Our Lady of Guadalupe - 65500 Salinas Victoria

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Contact Our Lady of Guadalupe

Address :

Idelfonso Vázquez 212, Centro de Salinas Victoria, 65500 Salinas Victoria, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8877
Categories :
City : N.L.

Idelfonso Vázquez 212, Centro de Salinas Victoria, 65500 Salinas Victoria, N.L., Mexico
Isabel Luna on Google

Fany Selene on Google

Jorge Alvarado on Google

Me encanta esta iglesia
I love this church
griselda munos on Google

padre juan jose un cordial saludo y de antemano una disculpa por mi mala ortografia mi comentario es este. yo tengo 10 años aproximadamente llendo a la capilla de huertas de san mario y creo que los integrantes del coro no se les da para nada el canto es de reconoserseles su constansia su servico y el compromiso tan grande que tienen y sinceramente es de agradeserseles y reconoserselos pero a lo largo de estos años he visto pasar mucha gente x ese coro x ejemplo hubo hace algunos años un señor que cantaba muy bonito y tocaba muuy bien la guitarra nada que var con la chica que la toca que x cierto nunca la afina .a este señor nunca lo dejaron sobresalir y sin embargo se oia mucho mejor con el señor pero todos a si como yegan se van lo digo x que yo pase x ese coro y no tube muy buena experiencia ahi . yo creo que la capilla no es esclusiva de nadie y ahy gente que quiere servir pero las que estan ahi no se prestan para resivir a algien mas. y en cuanto al coro es triste frustante, y a veses hasta desalentador x que yo creo que es muy importante que al oir un canto nos llegue al corazon, nos conmueva o motive a las cosas de Dios y en ves de eso al oirlos x lo menos a mi me pasa que me distrae x que ya sea entran depues o desafinan etc . y pienso como puede ser que canten tan mal esque realmente son muy malos nunca e oido un coro tan malo realmente distraen muuucho perdon por mi falta de caridad para con ellos pero ya es mucho tiempo asi . una sugerencia que quisiera exponerle muy humildemente es que se haga una convocatoria para hacer un coro alterno y muy independiente del coro del domingo para la misa de los sabados para que tengamos otra opsion y que la gente que quiera integrarse realmente cante bien por lo menos entonadas. yo creo que si hay gente que quiera {por que si los domingos estan mal ya se imaginara el sabado . la señora , pati canta sola y a capela} x ejemplo el sabado pasado paso de que una señora estaba cantando muy alegre y aplaudia y todo eso cambio el ambiente la gente empezo a animarse y yo creo que eso tambien se nesesita en esta capilla alegria no gente con cara seria que solo tiene sonrisa para el sacerdote o el que le toca celebrar en ese momento o la personas que si les caen bien otra obc ervacion que he hecho es que hay un señor que antes de que empieza la misa hace un como una pequeña predica creo que asi se dice y yo siento que no lo quieren algunas de las personas que sirven en la capilla y se me hizo una groseria de parte del los del coro que una vez ensayaran cantando bien fuerte para que el señor se callara y los del coro casi burlandose mas a proposito lo hacian x que se estaban dando cuenta que el señor ya estaba molesto como feligreses nos dimos cuenta y este es uno de los tantos cosas que e visto. bueno otra sugerencia seria si me lo permite es poner una urna para que la gente ponga sus quejas o sugerencias por que no todos tenemos acceso a estos medios o no queremos decirlo abiertamente y asi usted darse cuenta de como estan las cosas y hacer algo al respecto. es todo por el momento y espero que lo tome en cuenta gracias.
Father Juan Jose, a cordial greeting and in advance an apology for my bad spelling, my comment is this. I have been going to the chapel of orchards of San Mario for approximately 10 years and I believe that the members of the choir are not given anything at all for the song is to acknowledge their constancy their service and the commitment so great that they have and sincerely is to thank them and to recognize but throughout these years I have seen many people passing by that choir x example there were some years ago a man who sang very beautifully and played the guitar very well nothing that varies with the girl who plays it that true x never refines it. this man never let him excel and yet he heard much better with the man but all of them as they go they say it x that I passed x that choir and did not have a very good experience there. I believe that the chapel is not exclusive to anyone and there are people who want to serve but those who are there do not lend themselves to live with anyone else. and as for the choir it is sad frustrating, you see until discouraging x that I think it is very important that when hearing a song it reaches our hearts, it moves us or motivates the things of God and instead of that when hearing them x at least It happens to me that it distracts me because they either enter or de-enter etc. and I think how it can be that they sing so badly, they really are very bad, and I have never heard such a bad chorus really distract a lot of forgiveness for my lack of charity towards them but it is already a long time. One suggestion that I would like to expose very humbly is that a call be made to make an alternate choir and very independent of the Sunday choir for Saturday Mass so that we have another opsion and that people who want to integrate really sing well at least intoned . I think that if there are people who want {because if Sundays are bad, you will imagine Saturday . the lady, pati sings alone and cappelles} x example the last saturday step that a lady was singing very cheerful and applauds and all that changed the environment people began to cheer up and I think that this is also needed in this chapel joy not people with a serious face that only has a smile for the priest or the one who has to celebrate at that time or people who do not like another obc What I have done is that there is a man who, before the Mass begins, makes a little preach, I think it is said and I feel that some of the people who serve in the chapel do not want it and I was rude part of those of the choir that once rehearsed singing loudly so that the lord would shut up and those of the choir almost mocking more on purpose they were doing it x that they were realizing that the lord was already upset as parishioners we realized and this is one Of the many things I have seen. Well, another serious suggestion if you allow me is to put an urn so that people put their complaints or suggestions because we do not all have access to these means or do not want to say it openly and so you realize how things are and do something about it . It's all for now and I hope you take that into account. Thank you.
José luis Angeles on Google

Es una parroquia católica, solo acudo los domingos a misa de 9. Un lugar muy bonito. Y el padre una excelente persona
It is a Catholic parish, I only go to Mass on Sundays at 9. A very beautiful place. And the father an excellent person
Mary Cruz on Google

Tienen un gran Párroco Nuestro muy querido Padre Ariel, lo extraña su Comunidad
They have a great priest Our very dear Father Ariel, his Community misses him
Lupita Flores on Google

Me encantó la iglesia
I loved the church
Mauro “Pakito” Villegas on Google

Muy bonita Parroquia, tiene misa de Lun a Vie a las 7:00pm, y Domingo a las 12:30pm. Rosario a las 12:00pm en Domingo Hora Santa los jueves a las 7:30pm
Very beautiful Parish, it has mass from Monday to Friday at 7:00 pm, and Sunday at 12:30 pm. Rosario at 12:00 pm on Sunday Holy Hour on Thursdays at 7:30 pm

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