Ortoclínica - Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez - 26000 Piedras Negras

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Contact Ortoclínica - Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez

Address :

Padre de Las Casas 305, Zona Centro, 26000 Piedras Negras, Coah., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +878788
Website : https://www.ortoclinicamx.com/
Categories :
City : Coah.

Padre de Las Casas 305, Zona Centro, 26000 Piedras Negras, Coah., Mexico
Alan Alvarez on Google

Excelente atención, especialistas de primera y actualizados !
Excellent attention, first class specialists and updated!
Benito Ramirez on Google

Si buscan alguien con experiencia y realmente especialista, les recomiendo altamente al Dr. Raul Gutierrez de Ortoclínica.
If you are looking for someone with experience and really a specialist, I highly recommend Dr. Raul Gutierrez de Ortoclínica.
Annalorena Harper on Google

Excelente trato, especialistas en ortodoncia muy bien preparados y actualizados, 100% recomendado
Excellent treatment, orthodontic specialists very well prepared and updated, 100% recommended
Julio abinadab De Dios camarillo on Google

Muy recomendable el Dr Raul G. Actualizado y honesto!!
Highly recommended Dr Raul G. Updated and honest !!
Yaya Fuentes on Google

Para este doctor, uno es cliente, no paciente. El ortodoncista Raul (hijo) me hizo perder 17 meses y alrededor de $1700 dólares de tratamiento que pude haber invertido en un buen doctor. Ahora, luego de diferentes diagnósticos yo confirmo que aún hay muchos problemas que arreglar con mi mordida, problemas que este doctor nunca me mencionó, y los que mencionó ni siquiera arregló. En los 3 meses que llevo con un nuevo doctor en TX mi caso ha avanzado más que en los 17 meses que estuve en este consultorio. 1.No se confíen de un doctor muy motivado en vender productos, recuerden que SON PACIENTES, NO CLIENTES. Desde el principio el doctor se veía más interesado en venderme brackets de autoligado ($1000 dólares) que los tradicionales ($500 dólares) asegurándome que eran mejores y que estos permitirían movimientos más precisos sin tanta fricción, y así menos tiempo. Nada de esto fue real. Dure 17 meses y mis dientes nunca lograron estar completamente alineados ni nivelados. 2. Con brackets de autoligado él decía que no era necesario ir cada mes, que la activación dura 2 meses y por eso cobra 2 mensualidades la visita. Sin embargo, cuando me cambió a citas mensuales (el pago y activación era por mes) pero me llamaba y cancelaba ese mes dándome cita hasta el siguiente, el pretendía cobrarme los 2 meses, diciendo que el bracket seguía funcionando aunque yo no viera los cambios y la activación fuera originalmente por 1 mes. 3. Durante la pandemia me canceló 3 citas diciendo que era necesario para prevenir el COVID. Sin embargo, después me entere que él si estaba atendiendo y dando citas para nuevos. Después de un tiempo y de hablar muchas veces y ser negada mi cita, hablé con otro número y lo primero que se me preguntó fue si era paciente o nueva, y al decir nueva, se me dijo que si estaban agendando y atendiendo. En sí, él estaba siendo negligente con mi tratamiento y el de sus pacientes, pero dispuesto a exponerse al virus por asegurar nuevos pacientes y con ellos el enganche. Siempre se me dijo mentiras, y tuve que llegar a hacer una cita con otro nombre para ser atendida. Aun en ese momento después de ver a más de 5 pacientes entrar y salir del consultorio y de tener pruebas de que a mí se me dijo que NO ESTABA VIENDO PACIENTES NI ATENDIENDO, el doctor negó todo, me dio excusas absurdas, y me acusó de mentir, poniéndose muy a la defensiva y alzando la voz en frente de otra paciente. Sin nada de profesionalismo ni respeto. 4. Después de 17 meses de tratamiento, mi mordida necesitaba aún mucho trabajo. Yo le decía de cada movimiento de mis dientes que se me hacía raro o que me causaba un dolor inusual y él siempre decía que luego se arreglaba, que era parte de. Ciertos problemas que le mencionaba no los arreglaba al momento, pero los sacaba después él mismo diciendo que se tenían que arreglar, agregando más tiempo a mi tratamiento. Nunca era coherente con lo que decía, era realmente como hablar con 2 personas diferentes. Nunca se acuerda de lo que dice y siempre le echa la culpa al paciente. Tuve un dolor en particular del cual siempre le preguntaba y me decía que era normal pero yo sentía que era por como estaba colocado el bracket. En estos 3 meses con un nuevo doctor y después de cambiar los brackets y posición, ese dolor es casi inexistente. Ir a México por ahorrar dinero termina siendo más caro y sin garantía. Este doctor siendo ejemplo perfecto, no les va a responder cuando les haga un mal trabajo o estén insatisfechos. En mi caso como ejemplo, mucho tiempo y dinero perdido. Lo más importante es buscar un doctor que respete. Que respete su trabajo, su práctica, y sus pacientes. Los doctores estudian y juran hacer lo mejor para los pacientes pero muchas veces les gana el amor al dinero como a este ortodoncista. Es peligroso atenderse con un doctor que ve negocio hasta en una crisis como la pandemia. Ni en estos momentos él se limitó de mentir y aprovecharse. No se puede confiar ni cambiar a un doctor que duerme tranquilo mientras te quita el dinero y juega con los tratamientos de la gente que confía en él.
