Pepe Gutierrez Studio - 44130 Guadalajara

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews


Lunes - Viernes

10:00 - 20:00


10:00 - 18:00


Contact Pepe Gutierrez Studio

Address :

C. Justo Sierra 2541, Arcos Vallarta, 44130 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Justo Sierra 2541, Arcos Vallarta, 44130 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Paola Orozco on Google

No vallan a este lugar!!!!!!! Vine de nyc, y de verdad que NUNCA avía tenido una experiencia tan fea con ningún estilista. La maquilladora es una grocera, súper vulgar y parece que te está haciendo un favor. No le puedes decir nada por que es violenta. El día siguiente de que me maquillo ( y no me gusto para nada) toda la cara llena de granos. De verdad que fue una experiencia muy mala.
Don't go to this place !!!!!!! I came from nyc, and I really have NEVER had such an ugly experience with any stylist. The makeup artist is rude, super vulgar and seems to be doing you a favor. You can't say anything to her because she's violent. The day after I put on makeup (and I didn't like it at all) my whole face full of pimples. It really was a very bad experience.
Noemi Martinez on Google

Aguas A Está Chica Le Quemaron Su Pelo Aquí Y Ni Solución Le Dieron Aparte De Cobrarle 7.000 pesos que asco de salón ?
Waters This girl had her hair burned here and they gave her no solution other than charging her 7,000 pesos, what a disgusting salon ?
Sophia De Anda on Google

Si le pudiera dar no cero sino -1000 lo haría horrible servicio, me aplicaron la base con la esponja de por lo menos 10 personas antes que a mi, brochas sucias, el rimel con la barita del mismo y el gloss también (A ver si no salgo con COVID) te tratan como si te estuvieran haciendo el favor, De Pepe no mereces ni el lujo de que te mire siquiera. Si el servicio fuera impecable no importaría si me miran o me hablan pero la verdad dejan muchos detalles al final pestañas despegas que al parecer solamente yo veo y nadie más. Me lo dijeron y también leí los reviews y no entendí creó que es pago por no escuchar. No cabe duda que por eso Luis Torres es el mejor no solo por el servicio si no por la atención, la humanidad y no solo recibes una mirada si no un abrazo y trato digno. No pierdan su tiempo busquen a otro lugar.
If I could give it not zero but -1000 it would be horrible service, they applied the base with the sponge of at least 10 people before me, dirty brushes, the mascara with the barite of the same and the gloss too (Let's see if I do not go out with COVID) they treat you as if they were doing you a favor, De Pepe you do not deserve the luxury of even looking at you. If the service were impeccable, it would not matter if they look at me or speak to me but the truth is that they leave many details at the end, you take off your eyelashes that apparently only I see and no one else. They told me and I also read the reviews and I did not understand that it was payment for not listening. There is no doubt that that is why Luis Torres is the best not only for the service but also for the attention, the humanity and you not only receive a look but a hug and dignified treatment. Don't waste your time look elsewhere.
Silvia Franco on Google

Hace años fui y el peinado y maquillaje fue terrible y me casaba al civil... Jamás volví....
Years ago I went and the hair and makeup was terrible and I was getting married to a civilian... I never went back...
Yolanda Rendon on Google

El servicio es horrible. No respectan tu horario. Prepárate de esperar más de 2 horas a la hora que te indican tu cita. El trabajo es X ni por lo que cobran vale la pena ni tu tiempo. Don’t bother going here; they don’t take care of you at all. Save your time and go somewhere else. I wish I knew this before.
The service is horrible. They don't respect your schedule. Be prepared to wait more than 2 hours for time that you indicate your appointment. The work is X not worth what they charge or your time. Don’t bother going here; they don't take care of you at all. Save your time and go somewhere else. I wish I knew this before.
Alan Lomeli on Google

Srtas. Si quieren un lugar donde les arruinen su cabello y pagar mucho, este es el lugar indicado. "Ya tiene buenas reseñas" en su página de Facebook.
Miss If you want a place where your hair gets ruined and pay a lot, this is the place. "He already has good reviews" on his Facebook page.
RR RamRe on Google

