Pico Sur - Monterrey

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pico Sur

Address :

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Categories :
City : N.L.

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Es un ascenso demandante y riesgoso pero vale totalmente la pena para quienes les gusta la aventura siempre tomando las precauciones apropiadas.
It is a demanding and risky climb, but it is totally worth it for those who like adventure, always taking the appropriate precautions.
Jesus Salazar Flores on Google

Un buen reto para los novatos como yo. Recomendable para días con poco sol, y definitivamente NO recomendable para días húmedos y mucho menos con llovizna. Suele estar fresco en la cima.
A good challenge for newbies like me. Recommended for days with little sun, and definitely NOT recommended for wet days and much less with drizzle. It is usually cool on top.
Marco Toporta on Google

Este pico o cumbre es un poco peligrosa por lo irregular del terreno. Para subir hay tres opciones: Una es desde el pico norte, bajar la sima (parte ubicada entre pico norte y sur) y subir hacia el pico sur. Otra es subir directamente por la colonia San Angel (Un poco arriesgado). Y la ultima es directamente subir por la colonia Contry. En cualquier caso, vaya minimo acompañado por otra persona. y Comience temprano la caminata. (No olvide agua, chocolates, galletas integrales, suero oral (puede ser en polvo y ahi lo prepara) y cubrirse con algo del sol, ademas de utilizar bloqueador solar.)
This peak or summit is a bit dangerous because of the irregular terrain. To upload there are three options: One is from the north peak, lower the chasm (part located between north and south peak) and climb towards the south peak. Another is to climb directly through the San Angel neighborhood (a bit risky). And the last one is directly up the Contry neighborhood. In any case, be accompanied by another person. and Start the walk early. (Do not forget water, chocolates, whole-grain cookies, oral serum (it can be powdered and prepared there) and cover yourself with some of the sun, in addition to using sunscreen.)
Christian Torres on Google

Mamalon Senderistas somos y senderiando Andamos
Mamalon Senderistas we are and walking we walk
RAUL PEREZ on Google

Cumpliendo mi asenso #22 al Pico Sur, Meta Naz superada, carga 10kg, 4km., continuamos con el proyecto, hasta verlo terminado, además con una compañia especial mi sobrino Dany.
Fulfilling my ascent # 22 to the South Peak, Meta Naz exceeded, load 10kg, 4km., We continue with the project, until it is finished, in addition to a special company my nephew Dany.

Excelente experiencia el poder subirlo.
Excellent experience being able to upload it.
Rodrigo martinez herrera on Google

Excelente recorrido, puedes empezar por San Ángel (el camino es un poco pesado, se necesita técnica y fuera en los brazos para escalar una pared en donde no hay cuerda, o bien, llevar una cuerda de almenos 10 mts), el camino está marcado con listones y hitos (piedras en forma piramidal), también desde ruta antena. Recomendable es ir con una persona que sabe el camino.
Excellent tour, you can start from San Ángel (the path is a bit heavy, you need technique and out in the arms to climb a wall where there is no rope, or carry a rope of at least 10 meters), the path is marked with slats and milestones (stones in a pyramidal shape), also from the aerial route. It is recommended to go with a person who knows the way.
jsenkevi on Google

This is the classic climb of Monterrey. It is also probably the most difficult. Do not go if the route is wet since the espejo is no joke and super slippery. I have only hiked the route from San Angel. The route can take you to Pico Virgin or Pico Sur via the saddle.

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