Pyramid of the Sun - 55800 San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista

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Pirámide del Sol, todavía un enigma para arqueólogos -

Sitio oficial del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

About Pyramid of the Sun

Monumentos Históricos


INAH lugares



Las Zonas de Monumentos Históricos

El patrimonio cultural está conformado por los recursos materiales, naturales e inmateriales que se heredan del pasado, se crean en el presente y se transmiten a las generaciones futuras para su beneficio. En México, de acuerdo con la Ley federal sobre monumentos y zonas arqueológicos, artísticos e históricos, el patrimonio cultural material, se clasifica en:

·      Monumentos arqueológicos: bienes anteriores al establecimiento de la cultura hispánica, así como los vestigios de restos fósiles con valor paleontológico.

·      Monumentos artísticos: bienes muebles e inmuebles con valor estético relevante.

·      Monumentos históricos: bienes muebles e inmuebles producto del establecimiento de la cultura hispánica en el país; construidos del siglo XVI al XIX: templos y sus anexos, los que estuvieron destinados al servicio y ornato público, y los que fueron usados por las autoridades civiles y militares, así como la arquitectura civil relevante.


Un conjunto que contenga diversos monumentos históricos puede ser declarado como Zona de monumentos históricos, que es el área comprende varios monumentos históricos relacionados con un suceso nacional o que está vinculada a hechos pretéritos de relevancia para el país.


Las declaratorias reconocen los valores históricos y culturales de una localidad. Permiten protegerlos legalmente y los distintos niveles de gobierno actúan juntos para conservarlos y que tengan el aprecio de la sociedad actual y las generaciones futuras.


El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, a través de la Coordinación Nacional de Monumentos Históricos, elabora los proyectos de declaratorias de oficio y a petición de particulares, gobiernos municipales o estatales, instituciones académicas o asociaciones civiles, y es su atribución legal proponer el proyecto de declaratoria a la Secretaría de Cultura, no obstante, es prerrogativa del presidente de la Republica expedirlas directamente.


Mediante las declaratorias se protege el patrimonio cultural histórico y el carácter típico y tradicional dentro del perímetro de protección. Desde la década de 1970 a la fecha han sido declaradas 60 Zonas de monumentos históricos en el país, cuyos decretos se publican en el Diario oficial de la federación.


El INAH Asesora y orienta todo tipo de proyectos y obras en inmuebles que son monumentos, colindantes a monumentos y dentro de Zonas de monumentos históricos, desde aplicación de pintura en fachadas, hasta proyectos de restauración, de obra nueva y obras en espacios públicos; también, autoriza y realiza inspecciones y supervisiones para mantener la armonía de la Zona y su entorno, como lo establecen los decretos, por ser de interés social y nacional.

Contact Pyramid of the Sun

Address :

55800 San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9988
Website :
Categories :
City : Méx.
Description : This well-known pyramid in the ancient city of Teotihuacan is one of the largest in the world.

55800 San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Méx., Mexico
Karen Sáenz on Google

This is a must! You definitely need to see this. Take sunscreen and light clothes. You’ll walk more than 2 hours for sure. But it’s so worth it!! If you come on the week is less crowded so that’s better. Amazing for cool photos!
Thoors World on Google

Very nice Pyramide of the Aztecs in the north of Mexico city.. it's easy to reach by yourself by bus from the bus terminal north.. see my photos.. don't forget to put sun protection there is almost no shadow.. if you are hungry and you want to make a nice cave lunch experience go to La Gruta ???
A Stint Abroad on Google

When visiting Mexico, you must see the pyramids. I suggest to come early to avoid the crowds. This place is also wide and without any shade, so be prepared to walk and climb. Bring plenty of water, snacks, a hat, good walking shoes, and cash (for entrance fees and souvenirs). A bathroom is available next to the botanical garden, as well as one near Templo de los Jaguares. Because of COVID, we weren't able to climb the pyramids, but you can climb Templo de Quetzalcoatl. Taking these steps in a zigzag pattern feels faster than going up them in a straight line. If you are hungry after exploring the pyramids, you can eat in a cave at La Gruta. Make reservations in advance to ensure a seat. Lastly, we were able to utilize Uber to travel there and back to the city. Happy exploring!
Brian Frye on Google

I mean, what can I say, stunning! It is very hot & dry, so make sure to bring water. Also the stairs are narrow & tall, so be careful!
Sergiu Craitoiu on Google

I really recommend bring with you water, sun cream and get a guided tour. It will explain a lot about the pyramids. We took it after the balloon ride from volaris. And it was like 500 pesos each on English tour at the time we traveled in 2022. The whole tour was like 3 hours and we visited 2 more turistic objectives.
Rodrigo Chavez on Google

This place is awesome. Don't miss it on a trip to Mexico. I recommend you bundle up because you will get a lot of sun, also i recommend you come early as it's a very long complex with the quetzcotl and moon temples being far enough. Also there are stands and sellers everywhere selling wares so you can find something to take back anytime but the prices are decent. Also there are a ton of places to eat everywhere some not as good as others ... I recommend you either find somewhere busy or visit my personal favorite quetzcotl restaurant in the "comida típica" área if you follow the signs on the road. Also the temple is awe inspiring, there was definitely more than meets the eye here but it's already breathtaking to see what's left.
Baharak Raufisani on Google

Really recommend to see, it’s absolutely beautiful and one of must seen if you go to Mexico City. Make sure you bring water and wear hat and comfortable shoes cause you will walk so long under the sun.
Richard U on Google

There's a reason why they call it pyramid of the sun because it gets really hot in that area. I highly recommend bringing an umbrella to give yourself some shades because it's really an open space with rarely a place to keep you cover. Also bring a water bottle or two to keep yourself hydrated you will need it once you make it on top of the highest pyramid. There are several pyramids to climb, but the main one is the big one and after climbing the big one I'm pretty sure you will be tired to climb the other small ones. Also, wear comfy shoes and light clothes.

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