Parroquia de San Patricio, TOR - TOR

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parroquia de San Patricio, TOR

Address :

77714 Q.R., Mexico

Postal code : 77714
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City : Q.R.

77714 Q.R., Mexico
enrique flores-zarrabal on Google

Una comunidad donde acogen a las parejas incompletas sacramentalmente ablando, es una iglesia de puertas abiertas, cuentan con un apostolado de acompañamiento a Divorciados en Nueva Unión, parejas en unión libre, y Divorciados Solos. Es sede de MISERERE Playa del Carmen.
A community where they welcome incomplete couples sacramentally speaking, is an open-door church, they have an apostolate of accompaniment to Divorced in New Union, couples in free union, and Divorced Alone. It is the headquarters of MISERERE Playa del Carmen.
Fernando Sapien on Google

Buena Iglesia aun falta para q la terminen
Good Church still needs to be finished
Beatriz Nones on Google

Bella y ventilada Iglesia en playa del Carmen pero lo mejor son sus sacerdotes, un amor, solidarios y sensibles
Beautiful and airy Church in Playa del Carmen but the best are its priests, a love, supportive and sensitive
Luis Omar Perez Argaez on Google

Los sacerdotes muy buenos en sus homilias,la gente muy apática y poco participativa.
The priests are very good in their homilies, the people very apathetic and not very participative.
Enlaces Del Caribe Maya on Google

Hemos hablado con el sacerdote y le enteramos que uno de los diáconos llamado Lázaro así como su familia son invasores de casas y además mentirosos que usan la iglesia para engañar, son impostores de la palabra de Dios, tienen invadidas varias casas y saben el daño que hacen pero ahí en la iglesia les perdonan sus canalladas, son hijos del diablo, demoníacos que usan la casa de Dios para delinquir y adorar a sus diablos
We have spoken with the priest and we found out that one of the deacons named Lázaro as well as his family are invaders of houses and also liars who use the church to deceive, they are impostors of the word of God, they have invaded several houses and they know the damage that they do but there in the church they forgive their scoundrels, they are children of the devil, demonic who use the house of God to commit crimes and worship their devils
Felipe de Jesús Orozco Cahuich on Google

Se respira la humildad y la hermandad, desde el Párroco Fray Genaro hasta sus servidores en los diversos apostolados. Dios los bendiga siempre.
Humility and brotherhood are breathed, from the parish priest Fray Genaro to his servants in the various apostolates. God bless you always.
Francisco Antonio Lopez (Cyberwolf63) on Google

Excelente iglesia, da gusto ir a misa, buena música, padres franciscanos accesibles y comprometidos, igual los laicos.
Excellent church, it is a pleasure to go to mass, good music, accessible and committed Franciscan priests, as well as the laity.
Melanie Feighner on Google

Lively music. No windows or doors - open air with roof. Beautiful.

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