Operadora Paraíso Huatulco - 70989 Bahías de Huatulco

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About Operadora Paraíso Huatulco

Sabores ancestrales

Si algo tiene Huatulco es su impresionante historia que se remonta hasta los tiempos del trueque y la conquista de México. Conoceremos y disfrutaremos un poco de nuestras raíces a través de la visita de 3 de los principales pueblos de la región, caracterizado por los cambios de temperatura a poca distancia, desde un clima totalmente caluroso, hasta las nubladas vistas de los altos del destino.

Disfrutaremos de la cultura local visitando primeramente el desarrollo del gran destino turístico de Bahías de Huatulco, donde visualizaremos el espectacular mirador de Santa Cruz, obteniendo una vista amplia y preciosa de la bahía principal y la playa protagonista del lugar.

Posteriormente partiremos hacia el pueblo llamado Santa María Huatulco, este lugar que se encuentra escondido y forma parte importante en el destino ya que es la cabecera municipal, visitaremos sus lugares más emblemáticos como: la iglesia, el mercado antiguo, la plaza, el Palacio Municipal y las calles principales de la comunidad para conocer un poco de la tradición que ahí se vive cada día.

El tercer pueblo a visitar es Pluma Hidalgo, en el trayecto iremos observado la característica que predomina en este tour: los cambios de temperatura y vegetación debido a la altura de 1328 mts.; sobre el nivel del mar que se alcanza al ir subiendo hacia la Sierra Madre del Sur. Una vez ya en este pueblito pintoresco visitaremos sus principales atractivos como: su iglesia y sus calles antiguas. Continuaremos con la visita a una finca cafetalera donde realizaremos una degustación de café mientras escuchamos el proceso de elaboración y algunas curiosidades. Realizaremos una caminata donde calmadamente se nos explica la planta de café y la variedad de café, así como información relevante sobre la siembra y cosecha del café.

Contact Operadora Paraíso Huatulco

Address :

Dárcena Mz. 20, Lote 8 y 9 Santa Cruz, Sector A Bahía de Santa Cruz Huatulco, 70989 Bahías de Huatulco, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +988
Website : http://www.paraisohuatulco.com/
Categories :
City : Oax.

Dárcena Mz. 20, Lote 8 y 9 Santa Cruz, Sector A Bahía de Santa Cruz Huatulco, 70989 Bahías de Huatulco, Oax., Mexico
Julian Nunez on Google

Hicimos el tour privado de las 7 bahías + liberación de tortugas y bioluminescencia. Para el de las bahías debes iniciar muy temprano para que puedas ver el máximo. En general su personal muy cordial, amable y servicial.
We did the private tour of the 7 bays + release of turtles and bioluminescence. For the bays you must start very early so you can see the maximum. In general its very cordial, friendly and helpful staff.

