tiempo, meses y meses sin que resolvieran mi problema. Ojalá le pudiera dar 0 estrellas.
Terrible attention, no professionalism on the part of the young lady who attends who has an aggressive and burlesque attitude, in addition to lying and not complying with what was requested. They lose papers, they give you files with papers that are not even your case, they have everything wrongly filed and scrambled, they make you spin around, they take so long that the papers expire and you have to take them out again so that in the end they can't handle it. job. They make you waste your time, months and months without solving my problem. Wish I could give it 0 stars.
Jackie Espinoza on Google

the assistants are horrible! Especially his personal assistant! She always hangs up on me, I don’t know if she knows how to answer a phone. It’s been literally 3 months and all they did was tell me everyday that he isn’t available. So I’m done. I’m picking my things up and going somewhere that actually cares about their clients. They don’t.
kevin smith on Google

I was attended to by Leslie, and she was provided very friendly, helpful, and quick service. Prices are fair, and the environment professional.

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