Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption - 59750 Tangancícuaro de Arista

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption

Address :

Juan Aldana, El Molinito, 59750 Tangancícuaro de Arista, Mich., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : Mich.

Juan Aldana, El Molinito, 59750 Tangancícuaro de Arista, Mich., Mexico
Marco Vinicio de Jesus Anguiano Muro on Google

Excelente lugar de culto católico, la parroquia cuenta con una historia sorprendente que te recomiendo investigar. Los mejores días para visitar son a mediados de marzo, principalmente el día 19, ya que es la fiesta de uno de sus santos patronos, San José.
Excellent place of Catholic worship, the parish has a surprising history that I recommend you investigate. The best days to visit are in mid-March, mainly on the 19th, as it is the feast of one of its patron saints, San José.
Juan Antonio Alderete Alonso on Google

Es una hermosa iglesia que aunque pasen los años siempre la conservan en perfectas condiciones u siempre hermosa
It is a beautiful church that, although the years go by, they always keep it in perfect condition and always beautiful.
Relhr Olt on Google

Muy bonitaaa. Tiene un diseño muy nuevo y está limpia.
Very pretty. It has a very new design and is clean.
Kt_Lili on Google

Hermoso Santuario Guadalupano Neogótico, tiene las torres más altas de México de 107,5 metros de altura. Es considerado Catedral y pertenece a la Diócesis de Zamora Michoacán. Una joya arquitectónica por dentro y por fuera, es un deleite para la vista. Dentro podrás apreciar sus hermosas columnas con Santos en cada una de ellas, grandes vitrales, un hermoso bautisterio, criptas, un imponente órgano. A un costado del altar mayor, en señal de respeto y recuerdo permanece un muro en el que fusilaban a los creyentes católicos que defendían nuestra fe durante la Guerra Cristera. También se destinó un lugar a los Mártires y Santos que murieron en tierra Michoacán en esta guerra. No te puedes retirar de él sin visitar la parte de atrás del altar, dónde estarás a los pies de la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Sin duda una experiencia maravillosa.
Beautiful Neo-Gothic Guadalupano Sanctuary, has the tallest towers in Mexico, 107.5 meters high. It is considered a Cathedral and belongs to the Diocese of Zamora Michoacán. An architectural jewel inside and out, is a delight for the eyes. Inside you can appreciate its beautiful columns with saints in each of them, large stained glass windows, a beautiful baptistery, crypts, an imposing organ. On one side of the main altar, as a sign of respect and remembrance, there remains a wall in which they shot the Catholic believers who defended our faith during the Cristero War. A place was also assigned to the Martyrs and Saints who died in Michoacan land in this war. You can not withdraw from it without visiting the back of the altar, where you will be at the foot of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Without a doubt a wonderful experience.
Federico Vargas Somoza on Google

La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción posee dos torres campanario y un reloj en la parte baja de una de ellas.Está construida en cantera rosa y corresponde al siglo XIX.
The Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption has two bell towers and a clock in the lower part of one of them. It is built in pink quarry and corresponds to the nineteenth century.
Fabian Kronenberger on Google

Ao conhecer o belo Lago de Camecuaro, não deixe de conhecer o cálido centro de Tangancicuaro, com a simpática praça e igreja. Aos domingos, fica uma gostosa efervescência, com muita comida e alegria.
When visiting the beautiful Lake of Camecuaro, be sure to visit the warm center of Tangancicuaro, with its friendly square and church. On Sundays, it is a delicious effervescence, with lots of food and joy.
Antonio De Jesus Garcia on Google

Catholic strong
hello everyone on Google

Beautiful place with beautiful people. Like paradise on earth.

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