Este “estilista” y este lugar son un peligro para todo aquel que llega con la ilusión de recibir un trato (ya ni para que digamos excelente) decente. Esta persona, Pepe, está en negación absoluta a su fulminante ineptitud para realizar CUALQUIER trabajo. Yo fui a que me hiciera “diseño de color” y “extensiones 4k” (de tape) y mi cabello termino quemado, trozado y devastado, después solicite que me aplicaran ls de microchip para por lo menos poder salir a la calle, a ese punto solo quería que me cubrieran el DESASTRE que me hicieron. Si por alguna razón deciden hacer su cita en este establecimiento estén preparadas para salir con su cabello quemado, y la moral decaída ya que cuando les haces notar los errores en el trabajo te hacen sentir como si tú, como cliente, fueses la culpable. No se de que manera está certificado ni calificado para hacer lo que hace, tiene una absoluta falta de ética y compromiso con el cliente. Ir a esta estética ha sido una de las peores experiencias de mi vida. No se dejen influenciar por su instagram ya que las fotos que sube están MEGA editadas y tengan por seguro que para nada van a lucir como las personas que aparecen ahí.
This "stylist" and here are a danger to anyone who comes with the hope of receiving treatment (and not to say excellent) decent. This person, Pepe, is in absolute denial of its sudden inability to perform any work. I went to I do "color design" and "extensions 4k" (of tape) and my hair ended burned, bucking and devastated, then apply that apply ls me microchip to at least be able to go outside, that I just wanted to point that covered the mess made me me. If for some reason decide to make an appointment at this establishment are prepared to go out with her burnt hair, and moral decayed because when they do notice the mistakes at work make you feel as if you, as a customer, you were the culprit. Not that way is certified or qualified to do what he does, it has an absolute lack of ethics and commitment to the customer. Go to this aesthetic has been one of the worst experiences of my life. Do not be swayed by your instagram since the photos are climbing MEGA edited and be assured that nothing will look like the people who appear there.
Dianette Pickens on Google

Estuve aquí el 8 de febrero para una cita de maquillaje y peinado. Mi maquillaje estaba hermoso y volvería otra vez para hacerlo con la señorita Violeta. Mi cabello, bueno, esa es otra historia. Charlie me peinó y justo al llegar a casa y bajarme de el auto me dijo mi hermana que mi peinado se había desmoronado. Mandamos un mensaje de voz y les pedimos que vinieran a la casa para arreglarlo. Nos dijeron que no hacian visitas a domicilio que solo lo podian arreglar en el estudio. Creo que deberían haber hecho el peinado correctamente desde un principio. Yo les comente que tengo mucho cabello y que mi cabello es muy pesado hize el comentario aun sabiendo que ellos con su experiencia deberian saber distinguir y manejar los distintos tipos de cabellos. Trate de buscar quien me lo arreglara y lo mas cerca era plaza galerias pues yo estaba en la estancia pero desafortunadamente no tenian espacio. Yo no pude regresar ya que teníamos una cita para una sesión de fotos que no podía perder tristemente tuve que asistir al evento con el cabello completamente desalineado porque los pasadores se terminaron de caer por completo. Situacion que me causo mucha tristeza pues mi esposo y yo fuimos los padrinos de la quinceañera. Estoy muy decepcionada con la falta de atencion al cliente. Supongo que una vez que les pagas se lavan las manos. Así que no crean en la garantía de 24 horas, bueno, a menos que tengan el tiempo de regresar para que corrijan sus errores. Cabe mencionar que es muy dificil tener el tiempo para regresar porque mi cita era a las 11 (te comentan en Pepe Gutierrez Studio que es un maximo de tres horas) y en mi caso se tardaron poco mas de 4 horas.
I was here on February 8 for a make-up and hairstyle appointment. My makeup was beautiful and I would come again to do it with Miss Violeta. My hair, well, that's another story. Charlie combed my hair and just when I got home and got out of the car my sister told me that my hairstyle had collapsed. We sent a voice message and asked them to come to the house to fix it. We were told that they did not make home visits that could only be fixed in the study. I think they should have done the hairstyle correctly from the beginning. I told them that I have a lot of hair and that my hair is very heavy I made the comment even knowing that they with their experience should know how to distinguish and manage the different types of hair. I tried to find out who would fix it and the closest was galerias square because I was in the room but unfortunately they had no space. I could not return since we had an appointment for a photo shoot that I could not sadly lose. I had to attend the event with completely misaligned hair because the pins ended up falling completely. Situation that caused me a lot of sadness because my husband and I were the godfathers of the quinceañera. I am very disappointed with the lack of customer service. I guess once you pay them they wash their hands. So do not believe in the 24-hour warranty, well, unless you have the time to return to correct your mistakes. It is worth mentioning that it is very difficult to have the time to return because my appointment was at 11 (they tell you in Pepe Gutierrez Studio that it is a maximum of three hours) and in my case it took just over 4 hours.

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