Playa Express Final Stop From PDC - Cancún

3.7/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Playa Express Final Stop From PDC

Address :

77500, Pino 7, 23, Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Categories :
City : Q.R.

77500, Pino 7, 23, Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Oscar Santillán on Google

Cinty Freyre on Google

Están riquísimos los tacos ? ? ? ?
The tacos are delicious ? ? ? ?
Isaac Hino on Google

Las veces que lo usé fue un gran servicio
The times I used it was a great service
Massimo Crespi on Google

Devo dire che il servizio che viene effettuato è ottimo, peccato che alcuni dei loro mezzi vengano vandalizzati da persone poco educate! Uso sempre questi mezzi per andare e tornare da Playa a Cancún . La maggior parte degli autisti è ottima, purtroppo solo alcuni sono un po’ spericolati. Comunque ottimo servizio?
I must say that the service that is carried out is excellent, too bad that some of their media are vandalized by uneducated people! I always use these means to go and go from Playa to Cancún. Most drivers are great, unfortunately only some are a bit 'reckless. However, excellent service?
Eusebio Gonzalez vargas on Google

Las unidades tienen control de velocidad máxima de 110 kilómetros conductores con capacitación constante y cualquier reporte se hace en movility ADO ya que está marca pretende a autobuses de oriente (ADO)
The units have maximum speed control of 110 kilometers, drivers with constant training and any report is made in the ADO mobility since this brand intends to target buses from the East (ADO)
Juan Bacho on Google

Siempre uso el servicio, excepto hoy, choferes groseros sin servicio, más los q están en el local de igual manera. Tenía solo un billete de 500 a las 5am ya q es lo q me dió el cajero automático y antes de subir pregunté si tenían cambio por lógica no, sin embargo suben 18 personas y multiplicas por 45 iba a alcanzar. Me dijo q no, q lo cambiara al Oxxo, pregunté a sus compañeros dónde me dicen q tampoco q mejor me vaya a las Vans de frente o al Ado pero de manera grosera y yo preguntando buenos días alguien de casualidad tendrá cambio. Son poco profesional porq saben q se llenan la van pero viven de nosotros los trabajadores. Nadie les revisa y los q supervisan es lo mismo. Pésimo la día q atienden.
I always use the service, except today, rude drivers without service, plus those who are on the premises in the same way. I had only a 500 bill at 5am since that is what the ATM gave me and before going up I asked if they had change logically, no, however 18 people come up and multiply by 45 it would be enough. He told me no, to change it to the Oxxo, I asked his colleagues where they say that it is not better for me to go to the Vans in front or to the Ado but in a rude way and I ask good morning someone by chance will have change. They are unprofessional because they know that the van is filled but the workers live off us. Nobody checks them and those who supervise are the same. Terrible the day they attend.
Jane De la fuente on Google

Es muy triste darse cuenta de que la empresa no capacita a los conductores ya que no tienen un conocimiento real de la importancia del cuidado de los lineamientos del COVID, nuestro conductor en cuanto se sentó en su lugar se quitó su cubrebocas y comenzó a toser ... le pedimos que se pusiera su cubrebocas, y dijo que estaba comiendo... pensamos entonces que también la empresa no es sensible con sus conductores ya que al parecer no le dan tiempo de comer y descansar entre traslados....
It is very sad to realize that the company does not train drivers since they do not have a real knowledge of the importance of taking care of the COVID guidelines, our driver as soon as he sat in his place he took off his mask and started coughing. ... we asked him to put on his face mask, and he said he was eating ... we thought then that the company is also not sensitive with its drivers since apparently they do not give him time to eat and rest between transfers ...

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