Oficinas Del Infonavit - 97070 Mérida

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Oficinas Del Infonavit

Address :

C. 39 523-510, Centro, 97070 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Website : https://portalinfonavit.com.mx/
Categories :
City : Yuc.

C. 39 523-510, Centro, 97070 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico
Marco Gallegos on Google

Las nuevas oficinas muy buena ubicación, únicamente sería muy importante que les den buen informe al cliente , porque llegan y luego lo envían a la fila sin saber el guardia que gestión hará , y es por eso que hay inconformidad a veces y pleitos por la mala información, creo que el Infonavit debería capacitar al guardia y que creo que su función no es esa de el, es más bien del servidor público del Infonavit y deben estar en ese lugar, pero como siempre no quieren sentir el calor están dentro de su oficina y eso no es justo al usuario o cliente de Infonavit, ojalá esto lo vea el director del Infonavit o delegado de Mérida, Yucatán y tengan más cuidado en esa, forma de servir al cliente.
The new offices are very well located, it would only be very important that they give the client a good report, because they arrive and then send them to the queue without the guard knowing what management will do, and that is why there is sometimes disagreement and lawsuits for the bad information, I believe that Infonavit should train the guard and that I believe that his function is not that of him, it is rather the public servant of Infonavit and they should be in that place, but as always they do not want to feel the heat they are inside their office And that is not fair to the user or client of Infonavit, hopefully this is seen by the director of Infonavit or delegate of Mérida, Yucatán and they take more care in that way of serving the client.
Jose escalante on Google

tipico de ofinas de gobierno, desorganizacion, tardanza, lentitud, etc abren a las 8.30 pero la gentea llega desde las 6 am a hacer cola, les recomiendo hacer cita via telefonica o por intenert asi se ahorraran muchos disgustos, piden copia del ine para algunos tramites. les recomiendo que la lleven desde antes ya que no hay copiadoras cercanas, creonla mas cercana esta a 4 esquinas segun omentarios de la gente, es para pasar toda la mañana vayan preparados, la verdad la atencion del personal es agradable hacen lo que pueden, es la unica oficina de infonavit en toda la ciudad, esta a una esquina de la antigua SPV
typical of government offices, disorganization, delay, slowness, etc. they open at 8:30 but people arrive at 6 am to queue, I recommend making an appointment by phone or the internet so you will save a lot of trouble, ask for a copy of the ine for some formalities. I recommend that you take it beforehand since there are no copiers nearby, believe it is the closest one to 4 corners according to people's comments, it is to spend the whole morning be prepared, the truth is that the attention of the staff is pleasant they do what they can, it is the only infonavit office in the entire city, is on a corner of the old SPV
Gerardo Peña on Google

El personal de seguridad muy amable y eficiente, el personal interior no tiene tacto con los clientes, te hacen esperar para ir a comprar o hacer sus pendientes mientras esperas ser atendido, pase más de 20 minutos siendo el único en el área.
The security staff very friendly and efficient, the interior staff has no tact with customers, they make you wait to go shopping or do your earrings while you wait to be served, spend more than 20 minutes being the only one in the area.
Kochi Say on Google

Si llevas cita el servicio es excepcional para una oficina de gobierno. Si, no llevas cita te recomiendo llevar 2 horas antes o ir armado de paciencia. Mucho de lo que puedes preguntar te recomiendo mejor el uso de Infonatel para que averigües antes a que ir solo si es necesario.
If you have an appointment, the service is exceptional for a government office. Yes, you do not have an appointment, I recommend you arrive 2 hours before or go armed with patience. Much of what you can ask, I recommend the use of Infonatel so that you find out beforehand what to go alone if necessary.
Obama Jackson on Google

En la entrada solo hay una persona para el acceso y no puede con la cantidad de gente en espera, tratando de resolver en la puerta los problemas de la gente llevándole demasiado tiempo por persona. Requieren más personas que ayuden a agilizar el acceso porque facilita filtrar a la gente que puede acceder o no. MÁS DE UNA HORA ESPERANDO, con un calor endemoniado.
At the entrance there is only one person for access and he cannot cope with the number of people waiting, trying to solve people's problems at the door, taking too much time per person. They require more people to help speed up access because it makes it easier to filter people who can or cannot access. MORE THAN AN HOUR WAITING, with a devilish heat.
Roberto Cano Flores on Google

Te hacen esperar, no te dan información hasta que te toca pasar, y ya que llegó tu turno te dicen le falta una copia , te faltan estos papeles, cuando los traiga le atendemos. La persona que supuestamente te da información, te ignora porque dice que hay mucha gente.... pésimo servicio , normal en una institución de gobierno
They make you wait, they don't give you information until it's your turn, and once it's your turn, they tell you he's missing a copy, you're missing these papers, when he brings them we'll take care of him. The person who supposedly gives you information ignores you because he says that there are many people... lousy service, normal in a government institution
gerardo morales garcia on Google

Brad Guthrie on Google

This place is typical for Merida. They build this place here WITHOUT any consideration for Where are all the people going to PARK? Their waiting room is outside in the sun. All of Merida has had NO PLANNING. That's just the start of the way Merida has grown the past 150 years. It[s just plain ignorance. That abounds here in Merida. Everything in Merida operates like their mail, maps, gps . . . . . Merida is 3rd world.

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