Porco Rosso Coapa - 14390 Ciudad de México

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Porco Rosso Coapa

Address :

GRAN TERRAZA COAPA Calzada Acoxpa, 610 Local A B06, 14390 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : http://porcorossobbqmenu.com/
Categories :
City : CDMX

GRAN TERRAZA COAPA Calzada Acoxpa, 610 Local A B06, 14390 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Grata sorpresa que los alimentos tienen igual el sabor que en la sucursal principal, en mi opinión existen 4 platillos que debes de comer es este lugar: 1. Sándwich Cubano 2. Brócoli frito con tocino 3. Key lime pie El vino tinto es aceptable, pero muy lejos de ser bueno... es mejor la limonada con menta.
Pleasant surprise that the food has the same flavor as in the main branch, in my opinion there are 4 dishes that you should eat in this place: 1. Cuban sandwich 2. Fried Broccoli with Bacon 3. Key lime pie Red wine is acceptable, but far from good... mint lemonade is better.
Donnovan Omar on Google

Daría 0 estrellas la verdad. Servicio pésimo. La mesera del día de hoy domingo 6 de marzo a las 16:00 aprox, se negó a tomar mi orden en papel o virtual, yo creo que confió en su memoria, la cual por lo visto es muy mala. Nunca pasó mi orden, a pesar de que insistió en que le indicara en dónde me iba a sentar. Después de 40 minutos de espera y ya muy molesto, me dirigí a la barra. Un joven de uniforme negro que se encontraba atendiendo, se negaba a reconocer que no estaban preparando mi hamburguesa Angus (seguro es parte de su capacitación, nunca decir que no) e insitió que en 3 minutos estaba lista (eso ya deja mucho que desear). Decidí no ser víctima de una mentira más y me fui al Subway (en donde la atención es increíble, una diferencia abismal). Pues me quedé con las ganas de probar una hamburguesa de Porco Rosso, por ser mi cumpleaños decidí ir por una para consentirme y finalmente salí más que enojado. La plaza tenía poca gente y aún así, su desorganización y falta de compromiso fueron muy evidentes. Hay personas que se desviven por un empleo y esta gente hace lo peor que se puede y cobran por ello. Solo queda el no volver a ir ahí y sugerirle a todos los conocidos que no vayan a pasar un mal rato, qué necesidad hay de eso?
I would give 0 stars honestly. Lousy service. Today's waitress, Sunday March 6 at 4:00 p.m., refused to take my paper or virtual order, I think she trusted her memory, which is apparently very bad. He never passed my order, even though he insisted that I tell him where I was going to sit. After 40 minutes of waiting and already very upset, I went to the bar. A young man in a black uniform who was attending, refused to admit that they were not preparing my Angus burger (surely it is part of their training, never say no) and insisted that in 3 minutes it was ready (that already leaves a lot to be desired) . I decided not to be the victim of one more lie and went to the Subway (where the attention is incredible, a huge difference). Well, I was left with the desire to try a Porco Rosso hamburger, since it was my birthday I decided to go for one to pamper myself and finally I left more than angry. The square had few people and yet their disorganization and lack of commitment were very evident. There are people who go out of their way for a job and these people do the worst they can and get paid for it. It only remains not to go there again and suggest to all the acquaintances that they are not going to have a bad time, what is the need for that?
La Academia Olimpus on Google

Servicio excelente! Encantados con el, volveremos pronto. Lugar muy agradable y sin tanta gente. Venimos a festejar un cumpleaños y la festejada quedó encantada. Postre DELICIOSO, coctelería y papas a la francesa mis favoritos
Excellent service! Delighted with it, we will return soon. Very nice place without so many people. We came to celebrate a birthday and the party was delighted. DELICIOUS dessert, cocktails and French fries my favorites
Laura Díaz on Google

Un restaurante de lujo en el área de comida rápida ? Honestamente fuimos sin grandes expectativas por estar en el área de comida rápida pero nos llevamos la mejor de las sorpresas: no le pide nada a los restaurantes del piso de abajo de la plaza. La atención es a la mesa, TODA la comida es fresca y deliciosa, desde los platos fuertes hasta el postre. El americano descafeinado no le pide nada a uno regular. La cereza del pastel es que, al estar en terraza, es perfecto en esta época de calor y te da seguridad de no contagiarte de Covid-19 (la pandemia aún no acaba ?) Un favorito instantáneo ?
A fancy restaurant in the fast food area ? Honestly, we went without great expectations for being in the fast food area, but we got the best of surprises: they didn't order anything from the restaurants on the ground floor of the square. The attention is to the table, ALL the food is fresh and delicious, from the entrees to the dessert. The decaffeinated Americano doesn't ask anything of a regular. The cherry on the cake is that, being on the terrace, it is perfect in this hot season and gives you the security of not getting Covid-19 (the pandemic is not over yet ?) An instant favorite ?
Ezra García on Google

La comida de buen sabor, precio por encima de lo que esperaría en zona de fast food. Agradable si no llevas mucha prisa, o al menos así nos tocó: El servicio amable pero demasiado lento, los dos meseros hacen su esfuerzo, se desviven en disculpas sinceras, sin embargo si se ven rebasados, y eso que la plaza aún no opera al 100%, ojalá contraten más personal. Cancelamos una orden de papas fritas al final, pasaron unos 25 minutos, y no llegó la orden, se espera ese tiempo de algún corte o plato elaborado, opino que la orden de papas fritas es un esencial que no tardaría en su preparación
Tasty food, price above what you would expect in a fast food area. Nice if you're not in a hurry, or at least that's how it turned out for us: The service is friendly but too slow, the two waiters do their best, they go out of their way to sincerely apologize, however if they are overwhelmed, and that the square is not yet 100% operational, I hope they hire more staff. We canceled an order of fries at the end, about 25 minutes passed, and the order did not arrive, that time is expected for some cut or elaborate dish, I think that the order of fries is an essential that would not take long to prepare
David Méndez on Google

La comida fría, tardaron más de 1 hora en entregarla, incompleta, el término de la carne equivocado y el pollo crudo. No volvería y francamente no lo recomiendo. Que lastima, el menú sonaba prometedor y uno con hambre aunque la comida hubiera sido regular, seguramente hubiera tenido un sabor increíble.
The cold food, it took more than 1 hour to deliver it, incomplete, the wrong meat term and raw chicken. I wouldn't go back and frankly I don't recommend it. Too bad, the menu sounded promising and one would have been hungry even if the food had been so-so, surely it would have tasted amazing.
Bet Mate on Google

Buen sabor y servicio, variedad de alimentos hechos con carne asada o ahumada (pescado, res, puerco, pollo). Mesas al aire libre (bajo techo), lugar limpio
Good taste and service, variety of foods made with grilled or smoked meat (fish, beef, pork, chicken). Outdoor tables (under cover), clean place
Hope Elleston on Google

The service was really good, the food arrived quickly. 4 stars as there was something that tasted really bad in the pay de limón, the base was really bitter and inedible

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