Plaza Principal - 46900 Mascota

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Plaza Principal

Address :

Av. Hidalgo 215, Centro, 46900 Mascota, Jal., Mexico

Categories :
City : Jal.

Av. Hidalgo 215, Centro, 46900 Mascota, Jal., Mexico
Victor Torres on Google

muy bonita plaza. me gusta para estar un rato a pasar ahi.
Very nice square. I like to be there for a while.
Hector Briseño on Google

Lugar muy bonito y tradicional, ideal para pasar un rato con la familia.
Very beautiful and traditional place, ideal to spend time with the family.
Javier López on Google

Me tocó visitar en el puente vacacional por el 05 de febrero (Aniversario de la Promulgación de la Constitución Mexicana) y tuve la suerte de que había una feria del taco. Había mucha gente participando del evento, la plaza muy bonita, buena comida y muy cerquita de la terminal de autobuses.
I had to visit the holiday bridge on February 5 (Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Mexican Constitution) and I was lucky that there was a taco fair. There were many people participating in the event, the beautiful square, good food and very close to the bus terminal.
Cindy Fowler on Google

The Plaza of Mascota is beautiful. I love seeing it decorated for Independence Day. It has so much life. Sunday nights there is live music. But any night its beautiful with the lights and the view of the church and the Town Hall. Mascota is a safe town too, so I always feel comfortable walking at night. I am here for a the next few months volunteering. Here is some text describing the Plaza in English and Spanish that I used with one of my classes. La Plaza Principal se ubica en el centro de la ciudad de Mascota, entre el palacio municipal, el templo parroquial y el portal. Punto de reunión de los Mascotenses en donde se disfruta del trazo neoclásico de sus jardines y arquitectura vernácula de las casonas a su alrededor. En ella se localiza al centro el kiosco de estilo neomudéjar, que marca la diferencia en la región. También posee bancas de material que en su tiempo fueron donadas por empresas y personajes de Mascota, algo muy característico son las fuentes simétricas que poseen pequeñas esculturas de ranas, de donde salen los juegos de agua, muy visitadas por los niños. Todos los domingos por la noche hay música en vivo en el kiosco de la plaza, es parte de una tradición, por ser el punto de encuentro para propios y extraños; es notorio el caminar de los hombres alrededor de la plaza en sentido opuesto al de las mujeres, de tal modo que se propicia el cortejo. Description: The Main Plaza is a central point where the people of Mascota gather and enjoy the gardens and architecture of the buildings built around the plaza. In the center is a Neo-Moorish style kiosk that is different than others in the region. The benches were donated by companies and people from Mascota. There are symmetrical fountains with small sculptures of frogs that are enjoyed by children. Every Sunday night there is live music at the kiosk in the square. It is part of a tradition and a meeting point for friends and strangers. There is an old tradition of the “cortejo” where the men walk around the square opposite to women so that they can look and flirt.
The Plaza of Mascota is beautiful. I love seeing it decorated for Independence Day. It has so much life. Sunday nights there is live music. But any night its beautiful with the lights and the view of the church and the Town Hall. Mascota is a safe town too, so I always feel comfortable walking at night. I am here for a the next few months volunteering. Here is some text describing the Plaza in English and Spanish that I used with one of my classes. The Main Square is located in the center of the city of Mascota, between the municipal palace, the parish temple and the portal. Meeting point of the Mascotenses where you can enjoy the neoclassical outline of its gardens and vernacular architecture of the houses around it. In it, the Neomudéjar style kiosk is located downtown, which makes a difference in the region. It also has benches of material that in their time were donated by companies and characters of Mascota, something very characteristic are the symmetrical fountains that have small sculptures of frogs, where water games come from, very visited by children. Every Sunday night there is live music in the kiosk of the square, it is part of a tradition, as it is the meeting point for locals and strangers; It is notorious to walk men around the square in the opposite direction to women, so that courtship is encouraged. Description: The Main Plaza is a central point where the people of Mascot gather and enjoy the gardens and architecture of the buildings built around the plaza. In the center is a Neo-Moorish style kiosk that is different than others in the region. The benches were donated by companies and people from Mascota. There are symmetrical fountains with small sculptures of frogs that are enjoyed by children. Every Sunday night there is live music at the kiosk in the square. It is part of a tradition and a meeting point for friends and strangers. There is an old tradition of the “courtship” where the men walk around the square opposite to women so that they can look and flirt.
Isaac E. Krauss on Google

Un lugar tipico que aun conserva su encanto, siempre hay musica en la plaza y las fuentes encantan a los niños, además hay muy buenos lugares para comer en los alrededores. Los paisajes de Mascota son unicos y se puede vivir experiencias increibles en los pueblitos aledaños asi como en las pintorescas cabañas de montaña que estan 15 minutos antes de llegar al pueblo.
A typical place that still retains its charm, there is always music in the square and the fountains enchant the children, in addition there are very good places to eat in the surroundings. The landscapes of Mascota are unique and you can live incredible experiences in the surrounding villages as well as in the picturesque mountain huts that are 15 minutes before arriving at the town.
Jonathan David Peña Diaz on Google

Muy lindo lugar con hermosos paisajes y gente maravillosa y un ambiente agradable
Very nice place with beautiful landscapes and wonderful people and a pleasant atmosphere
Salvador Zambrano on Google

Una parada obligada al visitar Mascota, una plaza llena de historia única en el mundo por su singular forma hectagonal, kiosko de hierro forjado que junto con el reloj de la torre de la basílica fueron elaborados en Francia.
A must stop when visiting Mascota, a square full of history unique in the world for its unique hectagonal shape, wrought iron kiosk that together with the clock of the tower of the basilica were made in France.
Jav Castillejo on Google

Me gusto el pueblo mágico de mascota, lo mantienen limpio, libre de basura y en las mañanas lavan la plaza, esta algo lejos de guadalajara pero vale la pena ir a pasar un buen rato y recorrer sus calles, tiene varios atractivos y restaurantes, sin duda regresaría a este lugar.
I liked the magical pet town, they keep it clean, free of garbage and in the mornings they wash the square, it is a bit far from Guadalajara but it is worth going to have a good time and walk its streets, it has several attractions and restaurants, without I would definitely return to this place.

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