For this doctor, one is a client, not a patient. The orthodontist Raul (son) made me lose 17 months and about $ 1700 dollars of treatment that I could have invested in a good doctor. Now, after different diagnoses, I confirm that there are still many problems to fix with my bite, problems that this doctor never mentioned to me, and the ones he mentioned he didn't even fix. In the 3 months that I have been with a new doctor in TX, my case has advanced more than in the 17 months that I was in this office. Do not trust a doctor who is highly motivated to sell products, remember they ARE PATIENTS, NOT CUSTOMERS. From the beginning the doctor was more interested in selling me self-ligating braces ($ 1000) than the traditional ones ($ 500), assuring me that they were better and that they would allow more precise movements without so much friction, and thus less time. None of this was real. It lasted 17 months and my teeth were never fully aligned or level. 2. With self-ligating braces he said that it was not necessary to go every month, that the activation lasts 2 months and that is why he charges 2 monthly payments for the visit. However, when he switched me to monthly appointments (payment and activation was per month) but he called me and canceled that month giving me an appointment until the next, he pretended to charge me for the 2 months, saying that the bracket continued to work even though I did not see the changes and the activation was originally for 1 month. 3. During the pandemic I canceled 3 appointments saying it was necessary to prevent COVID. However, later I found out that he was attending and making appointments for new ones. After a while and talking many times and being denied my appointment, I spoke with another number and the first thing they asked me was if I was a patient or new, and when I said new, I was told if they were scheduling and attending. In himself, he was being negligent with my treatment and that of his patients, but willing to expose himself to the virus to secure new patients and with them the hitch. I was always told lies, and I had to make an appointment with another name to be seen. Even at that time, after seeing more than 5 patients enter and leave the office and having proof that I was told that I WAS NOT SEEING PATIENTS OR CARING FOR, the doctor denied everything, gave me absurd excuses, and accused me of lying, becoming very defensive and raising his voice in front of another patient. Without any professionalism or respect. 4. After 17 months of treatment, my bite still needed a lot of work. I would tell him about each movement of my teeth that it made me strange or that it caused me unusual pain and he always said that later it would be fixed, that it was part of. He did not fix certain problems that I mentioned to him at the time, but he brought them up later himself saying that they had to be fixed, adding more time to my treatment. It was never consistent with what he was saying, it was really like talking to 2 different people. He never remembers what he says and always blames the patient. I had a particular pain that I always asked him about and he told me that it was normal but I felt it was because of how the bracket was placed. In these 3 months with a new doctor and after changing the braces and position, that pain is almost non-existent. Going to Mexico to save money ends up being more expensive and without guarantee. This doctor, being a perfect example, is not going to respond to them when he does a bad job or they are dissatisfied. In my case as an example, a lot of time and money wasted. The most important thing is to find a doctor that you respect. Respect their work, their practice, and their patients. Doctors study and swear to do what is best for patients but many times the love of money wins them like this orthodontist. It is dangerous to see a doctor who sees business even in a crisis like the pandemic. Not at this time did he limit himself to lying and taking advantage. You cannot trust or change a doctor who sleeps soundly while he takes your money and plays with the treatments of the people who trust him.
Luisa Beck on Google

Great doctor! I have been going to Dr Gutierrez since April 2016. I am in my 30s and my treatment includes self-ligating braces and TADs. Already my teeth have improved tremendously. Dr Gutierrez is always professional and gentle. What I appreciate most is that he keeps learning new things and applying what he learns with his patients. I have much respect for him and trust. I highly recommend him to anyone interested in getting braces. Also, he speaks excellent English and accepts US currency.
Samuel Peralez on Google

I just finished treatment with Dr. Gutierrez. My teeth look great. They progressed just as Dr. Gutierrez said they would. I trusted him throughout treatment and he never disappointed. I enjoyed my visits with him as he is a good doctor who genuinely cares about his patients. And he is very conscientious about COVID and takes all the necessary precautions. Really good experience with his clinic. And for anyone worried about traveling into Piedras, I can say I never once had a problem. On Saturdays, don't be surprised if you meet people from Houston or Dallas in his waiting room. People drive several hours to see him.
Lopez Ramirez Sebastian on Google

I’ve been attending to Dr. Raúl’s dental office for a while, and I can say they are very professional doing their job, they have wonderful prices for people who don’t want to pay expensive and pricy dental consulting in USA ??, and they have kind staff that will help you to have a wonderful smile ?.

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