La contratación de mi tour fue mediante despegar, pero la operadora fue “Paraíso Huatulco”. El tour contratado fue el de “Liberación de Tortugas y Bioluminicencia”, del cual puedo especificar lo siguiente: -La primera parada (Opcional) es en una supuesta fábrica de café orgánico, que realmente es una tienda de chocolate y café donde te dan una mínima explicación y degustación. -La segunda parada es hasta una playa a mar abierto donde se ubica personal de “Vive Mar” que son los que te explican y donde te “reparten” tortugas ya nacidas para que des unos cuantos pasos con ellas para después dejar que las tortugas sigan su camino. Cabe resaltar que esta playa esta después de Puerto escondido a casi 6 horas de ida y vuelta de Huatulco. Debido a las distancias el operador de Nombre Alejandro manejo a exceso de velocidad, haciendo rebases EN CURVAS en carril de un solo sentido, brincándose topes y parándose en una carretera federal a una alta hora de la noche para hacer del baño y después para hacer sus compras en un OXXO. También es importante decir que después un guía de otra empresa me explico que en playa “Escobilla” ahí si hay una verdadera liberación de tortugas y que dicha playa queda a mitad de camino que a donde te lleva “Paraíso Huatulco”. -Para la Bioluminiscencia; Ni en Despegar, ni mediante la página oficial de “Paraíso Huatulco” ni tampoco en el Escritorio de esta operadora ubicado en el Hotel donde me Hospede (Las Brisas Huatulco), me explicaron que para apreciar este fenómeno NO debe de haber ningún tipo de luz de la luna (Luna Nueva), entonces como no se distingue, lo que hacen “los lancheros” en el lago del manglar es poner unas “casas” tipo de campaña para que en ese espacio haya completa obscuridad, pero para poder observar el fenómeno TIENES QUE METERTE AL LAGO Y NADAR HACIA DENTRO DE LAS “CASAS” cosa que no hice ya que todas las personas que asistieron se quitaron los cubrebocas para poder nadar, había de 30 a 50 personas sin cubre bocas ya que una sola "casa" es para 03 o 04 lanchas al mismo tiempo. No se aplicaron medidas de sanitización en las lanchas ni en los chalecos salva vidas. -La ultima parada es para cenar en un restaurante donde hay un previo acuerdo con la operadora P. H., el cual se encuentra en una de las playas de Puerto Escondido. No tengo nada en contra de los negocios con los que tienen convenio los de Paraíso Huatulco, y tampoco lo tuviera con esta operadora si dijeran las cosas tal cual son, pero no es justo que cobren por un servicio con engaños y sobre todo que no les interese poner en riesgo a sus clientes NO respetando las medidas de seguridad ante el COVID en TODO momento.
The hiring of my tour was by taking off, but the operator was "Paraíso Huatulco". The hired tour was the "Turtle Liberation and Biolumination" tour, of which I can specify the following: - The first stop (Optional) is at a supposed organic coffee factory, which is really a chocolate and coffee shop where they give you a minimal explanation and tasting. - The second stop is to an open sea beach where "Vive Mar" staff are located, who are the ones who explain to you and where they "distribute" to you already hatched turtles so that you can take a few steps with them and then let the turtles continue their way. It should be noted that this beach is after Puerto Escondido, almost 6 hours round trip from Huatulco. Due to the distances the operator of Nombre Alejandro drove at excess speed, passing CURVES in a one-way lane, jumping bumps and stopping on a federal highway at a late hour at night to go to the bathroom and then to do his shopping at an OXXO. It is also important to say that later a guide from another company explained to me that in “Escobilla” beach there is a real release of turtles and that said beach is halfway to where “Paraíso Huatulco” takes you. - For Bioluminescence; Neither in Despegar, nor through the official page of “Paraíso Huatulco” nor in the Desk of this operator located in the Hotel where I am staying (Las Brisas Huatulco), they explained to me that to appreciate this phenomenon there should NOT be any type of light of the moon (New Moon), then since it is not distinguished, what "the boatmen" do in the mangrove lake is to put some "houses" type of campaign so that in that space there is complete darkness, but to be able to observe the phenomenon YOU HAVE TO GO INTO THE LAKE AND SWIM INTO THE "HOUSES" which I did not do since all the people who attended took off their masks to be able to swim, there were 30 to 50 people without mouth covers since only one "house" is for 03 or 04 boats at the same time. No sanitation measures were applied to the boats or life-saving vests. - The last stop is to have dinner at a restaurant where there is a prior agreement with the operator P. H., which is located on one of the beaches of Puerto Escondido. I have nothing against the businesses with which those of Paraíso Huatulco have an agreement, and neither would I have it with this operator if they said things as they are, but it is not fair that they charge for a service with deception and above all that they do not It is in your interest to put your clients at risk by NOT respecting the security measures against COVID at ALL times.
Francisco Javier Lermo Peña on Google

