Pet Bajio Cremacion De Mascotas - Celaya

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Contact Pet Bajio Cremacion De Mascotas

Address :

carreratera libre 17700, Apaseo El Alto, Guanajuato, Celaya, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : Gto.

carreratera libre 17700, Apaseo El Alto, Guanajuato, Celaya, Gto., Mexico
Rosy Guzman on Google

Pésimo servicio, como me arrepiento de haber lavado ahí a mi compañero de tantos años, es una vil bodega sucia y con instalaciones horribles,un trato frío y sin tacto y además caro, lucran con el dolor de la gente. El lugar me lo recomendó la veterinaria, escogí el paquete individual y presencial($1950.00) y al llegar decepción total solo nos mostraron el horno y nos sacaron para hacer la cremación después de una hora nos dicen que nos van a mostrar lo que quedo, y ni vimos cuando abrieron el horno para cerciorarnos si en realidad eran los restos de mi perro, y ahora ya estoy dudando si en realidad lo cremaron o al sacarnos para esperar se lo llevaron para tirarlo. Por nada los recomiendo, es un vil fraude
Terrible service, as I regret having washed my partner here so many years, is a vile dirty and horrible facilities wine cellar, cold and tactless treatment and also expensive, profit from the pain of people. The place was recommended to me by the vet, I chose the individual and face-to-face package ($ 1950.00) and when we were totally disappointed they only showed us the oven and took us out to do the cremation after an hour they tell us that they are going to show us what is left, and nor saw when they opened the oven to make sure if they were actually the remains of my dog, and now I'm wondering whether in fact they cremated or get us to the waiting they took him to throw it. I recommend them for nothing, it is a vile fraud
Maria Herrera on Google

Que horror de lugar, yo creo que sólo opinan bien sus amigos y los médicos complises de semejantes porquerías que hacen. Los servicios me los ofreció un médico, si no iba yo casi me regalaban el servicio, y si quería ir extremadamente caro. Entonces que iban a hacer con mi perrita si no voy? Me ofrecieron 20 paquetes, finalmente fui, el lugar sucio, NO me mostraron el horno y lo poco que vi había residuos de perros, un asco, me arrepentí de aceptar ese servicio horrible y caro. No se como 3 veterinarios me han ofrecido sus servicios. Yo creo que estan en contubernio. Y veo otros comentarios que dicen que quiza sea la competencia. Yo lo vi a mi no me lo han contado el lugar es espantoso.
What a horror of place, I think that only their friends and complicit doctors think well of such crap they do. The services were offered to me by a doctor, if I didn't go, they would almost give me the service, and if I wanted to go extremely expensive. So what are they going to do with my dog ​​if I don't go? They offered me 20 packages, I finally went, the dirty place, they did NOT show me the oven and what little I saw there was dog waste, disgusting, I regretted accepting that horrible and expensive service. I don't know how 3 vets have offered me their services. I think they are in collusion. And I see other comments that say maybe it's the competition. I saw it, they have not told me, the place is horrible.
Marelle Vargas on Google

Pésimo servicio para empezar llegaron tarde por la mascota y la persona qe vino por el traía aliento alcohólico le pedí su nombre para reportarlo y se porto un tanto grosero en la playera que traía decía Alberto pésimo servicio no lo recomiendo
Terrible service to start with they were late because of the pet and the person who came for him had alcoholic breath I asked him for his name to report it and he was a bit rude in the shirt he was wearing Alberto said terrible service I do not recommend it
R R on Google

Son muy profesionales, excelente trabajo y calidad. Brindan muy buena atención, instalaciones muy cómodas y fácil de llegar.
They are very professional, excellent work and quality. They provide very good care, very comfortable facilities and easy to get to.

