Parroquia San Jose - 88680 Reynosa

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parroquia San Jose

Address :

Jazmines 427, Altamira, 88680 Reynosa, Tamps., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8999
Website :
Categories :
City : Tamps.

Jazmines 427, Altamira, 88680 Reynosa, Tamps., Mexico
Erika Pahl on Google

Es una parroquia modesta pero hermosamente revestida de cantera rosa en el interior, tiene un ambiente sereno y apacible además de que la misa es muy llevadera y agradable. Algo gratamente sorprendente es lo magnífico del coro (al menos los de la misa del domingo a las 13 horas) es sencillamente grato escucharlos cantar. Adicionalmente si les escribes por mensaje directo de facebook en menos de una hora te contestan. Bien por esta parroquia.
It is a modest parish but beautifully lined with pink stone inside, it has a serene and peaceful atmosphere and the mass is very easy and pleasant. Something pleasantly surprising is how magnificent the choir is (at least those of the Sunday mass at 1 pm) it is simply pleasant to hear them sing. Additionally, if you write them by direct message from facebook in less than an hour they will answer you. Good for this parish.
Chavo Ruco on Google

Aquí si hay hora para confesión fuera de horario de misa
Here if there is time for confession outside mass hours
Alejandra Cruz on Google

Es mi iglesia Hay me bautizaron esta muy bonita y siempre e asistido a la misa desde siempre
It is my church There I was baptized this very beautiful and I have always attended mass since always
Jesus Antonio Ovando on Google

Muy limpia agradable y majestuosa. Excelente lugar para meditar y platicar con Dios.
Very clean nice and stately. Excellent place to meditate and talk with God.
Mercedes García on Google

Muy bonita la iglesia, es el sueño ideal para casarse
The church is very beautiful, it is the ideal dream to get married
Jeremiah Kilgore on Google

Church Is church
Ismael Vasquez on Google

Divina Misericordia Funeral Services on Google

Beautiful church and service

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