Nutriologa Dulce Cuevas - 45609 San Pedro Tlaquepaque

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nutriologa Dulce Cuevas

Address :

Sabino 549-16, Haciendas de San José, 45609 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : Jal.

Sabino 549-16, Haciendas de San José, 45609 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico
Nathan Azzcarn on Google

Muy profesional, me he sentido bastante bien con las dietas que programa, resultados excelentes, he bajado de peso conforme a la dieta, son dietas exactas y personales, hechas a la perfección, se especializa en personas con diabetes, no me siento desganado o con hambre al seguir las dietas.
Very professional, I have felt quite good with the diets that he program, excellent results, I have lost weight according to the diet, they are exact and personal diets, made to perfection, he specializes in people with diabetes, I do not feel listless or with hunger when following diets.
Tr Mñz on Google

No la recomiendo. Habla mucho y no presta mucha atención a lo que uno le está diciendo, da poquísimo tempo a la consulta y hablo más ella y no deja que resuelvas tus dudas. Las dietas son muy generales y aunque le digas que no comes una cosa te la pone en el menú. Pone en las colaciones embutidos que son malísimos. Es bastante distraída y encima las consultas. Se me calló muchísimo el cabello mientras estuve con sus dietas.
I do not recommend. He talks a lot and does not pay much attention to what one is telling him, give the query a very short time and I talk more about it and he doesn't let you solve your doubts. Diets are very general and even though you say you do not eat a thing puts you on the menu. It puts in the sausage snacks that are very bad. It is quite distracted and on top of the queries. She stopped me much hair as I was with their diets.
Danny Rocher on Google

Muy atenta y con excelente atención. Es la primera vez que hago una dieta para controlar mi peso y aprender a comer saludable y me agradó bastante. Los menús fueron personalizados quitando cosas que no me gustan, siempre está dando Tips para mantenerte y cómo mejorar los hábitos alimenticios. Tomé uno de los programas en línea y tuve muy buenos resultados, siempre estaba al pendiente por whatsapp y me mandaba los menús a mi correo... ¡Sin duda la recomiendo!
Very attentive and with excellent attention. It is the first time that I go on a diet to control my weight and learn to eat healthy and I really liked it. The menus were personalized by removing things that I do not like, he is always giving Tips to keep you and how to improve eating habits. I took one of the online programs and I had very good results, I was always on the lookout for WhatsApp and I would send the menus to my email ... I would definitely recommend it!
susana orozco on Google

Me encanto la consulta, mi menú muy practico, ayer dio de alta a mi mama y le estoy completamente agredecida doctora, por eso la vuelvo a recomendar por aqui . mis hermanas y yo venimos desde el estadio jalisco y vale la pena, excelente trato humanitario a parte de que nos explica bien cada padecimiento, felicidades Dulce, sin duda eres de las mejores profesionales de salud, excelente la dieta, fácil y practica. te agradezco infinito por ayudar a mi hermana con lo de el riñón y aqui seguiremos, ampliamente te recomiendo. Muy buena para bajar de peso y hacernos adelgazar. gracias nutriologa
I loved the consultation, my menu was very practical, yesterday my mother was discharged and I am completely grateful to her doctor, so I recommend her here again. My sisters and I come from the Jalisco stadium and it is worth it, excellent humanitarian treatment apart from the fact that it explains each condition well, congratulations Dulce, without a doubt you are one of the best health professionals, excellent diet, easy and practical. I thank you infinitely for helping my sister with the kidney and here we will continue, I highly recommend you. Very good for losing weight and making us lose weight. thank you nutritionist
Luna Andrade on Google

super buena Nutriologa, esta siempre al pendiente de cada una de tus dudas, se toma el tiempo de explicarte, gracias a ella y mucho esmero llegue a mi peso Ideal , super recomendadisima!!❤️
Super good Nutritionist, she is always attentive to each of your doubts, she takes the time to explain, thanks to her and a lot of care I reached my Ideal weight, super recommended !! ❤️
Areli Martinez on Google

Se las recomiendo muchísimo es muy profesional ,te planifica y personaliza tus dietas de acuerdo a tus necesidades no son las típicas dietas que te dejan con hambre ella te enseña a comer saludablemente con las porciones que necesita cada cuerpo de acuerdo el objetivo que tengas en mente
I highly recommend them to her, she is very professional, she plans and personalizes your diets according to your needs, they are not the typical diets that leave you hungry, she teaches you to eat healthily with the portions that each body needs according to the goal you have in mind.
Adamariz Alejandra Nuñez Medina on Google

Muy profesional y atenta, excelente nutrióloga 100% recomendada, proporciona planes alimenticios totalmente personalizados, y siempre atenta a tu proceso.
Very professional and attentive, an excellent nutritionist 100% recommended, she provides totally personalized meal plans, and is always attentive to your process.
Michel on Google

Excelente Nutriologa, siempre está al pendiente de sus pacientes y te ayuda a cumplir tus objetivos, yo realize el reto 1 mes y logre bajar 9 kilos, la recomiendo para que el que quiera ayuda profesional.
Excellent Nutritionist, she is always aware of her patients and helps you meet your goals, I completed the challenge for 1 month and managed to lose 9 kilos, I recommend her to anyone who wants professional help.

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