Pet Paradise - 02100 Ciudad de México

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pet Paradise

Address :

Cultura Náhuatl, El Rosario, Azcapotzalco, 02100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Categories :
City : CDMX

Cultura Náhuatl, El Rosario, Azcapotzalco, 02100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Belem Ron on Google

Muy buen servicio
Very good service
Natalie Jiménez on Google

Servicio excelente y de calidad
Excellent and quality service
Alondra Ortega on Google

Agreguen un número de whast excelentes doctore
Add a number of whast excellent doctore
Lizeth A. González on Google

El mejor veterinario y la mejor atención posible para tus mascotas.
The best veterinarian and the best possible care for your pets.
A O on Google

Super Servicio y Profesionales los Drs ?????
Super Service and Professionals the Drs ?????
Dolores Gutierrez on Google

Exelente servicio, el mejor de la zona, no tuve que buscar mucho placas de rx o ultrasonido, y el mejor en cirugía
Excellent service, the best in the area, I did not have to look much for x-ray or ultrasound plates, and the best in surgery
A F on Google

Por favor, no lleven a sus mascotas ahí, el veterinario responsable de Pet Paradise no es mal veterinario pero no tiene ética, igual que el ortopedista que lo apoya en las operaciones, que aparte de no tener ética, es completamente incompetente. Mi perrita se fracturó una patita, la llevamos ahí, la operaron y le pusieron clavos. No quedó bien y la operaron de nuevo, le quitaron los clavos y le pusieron una placa. A la siguiente consulta me dijeron que por nuestra culpa y malos cuidados tendrían que operarla de nuevo porque se le había safado la placa. No fue así, mi perrita siempre tuvo los cuidados necesarios pero la placa, incluso a simple vista se veía demasiado grande y le lastimaba porque se la pasaba llorando, cabe mencionar que en ningún momento le inmovilizaron la pata porque para ellos no era necesario. La operaron de nuevo para ajustarle la placa. La última vez que la llevamos nos dijeron que no quedaba y que la tenían que operar otra vez. En ese momento el veterinario hizo una llamada en altavoz al ortopedista que operó, y de forma despectiva el ortopedista que no sabía que yo estaba escuchando, le dijo que "la madre esa" (refiriéndose a la placa) no quedó y que iba a conseguir otra que costaba $3500. El veterinario en seguida lo corrigió diciendo que no, que costaba $5000. Colgó porque solo se estaban poniendo en evidencia y me dijo que era necesaria la operación para que mi perrita quedara bien de su patita. Que era la placa de $5000 o un injerto de hueso sacado de su cadera. Ya no dejé que le hicieran nada y me fui porque era más que obvio que lo que les interesa es sacar dinero antes que la salud de las mascotas. La lleve con otro veterinario, la operó y nos hizo un video de la operación donde opina y demuestra la negligencia con que trataron a mi perrita. Los agujeros que dejaron los clavos terminaron por destrozarle el huesito ya que los clavos eran muy grandes. Ahora, después de 5 operaciones, 3 de ellas con el veterinario ortopedista nefasto al que mandan a tu mascota en esta veterinaria Pet Paradise, mi perrita está a punto de perder su patita.
Please do not take your pets there, the responsible veterinarian at Pet Paradise is not a bad veterinarian but he is unethical, as is the orthopedist who supports him in operations, who apart from being unethical, is completely incompetent. My dog ​​broke a leg, we took her there, they operated on her and they put nails on her. It was not good and they operated on her again, they removed the nails and put a plate on her. At the next consultation they told me that due to our fault and poor care they would have to operate again because the plate had been removed. It was not like that, my dog ​​always took the necessary care but the plate, even at first glance, looked too big and hurt her because she was crying, it is worth mentioning that at no time did they immobilize her leg because for them it was not necessary. They operated on her again to adjust the plate. The last time we took her, they told us there was no left and that they had to operate on her again. At that moment the vet made a loudspeaker call to the orthopedist who operated, and in a disparaging way the orthopedist who did not know that I was listening, told him that "the mother that" (referring to the plate) did not stay and that he was going to get another that cost $ 3,500. The vet immediately corrected it saying no, it cost $ 5000. He hung up because they were only showing themselves and told me that the operation was necessary so that my dog ​​would look good on her paw. Which was the $ 5000 plate or a bone graft taken from his hip. I no longer let them do anything to him and I left because it was more than obvious that what they are interested in is making money before the health of the pets. I took her to another vet, he operated on her and made us a video of the operation where he thinks and shows the negligence with which they treated my dog. The holes left by the nails ended up destroying the bone since the nails were very large. Now, after 5 operations, 3 of them with the nefarious orthopedic vet to which your pet is sent to this Pet Paradise vet, my dog ​​is about to lose her paw.

Si en verdad aman a sus mascotas y no quieren perderlas eviten este veterinario,hay muy buenos veterinarios en el Rosario,este no lo es.
If you really love your pets and don't want to lose them, avoid this vet, there are very good vets in Rosario, this one is not.

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