Parroquia Santiago Apóstol - 45130 Zapopan

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parroquia Santiago Apóstol

Address :

Calle Vasco de Quiroga 129C, Arroyo Hondo, 45130 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Jal.

Calle Vasco de Quiroga 129C, Arroyo Hondo, 45130 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Mayra Rivera on Google

Linda Iglesia
Nice church
marti rodolf sanchz valeri on Google

Misa a la 12:00 pm concelebrada por la santísima Virgen de Guadalupe
Mass at 12:00 pm concelebrated by the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe
Eva Rivera on Google

hace unos días fui a Guadalajara porque 2 de mis sobrinas hicieron la primera comunión, vivo en San Diego y no pude ir cuando fue la 1ra comunión comunitaria, el sacerdote Gustavo oficio la misa,fuebla.misa de las 5pm,una de msi sobrinas se confeso dias antes pero la otra no,nos fuimos media hra antes para q se confrsara ,teniendo en cuenta q siempre antes de las de misa hay confesiones ,el cura llego a la hora exacta y me acerque para decurle q mi sobrina no se habia confesado,me pelo los ojos bien feo y me.grito q de quien era la.culpa,le pregunté q porque se enojaba y siguio von su terrible actitud ,nunca en mi vida habia visto un cura tan soberbio,arrogante y prepotente!! la misa estuvo muy linda,lástima q no le quedaba lo q decia,q pena q esa gente represente nuestra religión!!
A few days ago I went to Guadalajara because 2 of my nieces made the first communion, I live in San Diego and I could not go when it was the 1st communion communion, the priest Gustavo officiated the Mass, fuebla.misa at 5 pm, one of msi nieces was confessed days before but the other not, we left half an hour before to confess, taking into account that always before Mass there are confessions, the priest arrived at the exact time and I approached to decurle that my niece had not confessed , I hair my eyes very ugly and I shout that whose apology was, I asked him why he got angry and followed his terrible attitude, never in my life had I seen a priest so superb, arrogant and arrogant !! The Mass was very beautiful, too bad he didn't have what he said, what a shame that these people represent our religion!
Ernesto on Google

Iglesia católica con muy buena ubicación
Catholic church with very good location
victor alberto torres palomino on Google

Es neta que todos los domingos tienen que aventar cuentes a las puras 9:00 am las colonias aledañas a su templo ya estamos cansados de la contaminación arcaica auditiva,
It is clear that every Sunday they have to throw accounts at pure 9:00 am the neighborhoods surrounding their temple are already tired of the archaic auditory contamination,
JoseLuis Barragan on Google

Es uno de los más populares de la zona y más por sus fiestas
It is one of the most popular in the area and more for its parties
Nerida Lemus on Google

Templo bonito y bastante amplio.
Nice and quite large temple.
blanca patricia velazco ruvalcaba on Google

Parroquia de mi colonia de mi infancia,donde descansan los resto de mi padre y donde descansarán los míos y los de mi familia.Santo santiago ruega por nosotros?
Parish of my neighborhood of my childhood, where the rest of my father rest and where mine and my family will rest. Holy Santiago, pray for us?

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