Oriental Chef - 25230 Saltillo

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Oriental Chef

Address :

Irlanda 4007, Virreyes Residencial, 25230 Saltillo, Coah., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Website : https://orientalchefsaltillo.negocio.site/
Categories :
City : Coah.

Irlanda 4007, Virreyes Residencial, 25230 Saltillo, Coah., Mexico
Dali Arellano García on Google

Desde hace unos 5 años este era mi restaurante de sushi preferido, y lo recomendaba a todos. Sin embargo, el trato que recibimos mis amigos y yo este domingo (08/05/22) deja mucho que desear. Nos tomaron la orden de comida y bebida al mismo tiempo, y las bebidas tardaron UNA HORA. Cuando al fin nos las llevaron, no eran más que agua con azúcar, los sabores no se distinguían. Pero bueno, las bebimos porque teníamos calor y hambre. Supusimos la comida no tardaría en llegar. Qué equivocados estábamos. Pasó otra media hora, llegaron dos mesas que fueron atendidas, comieron, se fueron y nuestra comida bien gracias. Ni siquiera nos fueron a comentar que había problemas de personal en la cocina, que ya no tardaba la comida o que si podían ir llevando lo que saliera (pedimos todo para compartir), o ya siquiera llevarnos platos para el pastel que pensábamos cortar al finalizar. El colmo fue al ir a pagar las bebidas, le comentamos al mesero que ya no queríamos nada y sólo dijo "sí, está bien" muy apenas volteando a vernos para ignorarnos de nuevo. Nos hizo la cuenta de las bebidas y quiso cobrarnos la propina sin decirnos, lo cual notamos y pedimos el desglose inmediatamente. El chico ni siquiera nos pidió una disculpa. No vuelvo a ir ni a recomendar este lugar.
For about 5 years this was my favorite sushi restaurant, and I recommended it to everyone. However, the treatment my friends and I received this Sunday (05/08/22) leaves a lot to be desired. They took our food and drink order at the same time, and the drinks took ONE HOUR. When they finally brought them to us, they were nothing more than sugar water, the flavors were indistinguishable. But hey, we drank them because we were hot and hungry. We assumed the food would not be long in coming. How wrong we were. Another half hour passed, two tables arrived and were served, ate, left and our food was fine thank you. They didn't even tell us that there were personnel problems in the kitchen, that the food didn't take long, or that they could bring whatever came out (we ordered everything to share), or even bring us plates for the cake that we planned to cut at the end. . The final straw was when we went to pay for the drinks, we told the waiter that we no longer wanted anything and he only said "yes, that's fine" very barely turning to see us to ignore us again. He did the drinks bill for us and wanted to charge us the tip without telling us, which we noticed and asked for the breakdown immediately. The guy didn't even ask us for an apology. I will not go back or recommend this place.
Diego Morlett on Google

Justo el dia de hoy 17/05/2022 el servicio fue malo, hace tiempo era un excelente lugar en el cual nos gustaba acudir pero de un tiempo a la fecha ha venido mermando su capacidad de atencion al cliente, tiempo de entrega y calidad en alimentos y bebidas, Llegamos aproximadamente 3:40 pm, a las 3:45 pm hicimos nuestro pedido una seafood box y una limonada verde y 1 limonada rosa, llegaron las bebidas pero la comida no llegaba, al pasar media hora (4:15 pm) le comente a la mesera (que tambien cobra en caja) que que ocurria porque tardaban tanto y se escudo en que ya casi salia, a las 4:30 pm vemos otro mesero y le comentamos de la situacion a lo cual nos contesta que como tienen mas pedidos por telefono y aplicacion pues se tardan las ordenes, ya pasada una hora (4:45 pm) acudimos a caja a decirle que nos cobrara las bebidas y que no queriamos ya el alimento, a lo cual se siguen escudando en que los alimentos son preparados al momento, que se le da prioridad a la llamada, que le tiempo de espera asi es; se los creeria si el restaurante estuviera lleno pero solo estabamos 2 PERSONAS, intento pagar las bebidas a lo cual me responden a regañadientes que es de cortesia haciendo mil disculpas y ademanes al respecto, Que mal que haya decaido el servicio en este lugar, y periferico sur ni se diga no vayan a servicio a este lugar,
Just today 05/17/2022 the service was bad, some time ago it was an excellent place where we liked to go but for some time now it has been reducing its customer service capacity, delivery time and quality in food and drinks, We arrived at approximately 3:40 pm, at 3:45 pm we placed our order for a seafood box and a green lemonade and 1 pink lemonade, the drinks arrived but the food did not arrive, after half an hour (4:15 pm) I told the waitress (who also charges at the till) asked what was happening because it took so long and she knew that she was almost out, at 4:30 pm we saw another waiter and we told him about the situation, to which he replied that since they have more orders for phone and application because the orders take time, after an hour (4:45 pm) we went to the cashier to tell him that he would charge us for the drinks and that we no longer wanted the food, to which they continue to hide behind the fact that the food is prepared at moment, that priority is given to the call, that the waiting time is like that; I would believe them if the restaurant was full but we were only 2 PEOPLE, I try to pay for the drinks to which they reluctantly reply that it is courtesy making a thousand apologies and gestures about it, It's too bad that the service in this place has declined, and in the southern periphery, don't even say, don't go to this place for service,
Rebeca Sarai Cazares Herrera on Google

La salsa de soya demasiado rebajada con agua, se supone que es la que le da la mitad del sabor a los rollos , me la cambiaron pero mejoró un 50% el “Lic en gastronomía “ no supervisa que lo que se lleve a la mesa sea correcto ya que su título le dice que es lo correcto aún que el comensal le diga que sabe a agua ? .. corte en rollos incorrectos.. no lavan bien los vasos aún con etiquetas ??‍♀️
The soy sauce too reduced with water, it is supposed to be the one that gives half the flavor to the rolls, they changed it but it improved by 50% the "Lic in gastronomy" does not supervise that what is brought to the table is correct since its title tells you that it is the correct thing even if the diner tells you that it tastes like water ? .. cut into wrong rolls .. they do not wash the glasses well even with labels ??‍♀️
Rosy Puente on Google

Super ricooo
soomin수민 on Google

Excellent food
Seong Hwan Jang on Google

Very good
Dex Alcantar on Google

Delicious sushi, good prices, perfect place to eat and drink with friends
darshna mishra on Google

Good food and good dining ambience. My friends ordered sushi, prawns and some other non veg dishes and they really liked it. In veg, we ordered Vegetable fried Rice and vegetable noodles but no one could actually enjoy it, it was all sweet and no spices.. they literally struggled eating it. So good for non veg dishses but not a good choice for veg.

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