Pozo petrolero Cerro Azul N°4 - 92516 Cerro Azul

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Contact Pozo petrolero Cerro Azul N°4

Address :

Aguilera, 92516 Cerro Azul, Ver., Mexico

Categories :
City : Ver.

Aguilera, 92516 Cerro Azul, Ver., Mexico
Rosa Guerrero on Google

Ciudad pequeña con bancos y farmacias grandes respecto a la zona. Muy mal las carreteras y grande problema para estacionamiento. Encuentras algunos minisuper, una pizzería rica, dos gasolineras y la cruz roja. Repito: para la zona es lo mas cerca antes de ciudades grandes como Tuxpan.
Small city with large banks and pharmacies in relation to the area. Very bad roads and big problem for parking. You find some minisuper, a rich pizzeria, two gas stations and the red cross. I repeat: for the area it is the closest before big cities like Tuxpan.
Isaac Cazares H. on Google

Gigante productor de aceite a nivel mundial... brota un 10 de febrero de 1916 a travės de una columna de aceite de mas de 180 metros, el estruendo generado se escuchaba a varios kilometros de distancia ... potrero del llano. Al momento del brote la barrena y parte de la tuberia salio disparada a varios metros de altura para caer a unos 15 metros de la boca del pozo, misma que hoy sigue enterrada como simbolo de la fuerza del gran pozo cerro azul no. 4. En su momento sigue produciendo... orgullo de mexico
Giant oil producer worldwide ... it gushes on February 10, 1916 through a column of oil of more than 180 meters, the noise generated was heard several kilometers away ... pasture of the plain. At the moment of the outbreak, the bit and part of the pipe shot out several meters high to fall about 15 meters from the mouth of the well, which is still buried today as a symbol of the strength of the great Cerro Azul no. 4. At the time it continues to produce ... pride of Mexico
Ismael Argüello López on Google

Muy buen lugar para conocer la historia y como son los pozos petroliferos que el municipio de cerro azul, ver, tiene para nosotros, este pozo es muy conocido debido a que fue el pozo con mayor produccion de este mineral, el pozo se encuentra en un exelente estado. Este pozo en la actualidad solamente es una atraccion.
Very good place to learn about the history and how are the oil wells that the municipality of Cerro Azul, see, has for us, this well is well known because it was the well with the highest production of this mineral, the well is located in a excellent state. This well is currently only an attraction.
Ruben Duron on Google

Este lugar es historico, por la produccion de petróleo en el mundo. Peto es lamentable que lugares como éste se extraen riquezas del subsuelo y la poblaciones tienen los peores servicios publicos a pesar de la riqueza que produjo. Lo mismo ha sucedido en todas las poblaciones que extraen minerales metálicos incluyendo oro, plata, plomo zinc y cobre, riquesas extraidas desde el tiempo de los españoles y en la actualidad son lugares abandonados y si existen siguen sumidos en la pobreza principalmente por la falta de servicios públicos.a pesar de las riquezas extraídas del subsuelo y que fueron a parar la mayor parte a Europa y EE. UU. quienes siguen viviendo de las riquezas "extraidas" ( yo diría tobadas) de México.. y otra parte para los políticos rateros que han existido durante estos últimos 80 años.
This place is historic, for the production of oil in the world. Peto is unfortunate that places like this are extracted wealth from the subsoil and the populations have the worst public services despite the wealth it produced. The same has happened in all the populations that extract metallic minerals including gold, silver, lead zinc and copper, wealth extracted since the time of the Spaniards and nowadays they are abandoned places and if they exist they remain immersed in poverty mainly due to the lack of public services, despite the wealth extracted from the subsoil and that went to most of Europe and the US. UU. who continue to live on the "extracted" riches (I would say tobeados) of Mexico ... and another part for the rater politicians who have existed during these last 80 years.
Ana Gabriela Guadalupe Magaña Rodríguez on Google

Fue el pozo de mayor producción mundial!!! Aunque esta descuidado es interesante conocerlo
It was the largest production well in the world !!! Although this careless is interesting to know
Canon207 on Google

Es un privilegio conocer uno de los pozos petroleros con más producción en el mundo.
It is a privilege to know one of the oil wells with the highest production in the world.
Alex JCG on Google

Es algo interesante, sobre todo la historia que tiene, pero le falta dar mantenimiento para que sea un lugar más turístico y que sepan los hechos de este sitio
It is something interesting, especially the history it has, but it needs to be maintained to make it a more touristic place and for them to know the facts about this place.
Allen Ells on Google

The well was drilled by Herbert Wylie for the Mexican Petroleum Company, then controlled by California oilman Edward L. Doheny. When the well came in, the sound could be heard 16 miles (26 km) away in Casiano, and shot a stream of oil 598 feet (182 m) into the air, sending oil in a two-mile (3-km) radius. Over the next 14-years the well would produce over 57 millions barrels. Doheny formed the Pan American Petroleum and Transport Company, of which the Mexican Petroleum Company portion would later become the PEMEX.

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