Se contrató el servicio de traslado de hotel al aeropuerto y nos dejaron plantados. Pasaron por nosotros en otra hora y nunca nos notificaron del cambio y lo peor es que la señorita que nos atendió dijo que era nuestra culpa por no estar al pendientes de que llegaría el transporte antes, cuando nunca nos avisaron del cambio. Al final ni una disculpa nos dieron. TERRIBLE.
The transfer service from the hotel to the airport was hired and they left us standing there. They passed by us in another hour and they never notified us of the change and the worst thing is that the lady who attended us said that it was our fault for not being aware that the transport would arrive earlier, when they never notified us of the change. In the end they didn't even give us an apology. TERRIBLE.
Rosario Valeriano on Google

Tomé el Tour de Cascadas con otras personas más, nuestro guía fue José. Quién estuvo acompañándonos y explicándonos el recorrido, una excelente persona. La comida muy rica y las personas de la comunidad muy hospitalarias.
I took the Waterfall Tour with other people, our guide was José. Who was accompanying us and explaining the tour, an excellent person. The food is very delicious and the people of the community are very hospitable.
John Drake on Google

Given that my wife very nearly died while on this tour, I don't recommend it. It is dangerous. The machines are poorly maintained and the instruction is lacking. If you do have the misfortune of having an accident - beware - the company will attempt to legally bar you from leaving the country and extort a cash payment. Do not trust this company.
Sara Tomay on Google

Can't say enough great things about this company! Their tours are great, they went above and beyond for us! Walter was our guide for the Waterfall tour. He was very knowledgeable, great at navigating the mountain roads, and beyond nice. I forgot my wallet in the van, and Walter and his boss made sure I got it back! Honest, ethical and trustworthy!!! This kind of customer service will keep them in business for a long time to come! Thank you Walter and team!!!
Jimena García on Google

I booked a transport service from Huatulco airport by Booking.com that was a nightmare from the beginning. The driver was late, he told us that the ride would be 90 minutes (when the reservation marked 60 and just told us that was the normal time), when leaving us at the hotel he left us at the wrong entrance (there was a car access and he would drop us at the street where we had to got up a lot of stairs with our 4 big luggage). As soon as I was in the room I noticed that I left my cell phone in the cab. I called the driver and the agency and they just told me to call back 90 minutes after the driver got back (they couldn't even call me back to my hotel). When calling back they told me that they had the cell phone but wouldn't be able to handle it before my flight back (5 days later!), they told me that they didn't have plans to come back to my town. The day before leaving to the airport I called them back and they just told me that they couldn't handle my phone to the airport that I should come to their agency to pick it up. The woman on the phone was rude and didn't offer to many options for that, TERRIBLE customer service.
Japheth Wood on Google

We had a wonderful tour of the bays with the Diosa del Mar boat and crew. Nicely done! Our tour guide, Guillermo, explained each highlight in both Spanish and English, which made for a fascinating day of adventure. The tour starts with photos at the front of the boat, that you can buy later during the trip, and gratis bottles of cold water and sodas to keep everyone hydrated. The first stop of was at Chachacual beach. There you can rent a beach umbrella and buy refreshments from a family that services the beach. If you rented snorkel equipment, or brought your own, it's time to explore the coral. We saw thousands of tropical fish swimming among the multi-colored corals. One crew member brought up exotic species with each dive: a sea cucumber, a purple sponge, a sea anemone, a sea spider (some sort of starfish) and more. The crew is knowledgeable, and concerned both for passengers' safety and education about Huatulco. Bring sunscreen, and apply it frequently! Back on the boat, and off to Bahía Maguey for a seafood dinner (not included) at any of several restaurants out on the beach. The restaurants are a bit pricey, so I recommend sticking to the basic dishes. It's still extremely sunny, so worth enjoying a slow meal in the shade of the thatched roof until the tour continues. Be ready for a non-ending stream of street vendors offering everything from folkloric crafts and desserts, to a photo with an iguana. Cash is king here. The restaurants accept credit cards (but Discover has yet to be discovered here), everyone else accepts cash. Now back to port. If you're lucky, you'll see some sea turtles or even a whale, but no guarantees. Back at port, remember to top the crew, and then find your transport back to the hotel. The bathrooms at the port are clean and well maintained. You can also use the toilet on the boat, but best to reserve this for emergencies.

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