Pésimo servicio mi amada medusa la trataron muy muy mal recogieron en una bolsa de la basura apoco no les deja para una mochila ...... Servicio mal por no comentar groserías..... En su bodega un tiradero.... Basurero..... Me entregaron menos de la mitad de sus cenizas .... Que mal trabajo ..nada humanos con el trato ..... Que pésimo servicio
Terrible service, my beloved jellyfish, they treated her very, very badly ...... they picked her up in a garbage bag, she hardly leaves them for a backpack ...... Bad service for not commenting rudeness..... In her warehouse a dump .... Garbage dump .... They gave me less than half of his ashes .... What a bad job .. nothing human with the treatment ..... What a lousy service
Juan Hernandez on Google

Marelle Vargas, soy tu servidor Ramón Campuzano, soy consultor de ventas en Pet Bajío, dando seguimiento a tu gestión y con el único fin de seguir mejorando nuestro servicio, pido de tu apoyo para obtener evidencia de tu servicio con una foto de la nota del servicio, folio o fecha, nombre de tu mascota, fecha o algo para identicarlo. Esto por que no me cuadran algunos datos, las playeras de nuestros uniformes que tuvimos con los nombres para identificación y seguridad ya tiene más de medio año que no las utilizamos. Por lo que sería de mucha ayuda la información que te solicito. Por tu atención gracias y quedamos a tus órdenes.
Marelle Vargas, I am your server Ramón Campuzano, I am a sales consultant at Pet Bajío, following up on your management and with the sole purpose of continuing to improve our service, I ask for your support to obtain evidence of your service with a photo of the note from service, folio or date, name of your pet, date or something to identify it. This is because some data do not add up to me, the shirts of our uniforms that we had with the names for identification and security have already been used for more than half a year. Therefore, the information I request would be very helpful. Thank you for your attention and we remain at your service.
Rocio Davila on Google

PPESIMO SERVICIO, nada de HUMANIDAD, ni TACTO, por la persona que recogió a mi perrita, los colocan en una pickup en bolsas negras o transparentes como si fueran basura.... NO LOS RECOMIENDO!!!!!! PARA NADA.... Para ofrecer un servicio como este DIGNO deben de tener ética, humanidad, respeto, empatia hacia los dueños y la mascota, valores que está empresa NO TIENE, No por ser un perro quiere decir que vale menos que un humano. Si así tratan a tu mascota cuando apenas se lo están llevando, NO ME IMAGINO COMO LOS TRATARAN SIN NADA DE CUIDADO EN SUS INSTALACIONES. AMIGOS BUSQUEN OTRAS OPCIONES, NO COMETAN EL ERROR QUE YO COMETÍ POR UNA RECOMENDACIÓN DE UN PESIMO VETERINARIO.
AWESOME SERVICE, no HUMANITY, no TACT, because of the person who picked up my dog, they put them in a pickup in black or transparent bags as if they were garbage.... I DO NOT RECOMMEND THEM!!!!!! NOTHING.... To offer a service like this WORTHY they must have ethics, humanity, respect, empathy towards the owners and the pet, values ​​that this company DOES NOT HAVE, Not because it is a dog does it mean that it is worth less than a human . If they treat your pet like this when they are just taking it away, I CAN'T IMAGINE HOW THEY WILL TREATE THEM WITHOUT ANY CARE IN THEIR FACILITIES. FRIENDS LOOK FOR OTHER OPTIONS, DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE THAT I MADE DUE TO A RECOMMENDATION FROM A TERRIBLE VETERINARIAN.
Edgar Fernando Rangel Aldape on Google

Son un asco, por favor no los contraten, no soy ninguna competencia (fui un cliente), no pudieron darme siquiera a mi mascota completa, no tienen nada de empatía, hay muchos más servicios mejores, su bodega son repugnantes, 0 humanidad, transportan a las mascotas fallecidas en viles bolsas de basura, MEJOR HAGAN OTRA COSA. Ojalá y sean honestos y paren con este "servicio", no son más que unos inútiles, en la vida los volveré a llamar.
They suck, please don't hire them, I'm not a competitor (I was a client), they couldn't even give me my entire pet, they don't have any empathy, there are many more better services, their warehouse is disgusting, 0 humanity, they transport dead pets in vile garbage bags, BETTER DO SOMETHING ELSE. I hope they are honest and stop with this "service", they are nothing more than useless, in life I will call them again.

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