Protectoseal - 54900 Tultitlán de Mariano Escobedo

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Protectoseal

Address :

Manuel Acuña 126, 54900 Tultitlán de Mariano Escobedo, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : Méx.

Manuel Acuña 126, 54900 Tultitlán de Mariano Escobedo, Méx., Mexico
Carlos on Google

Calificar a una empresa pirata cómo está es muy difícil, tiene todo en su contra de principio a fin . Seas empieado o proveedor o cliente siempre queda mal y lastima que las estrellas no van para atrás.....
Qualifying a pirate company as it is is very difficult, it has everything against it from start to finish. Whether you are a beginner or supplier or client, it always looks bad and it hurts that the stars do not go back ...
Clarisa Klein on Google

Tuvimos un problema con nuestro pedido de sellos, pero los ejecutivos nos atendieron muy bien y lo resolvimos de manera rápida. 5 estrellas porque reconocieron su error y trabajaron duro para enmendar.
We had a problem with our stamp order, but the executives took great care of us and resolved it quickly. 5 stars because they recognized their mistake and worked hard to make amends.
Francisco Javier on Google

soy proveedor de esta empresa y la verdad es un caos poder cobrar. ya que todos se pasan la bolita y nadie se responsabiliza. O no toman las llamadas y desde la operadora tiene ordenes de no pasarlas. cuidado con esta empresa para lo próximos que les quieran vender. nuestra empresa es lonera industrial jm s.a de c.v y mi nombre es Javier molina
I am a supplier of this company and the truth is a chaos to be able to charge. since everyone passes the ball and nobody takes responsibility. Or they do not take calls and from the operator has orders not to pass them. Beware of this company for the next thing you want to sell. Our company is lonera industrial jm s.a de c.v and my name is Javier molina
Sandra Contreras on Google

es una pésima empresa , donde no dan prestaciones , el sueldo super bajo y no tienes superación como empleado , el gerente de ventas , no tienen idea de lo que es ser líder en ventas , parece arreador , pues se la pasa gritando y humillando a todo su personal , incluso de otras áreas , si tuvieran personal capacitado en cada área fuera u a empresa funcional , sin problemas de calidad, tiempos de entrega, falta de material para fabricar,fleje,cajas para empacar y bolsas y la paquetera , ya que hay demasiadas quejas de lo clientes ya que tardan meses en entregarles , materiales que según es de 1 semana tiempo de entrega
It is a lousy company, where they do not give benefits, the salary is super low and you have no improvement as an employee, the sales manager, they have no idea what it is to be a leader in sales, it seems sweeping, because they spend shouting and humiliating everything its personnel, even from other areas, if they had trained personnel in each area outside a functional company, without quality problems, delivery times, lack of manufacturing material, strapping, packing boxes and bags and the package, since there are too many customer complaints since they take months to deliver, materials that according to 1 week delivery time
Gloria Torres on Google

Es una pésima empresa, NO PAGAN trabajé ahí un mes y solo me pagaron dos semanas, renuncié por lo mismo pues nunca me pagaron en el día acordado, me quedaron a deber tiempo extra y semanas laboradas... Cuando hablo para preguntar por mi pagó se pasan la bolita o me dejan en línea, he acudido a la empresa y no me dejan pasar dicen que hasta que ANITA (encargada de las liquidaciones) se comunique conmigo. YA PASARON 3 MESES y la tal "ANITA "no sé comunica ni contesta el teléfono. NO SOY LA ÚNICA CON ESTE PROBLEMA, SOMOS MUCHOS LOS QUE ESTAMOS EN LA MISMA SITUACIÓN...Esperó que si estas en busca de empleo lo pienses mucho antes de acudir a esta empresa, pues sólo regalarás tu trabajo.
It is a lousy company, I DON'T PAY I worked there for a month and they only paid me for two weeks, I resigned for the same reason because they never paid me on the agreed day, I had to owe extra time and working weeks ... When I speak to ask about my payment they pass the ball or leave me online, I have gone to the company and they do not let me pass they say that until ANITA (in charge of the settlements) contacts me. 3 MONTHS HAVE ALREADY PASSED and this "ANITA" does not know how to communicate or answer the phone. I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH THIS PROBLEM, WE ARE MANY THOSE WHO ARE IN THE SAME SITUATION ... He hoped that if you are looking for a job you would think about it long before coming to this company, because you will only give away your work.

Es una empresa explotadora, no registra a sus trabajadores ante el IMSS, les paga en efectivo menos del salario mínimo, trabajan 6 días a la semana con jornadas de 10 hrs. Con esta clase de piratas no volvere a hacer negocios, yo si pago impuestos y cuotas al IMSS, INFONAVIT. OJO
It is an exploitative company, it does not register its workers before the IMSS, it pays them in cash less than the minimum wage, they work 6 days a week with days of 10 hrs. With this class of pirates I will not do business again, I do pay taxes and fees to the IMSS, INFONAVIT. EYE
Laura Bernal on Google

Es una empresa ir informal , lamentablemente confíe en el ING Juan Nuñez le hice unos trabajos y ya llevo año y medio cobrándoles sin éxito.
It is a company to go informal, unfortunately I trusted ING Juan Nuñez I did some jobs for him and I have been charging them for a year and a half without success.
Rosa Domínguez on Google

es buena empresa, pero aún deben un saldo a mi compañia y es dificil localizarlos, no te reciben y no contestan los telefonos. si tienen algun numero del director general lo agradeceremos.
It is a good company, but they still owe a balance to my company and it is difficult to locate them, they do not receive you and they do not answer the phones. If you have any number of the general director, we will appreciate it.

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