Party Up! - 55019 San Francisco Coacalco

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Party Up!

Address :

Monte Ararat 60, Parque Residencial Coacalco, 55019 San Francisco Coacalco, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : Méx.

Monte Ararat 60, Parque Residencial Coacalco, 55019 San Francisco Coacalco, Méx., Mexico
Julio Cesar “Jelsuuper Cesar” Hernández Rodríguez on Google

Excelente servicio y amabilidad.
Excellent service and friendliness.
Ricardo Zamora on Google

Bonito lugar
Nice place
Alejandro Olivo on Google

Excelente empresa de entrenamiento, Recomendable para todo tipo de fiesta! Personal super atento y confiable
Excellent training company, Recommended for all types of parties! Super attentive and reliable staff
Carmen Peña on Google

Excelente servicio. Muy puntuales y muy ameno todo, muchas gracias!!
Excellent service. Very punctual and very pleasant everything, thank you very much !!
Priscilla Camacho on Google

Excelente lugar para contratar tus eventos a domicilio, siempre llegan con anticipación h cumplen al 100% los compromisos
Excellent place to hire your events at home, always arrive in advance h meet 100% commitments
Samuel Cruz on Google

Muy buena opción para tus eventos.
Very good option for your events.
Leonel Tamayo on Google

Mi experiencia con ellos, al principio fue muy buena. Sin embargo, a la hora de obtener el servicio fue decayendo poco a poco. Llegaron a tiempo, el trabajo de la srita Yesenia y Vanessa excelentes animadoras!!! Excelente trabajo. y se merecen mas que un 10!!! Me gusto su animación y la forma de manejar al publico! Por otro lado, el técnico Ricardo.... pésimo sin decir otra palabra grosera o altisonante! el servicio de Karaoke es una basura! les recomiendo solo contraten las animaciones. El Sr. ricardo tardo hora y media en arreglar su equipo para que funcionara el karaoke, mismo tiempo en el que mis invitados se fueron. No pudieron darme una solucion a su problema, me cobraron por anticipado y no pudieron ni si quiera compensar su mal actuar. El señor ricardo lo acuso de robo de unos lentes!!!! mismos que nadie se hizo responsable, el señor se salio como chacho sin despedirse y solo se fue sin dar la cara por su mal trato y mal servicio! y aunado a esto!!! nadie de la empresa Director, supervisor, coordinador, dueño, etc . nadie me contesta y nadie pudo darme una solucion al pesimo servicio de su tecnico. A los que leen la critica! contraten solo la animación que es excelente! NO CONTRATEN OTRO SERVICIO! les robaran, nadie se hará cargo, nadie les solucionará su problema, y si se atreven a contratar el servicio de audio.. por nada del mundo acepten al señor ricardo (muchacho alto moreno de lentes) o mantenganlo vigilado y pidan que llegue medio dia antes para que les de un servicio relativamente decente! Es mi opinion y espero les sirva. Repito una vez más, los recomiendo ampliamente para la animacion y los demerito en la cuestion del audio y su personal técnico.
My experience with them was very good at first. However, when it came to obtaining the service, it gradually declined. They arrived on time, the work of Miss Yesenia and Vanessa excellent cheerleaders !!! Excellent work. and they deserve more than a 10 !!! I liked his animation and the way he handled the public! On the other hand, the technician Ricardo .... terrible without saying another rude or bombastic word! Karaoke service is rubbish! I recommend you only hire the animations. It took Mr. Ricardo an hour and a half to fix his equipment so that the karaoke would work, the same time my guests left. They could not give me a solution to their problem, they charged me in advance and they could not even compensate for their bad behavior. Mr. Ricardo accused him of stealing glasses !!!! The same that no one took responsibility, the man left like a chacho without saying goodbye and only left without showing his face for his bad treatment and bad service! and added to this !!! no one from the company Director, supervisor, coordinator, owner, etc. nobody answers me and nobody could give me a solution at the very bad service of their technician. To those who read the criticism! hire only the animation which is excellent! DO NOT CONTRACT ANOTHER SERVICE! They will rob you, nobody will take care of it, nobody will solve your problem, and if you dare to hire the audio service ... for nothing in the world accept Mr. Ricardo (tall dark-haired boy with glasses) or keep him under surveillance and ask for him to arrive at noon before so that I give them a relatively decent service! It is my opinion and I hope it serves you. I repeat once again, I highly recommend them for animation and demerit them in the matter of audio and their technical staff.
Karla Cabañas on Google

No recomiendo esta empresa para nada.! Las animadoras muy introvertidas, contraté el servicio de 100 mamas dijeron, y tu tuve que pedir que me incluyeran en el juego, porque me dejaban sentada junto con mi esposo. Para terminar, dieron unos premios muy feos y simples de mal gusto. Yo avise que la audiencia era de 60 personas y trajeron 15 premios.Y aparte me quería poner a repartirlos, cuando era su trabajo revisar a quien premiarían, conforme iban ganando. Para mala suerte contratamos tacos con ellos. Presentación mal: No trajeron suficientes salsas, y solo trajeron verde. No lleva ni una hora de que se había habilitado el servicio de comida, y ya estaban los tazones vacíos de cebolla, sin salsa , y para cerrar con broche de oro. Mientras mis invitados comían, los empleados al mismo tiempo lo hicieron. Lo cual se me hizo de mal gusto. El agua de Jamaica sin sabor. Al final contratamos comida para 70 personas, pero llegaron unas 45. La empresa se fue, pero expresó que había dejado la comida que sobró en la cocina. Al revisar sólo había 3 platos desechables.con cebollitas, y nopales. Se me hizo una grosería, porque sobró mucha carne que se llevaron. No desperdicien su dinero.
I do not recommend this company at all! The very introverted cheerleaders, I hired the 100 moms service, they said, and you had to ask to be included in the game, because they left me sitting together with my husband. To finish, they gave some very ugly and simple prizes in bad taste. I advised that the audience was 60 people and they brought 15 awards. And apart from that I wanted to start distributing them, when it was their job to check who they would award, as they were winning. To bad luck we hired tacos with them. Bad presentation: They didn't bring enough sauces, and they only brought green. It has not been an hour since the food service had been enabled, and the empty onion bowls were already there, without sauce, and to close with a flourish. While my guests ate, the employees at the same time did. Which was in bad taste. The flavored Jamaica water. In the end, we hired food for 70 people, but about 45 arrived. The company left, but said that it had left the food that was left over in the kitchen. By reviewing only There were 3 disposable plates with onions, and nopales. It was rude to me, because there was a lot of meat left over that they took away. Don't waste your money.

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