Presa Iturbide - Presa Iturbide

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Presa Iturbide

Address :

54488 Méx., Mexico

Postal code : 54488
Categories :
City : Méx.

54488 Méx., Mexico
Rossana Rubio on Google

Excelente lugar para ir a meditar y estar en contacto con la naturaleza.
Excellent place to go to meditate and be in contact with nature.
Leafar “Wachutudumi” Odnilag on Google

Si buscas una grata camita ,rodeado de naturaleza sin tanta gente, este es el lugar ideal, tiene paseo a caballo, tirolesa, brincolines y lugares para comer y beber o puedes llevar tus propios productos.
If you are looking for a nice little bed, surrounded by nature without so many people, this is the ideal place, it has horseback riding, zip lines, jumpers and places to eat and drink or you can bring your own products.
Andres Cordova Hernandez on Google

Es un excelente lugar para relajarse, encuentras de todo en cuanto a comidas y bebidas, puedes llevar tu parrilla y hielera para disfrutar un buen fin de semana.
It is an excellent place to relax, you find everything in terms of food and drinks, you can take your grill and cooler to enjoy a good weekend.
Alfredo Goldner on Google

Un lugar hermoso el agua cristalina, lástima la cantidad de huellas de actividad humana (BASURA). Si vas a la naturaleza llévate tu basura!!!!
A beautiful place the crystal clear water, too bad the amount of traces of human activity (GARBAGE). If you go to nature, take your garbage !!!!
Nicandro Reyes on Google

Es un lugar hermoso, tienes acceso a caminar por toda la orilla, aventurarte a hacer una caminata toda la orilla y ayudandar a la presa a levantar la basura qué las personas con poca educación dejan sin motivo alguno. Hay puestos de dulces y elotes, que por el frio qué hace vale la pena comerse un elote y estar abrigado. No se permite nadar por todo el peligro qué hay en el suelo resbaloso. Ni lo intentes te verás como las personas que dejan la basura.
It is a beautiful place, you have access to walk along the entire shore, venture to hike the entire shore and help the dam pick up the garbage that people with little education leave behind for no reason. There are stalls with sweets and corn, which because of the cold it is worth eating corn and being warm. Swimming is not allowed because of all the danger that is on the slippery floor. Don't even try it, you'll look like the people who leave the garbage.
cristina ramirez on Google

El lugar esta muy bonito en general, nosotros fuimos a acampar por una noche y creo que hay un par de cosas que nos hubiera gustado saber antes de aventurarnos, primero que nada para encontrar un buen lugar para acomodarte hay que caminar un poco, numero dos en las noches hay pescadores y a nosotros nos "asusto" un poco el hecho de que ya que nos habiamos ido a dormir escuchamos pasos y vimos luces a lo lejos, cuando nos levantamos a ver que estaba pasando simplemente eran unos cuantos pescadores que andaban caminando y lo mismo paso ya mas entrados en la noche al rededor de la 1 am, asi que como consejo no se asusten si llegan a escuchar ruidos o ver luces, siempre es bueno estar atentos pero en este caso no hubo de que preocuparse, tambien hay que tener en cuenta que siendo un parque con cierta cercania a la ciudad los fines de semana se llena bastante, fuimos a preguntar una semana antes cuanto cobraban por acampar y nos dijeron que $100 mxn por tienda, para hacer fogata puedes tomar leña de los arboles que ya esten secos, hace frio asi que vayanse preparados, las vistas que podran disfrutar son hermosas, se los recomendamos ampliamente es un lugar perfecto para caminar tomar algunas postale y disfrutar con la familia, les recordamos por favor llevarse toda su basura, sean consientes de que si llevan musica no olvidar que hay algunas personas que van a estos lugares para precisamente alejarse de todo eso asi que a lo mejor bajarle un poco a nuestro ruido.
The place is very nice in general, we went camping for one night and I think there are a couple of things that we would have liked to know before venturing out, first of all to find a good place to settle you have to walk a bit, number two at night there are fishermen and we were a little "scared" by the fact that since we had gone to sleep we heard footsteps and saw lights in the distance, when we got up to see what was happening there were simply a few fishermen who were walking and The same thing happened later at night around 1 am, so as a piece of advice, do not be scared if you hear noises or see lights, it is always good to be attentive but in this case there was no need to worry, you also have to keep in mind that being a park with a certain proximity to the city on weekends it gets quite crowded, we went to ask a week before how much they charged for camping and they told us that $100 mxn per tent, to make a campfire you can take ar firewood from the trees that are already dry, it is cold so go prepared, the views that you will be able to enjoy are beautiful, we highly recommend them, it is a perfect place to walk, take some postcards and enjoy with the family, we remind you to please take all your trash, be aware that if you have music, don't forget that there are some people who go to these places to get away from all that, so maybe turn down our noise a bit.
Alejandra Martinez on Google

El agua está limpia y cristalina, tiene un poco de alga pero es obvio xq es una presa. Hay río más abajo, truchas y tirolesa. También lugares para comer, y pasa un señor con caballito para dar paseos a caballo. Puedes llevar tu asadero para hacer una carnita asada siempre con responsabilidad del fuego!!! Lleva una bolsa para tu basura!!
The water is clean and crystal clear, it has a little algae but it is obvious because it is a dam. There is river below, trout and zip line. Also places to eat, and a gentleman with a horse passes by for horseback riding. You can take your barbecue to make a roast beef always with responsibility of the fire!!! Bring a bag for your garbage!!
Nikki Wineera on Google

For a bit of a woods wander it's a nice place to be in nature. There's a bit of rubbish lying around, it's still a nice place to chill

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