Raul López Infante - Interlomas

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Lopez Infante - Lopezinfante.mx

Hospital Angeles de las Lomas Av. Vialidad de la Barranca s/n 865 y 860 Col. Huixquilucan, Edo. de Mexico.

Contact Raul López Infante

Address :

Hospital Ángeles Lomas, Vialidad de la Barranca S/N-Consultorio 865, Interlomas, 52763 Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 52763
Website : http://www.lopezinfante.mx/
Categories :
City : Méx.

Hospital Ángeles Lomas, Vialidad de la Barranca S/N-Consultorio 865, Interlomas, 52763 Méx., Mexico
Nayeli vizuet on Google

Ana Pg on Google

Horrible me opere la nariz con él me cobro carísimo por un trabajo mal hecho, no me dio un buen trato y definitivamente es solo fama pero realmente no es el mejor, no lo recomiendo para nada estoy muy arrepentida de haberme operado con él
Horrible he operated on my nose with him, he charged me dearly for a job poorly done, he did not give me a good deal and it is definitely just fame but it is not really the best, I do not recommend it at all I am very sorry for having operated on him
Mariana Fernandez on Google

Sin duda el mejor cirujano plástico del país! Yo tenía la nariz totalmente rota y muy difícil de arreglar, me operé hace 4 años y me dejó perfecta la nariz!! La gente me dice que tengo la nariz súper linda y que cero se ve operada, lo recomiendo 100%
Without a doubt the best plastic surgeon in the country! I had a completely broken nose and very difficult to fix, I had surgery 4 years ago and it left my nose perfect! People tell me that I have a super cute nose and that zero is operated, I recommend it 100%
Val Nuño on Google

Menos de una estrella. Déjenme contarles mi experiencia con el doctor. Fui a que me inyectará ácido hialurónico y me valorará. Lo único que logré fue que me dejara con el efecto mono que después otro doctor me explic6. Me inyectó botox también menos de una inyección de bótox y una de ácido y me cobro6 18,000 pesos y desde luego no traía dinero en efectivo. Así que pagué con tarjeta y me cobró comisión. Absolutamente nada ético y muy poco profesional!!!!
Less than one star. Let me tell you my experience with the doctor. I went to be injected with hyaluronic acid and it will value me. The only thing I achieved was that he left me with the monkey effect that another doctor later explained to me. Botox also injected me with less than one botox and one acid injection and charged me 18,000 pesos and certainly did not bring cash. So I paid with a card and charged me commission. Absolutely nothing ethical and very unprofessional!
miriam magallon on Google

Busquen más opciones , yo me deje llevar por la fama y no obtuve el resultado deseado, con ninguno de los dos doctores. Además el precio es elevado.
Look for more options, I let myself be carried away by fame and I did not obtain the desired result, with either of the two doctors. Also the price is high.
Pau T on Google

Si pudiera poner menos estrellas lo haría. Es el PEOR “doctor”, prepotente, no le interesa lo que sus pacientes quieren y te hace lo que le da su gana. Te cobra un ($200 mil pesos) y justifica su PÉSIMO trabajo adjudicándolo a la estructura de tu nariz. Mi nariz era bonita, solo era un detalle de adelgazarla un poco de frente; terminó dejándome la nariz más grande de frente y muy afilada de perfil; me coloco mentón (xq el quiso) y fue la PEOR decisión, me cambió la sonrisa horrible, aparte te pone un implante de mentón estándar que no va con la estructura de tu cara, literal una bola. El día de hoy fui a consulta, hice escala en CDMX para que me atendiera, pagué hotel y otros gastos para que se portara prepotente y me terminara diciendo que no podía adelgazarme la nariz porque tenía un orificio nasal más cerrado que el otro (les juro, deberían ver las fotos y les apuesto que no veían la diferencia). También me dijo (enojado) que si no me gustaba me volvía a operar pero que le firmaría una carta en donde el no se responsabilizaba si tenía problemas para respirar. Pregunta 1. Eso que tiene que ver!? Pregunta 2: Por qué no me dijo eso en la cita de valoración? Pregunta 3: quien ch... paga $200 mil pesos para que le emparejen las fosas nasales!?? Pregunta 4: entonces según este “Doctor” por donde respiran las chavas a las que profesionales si les hacen una nariz fregona, por la boca o como!? PÉSIMO el y su trabajo, pura fama. NO SE DEJEN ENGAÑAR.
If I could put less stars I would. He is the WORST “doctor”, arrogant, he is not interested in what his patients want and he does whatever he wants. He charges you a ($ 200 thousand pesos) and justifies his MASSIVE job by assigning it to the structure of your nose. My nose was pretty, it was just a detail of thinning it a little in front; ended up leaving my nose bigger in front and very sharp in profile; I put on my chin (because he wanted to) and it was the WORST decision, he changed my horrible smile, apart from giving you a standard chin implant that does not match the structure of your face, literally a ball. Today I went for a consultation, I made a stopover in CDMX for him to attend me, I paid a hotel and other expenses so that he behaved arrogant and ended up saying that I could not thin my nose because I had a more closed nostril than the other (I swear to you They should see the photos and I bet they didn't see the difference). He also told me (angrily) that if I did not like it, I would have surgery again but that I would sign a letter to him in which he would not take responsibility if I had breathing problems. Question 1. What's that got to do with it? Question 2: Why didn't you tell me that at the appraisal appointment? Question 3: who the ... pays $ 200 thousand pesos to have his nostrils matched! ?? Question 4: then according to this "Doctor" where do the girls breathe to which professionals if they make a mop nose, through the mouth or like !? Terrible him and his work, pure fame. DO NOT BE FOOLED.
Paola Fernanda Avila on Google

Los más de 200mil pesos que cobra no lo valen, es solo fama lo que tiene pero realmente es pésimo con ese dinero mejor me hubiera ido a Turquía con los verdaderos máster en rinoplastia. Piensen dos veces antes de considerarlo si no quieren llevarse la peor de las experiencias y sobre todo un mal procedimiento que les costará dos o más cirugías para corregir el mal trabajo
zzaraah zz on Google

He truly is the best of the best. Since i'm one of those people who always searches for google reviews and such before taking a decision, I'll leave my most honest review based on my experience as a whole for anyone considering him... I hated my nose. I would often not dare smile in public because of it, I just really disliked it and had wanted something to be done about it since around the age of 12. My family isn't one to support/believe in the idea of plastic surgery, so I never really considered asking my parents until I turned 18... same age in which I somehow managed to convince my mom. She asked around and did her research, for at the end of the day it is ones' face that's going to undergo life-changing surgery, and for it to turn out as a bad outcome would be to have your life completely altered for the worse... Anyways, after quite a bit of asking around she was told by several that Raul Lopez Infante was the best option. I was so decided about doing it, and yet equally as nervous. I explained to him that I wanted my hump somewhat trimmed out, and my curve that would form when I'd smile fixed. Post-surgery I obviously couldn't see anything (because of the cast), I did feel very tired and not in my overall mood for abt the first three days, however the pain was null (literally zero pain) and after those three days I was feeling great again. I got my cast removed on day 6, and had to use i believe it's called micropore for another week. Getting my cast removed was one of the most anxious moments I've ever lived. As soon as it came off (even before the micropore did) I myself felt as if I were the most happy person alive. He exceeded my expectations on a completely 'nother lever. Unbelievable work. The photos he shows you of patients right outta surgery resemble nothing of the final result. The bottom line being that if I could I'd do it a thousand times more, but only with him. I'm not a huge fan of the plastic surgery, although if I ever do consider anything again I'd for sure only trust him. His work is literal art, and I am infinitely grateful for it.

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