Plaza Principal de San Lucas Xolox - 55757 San Lucas Xolox

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Plaza Principal de San Lucas Xolox

Address :

Av Hidalgo, Reyes Acozac, 55757 San Lucas Xolox, Méx., Mexico

Categories :
City : Méx.

Av Hidalgo, Reyes Acozac, 55757 San Lucas Xolox, Méx., Mexico
Linda Alice Montalvo on Google

Es un lugar limpio donde realizan bailes, donde tambien se presentan algunas bandas, orquestas, así como tambien platillos típicos de México.
It is a clean place where they perform dances, where there are also some bands, orchestras, as well as typical Mexican dishes.
Jose Cano Musico on Google

Fueron excelentes anfitriones nos permitieron celebrar el día del músico que organizamos en el Sindicato de Músicos de Tecámac y nos atendieron de lujo gracias amigo Calixto y mayordomos de este bonito lugar.
They were excellent hosts, they allowed us to celebrate the day of the musician that we organized in the Tecámac Musicians Union and we were treated with luxury thanks to friend Calixto and butlers of this beautiful place.
joaquin barron hernandez on Google

Lindo lugar es un pueblo con encanto está por cumplir 2000 años el primer Dios mexica q gobernó está región el dios xolotl d.
Nice place is a town with charm is about to turn 2000 the first Mexican God who ruled this region the god Xolotl d.
Jesus peña on Google

Es una plaza y la Iglesias muy limpia mucho muy tranquila, no tuve tiempo de recorrer más, pero fué agradable estar ahí.
It is a square and the churches very clean much very quiet, I did not have time to go further, but it was nice to be there.
Luis Rivera on Google

Lugar muy tranquilo, la iglesia es un lugar que vale la leña visitar.
Very quiet place, the church is a place that is worth visiting.
Gabriel Guzmán on Google

La renovación quedó muy bien, solo que queda poco espacio para la circular en coche.
The renovation was very good, only there is little space left for driving.
David Ico on Google

Espacio limpio y ordenado, con poco mobiliario urbano, en el que resalta la estructura del templo.
Clean and tidy space, with little urban furniture, in which the structure of the temple stands out.
Oscar Bojorges on Google


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