Quality Cocinas & Closets - 64860 Monterrey

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Quality Cocinas & Closets

Address :

Sendero Sur, Contry, 64860 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88988
Website : http://www.cocinasquality.com/
Categories :
City : N.L.

Sendero Sur, Contry, 64860 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Luisa G De Leon on Google

Con ganas de volver.
Looking forward to returning.
Carolina Bock on Google

Amplia sucursal y preciosas cocinas, muy recomendable!
Large branch and beautiful kitchens, highly recommended!
Edgar Morales Tello on Google

Las cocinas salen bien, el precio esta a mercado, pero me retrasaron la entrega mas de 15 días y ni una disculpa recibí, solo recomendables si no tienen fechas compromiso para su cocina
The kitchens are good, the price is on the market, but delivery delayed me more than 15 days and I did not receive an apology, only recommended if they do not have commitment dates for your kitchen
M DE LA ROSA on Google

Mal servicio y los números telefónicos desactualizados, fui a la sucursal de gonzalitos y cerrado, que decir de el servicio deja mucho que desear, cuando uno compra una cocina aquí se supone que es una gran inversión a 4 años se empezó a despegar la formica, y hablo todo descontinuado y resulta que no dan servicio de reparación, en verdad da mucho que desear esa empresa.
Bad service and outdated telephone numbers, I went to the gonzalitos branch and closed, what to say about the service leaves much to be desired, when one buys a kitchen here it is supposed to be a great investment to 4 years began to take off formica, and I speak all discontinued and it turns out that they do not give repair service, it really gives a lot to want that company.
Vero Rodriguez on Google

Pésimo servicio de parte del vendedor Fernando Garza acudí a solicitar una cotización de cocina y no me la mandaron, cuando le llame para preguntar me dijo que tenia mucho trabajo y no me la haría porque no tenía tiempo.
Terrible service from the seller Fernando Garza I went to request a kitchen quote and they didn't send it to me, when I called to ask him he told me that he had a lot of work and he wouldn't do it because he didn't have time.
Claudia Corona on Google

PÉSIMO SERVICIO POST VENTA! Y MIENTEN PARÁ VENDER! Compre una cocina en expo tu casa y me engañaron diciendo que la iban a hacer de un material y la terminaron haciendo de otro! Supuestamente me habían incluido la tarja y al final me dijieron que yo la tenía que comprar! Y se rompió un mueble que me hicieron y nunca me dieron respuesta ni la vendedora con pésima actitud ni la supuesta supervisora de calidad! No los recomiendo para nada. Ya tiene dos meses que levante mi queja por que se rompió una parte del mueble y nadie me dio respuesta. Ya mejor la Pao en otro lado donde si sean "quality"
LOUD AFTER-SALES SERVICE! AND LIE TO STAND SELLING! I bought a kitchen in your house and they cheated me by saying that they were going to make it from one material and they ended up doing it from another! Supposedly they had included the card and in the end they told me that I had to buy it! And they broke a piece of furniture that they made for me and they never gave me an answer, neither the seller with a bad attitude nor the supposed quality supervisor! I do not recommend them at all. I have two months to raise my complaint that a part of the furniture was broken and nobody gave me an answer. Pao is better elsewhere where they are "quality"
R O on Google

Buena atención, entrega a tiempo. La cocina quedó excelente. Pero una vez que te instalan, ya no te hacen caso. Lo digo porque en la cocina falto poner unas tapitas blancas sobre los tornillos, y he estado hablando a servicio al cliente a una tal Erica y nunca contestan. Llame a las cocinas y dijeron que iban a pasar el recado y siguen sin responderme. Lo bueno es que fueron unas tapitas que yo puedo comprar en una ferretería, pero si hubiera sido algo más grande, mi review sería negativo. Ya me dí por vencido, su area de servicio al cliente no existe. De todos modos los recomiendo, pero hay que revisar que los instaladores hagan bien todo porque ya no habrá respuesta de Quality Cocinas después de eso. Otra cosa, sus teléfonos continuamente suenan ocupados, es mejor contactarlos por correo electronico.
Good attention, delivery on time. The kitchen was excellent. But once they install you, they no longer listen to you. I say this because in the kitchen I miss putting some white caps on the screws, and I've been talking to customer service to one Erica and they never answer. I called the kitchens and they said they would pass the message and they still do not answer me. The good thing is that they were some caps that I can buy in a hardware store, but if it had been something bigger, my review would be negative. I already gave up, your customer service area does not exist. Anyway, I recommend them, but you have to check that the installers do everything well because there will be no answer from Quality Kitchens after that. Another thing, your phones continuously sound busy, it is better to contact them by email.
Telefono Cel on Google

El servicio de este lugar es una broma. Pague 3000 pesos para separar una cocina el buen fin y un tiempo después no quisieron ni respetarme la oferta ni regresarme el dinero. Una burla. Además se retiró la señora que me atendió y le pasó mi proyecto a su hija. Yo vivo por contry y le pasaron mi proyecto a la hija en la sucursal del centro con tal de hacerle palanca a la hija. Enserio no vale la pena aquí. Busca otras. El trato pésimo
The service at this place is a joke. I paid 3000 pesos to separate a kitchen on the good end and some time later they did not want to respect the offer or return the money. A mockery. In addition, the lady who attended me withdrew and passed my project to her daughter. I live in the country and they passed my project to the daughter in the downtown branch in order to leverage the daughter. It's really not worth it here. Look for others. The lousy treatment

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