Recinto Funeral San Javier, Independencia - 44320 Guadalajara

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews


Contact Recinto Funeral San Javier, Independencia

Address :

Calz Independencia Nte 1636, Monumental, 44320 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Calz Independencia Nte 1636, Monumental, 44320 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Sa Go on Google

Pongan ventiladores si no quieren gastar en aires acondicionados, es un horno! Pedimos que encendieran los aires acondicionados y era como si les pidieramos un favor, nunca encendieron nada.....
Put fans if you don't want to spend on air conditioners, it's an oven! We asked them to turn on the air conditioners and it was as if we were asking them a favor, they never turned anything on.....
araceli sosa on Google

Yo cabo de adquirir un paquete funerario le he batallado para que pasen a cobrarme ya hablé con la supervisora de ruta quedó de solucionar eso y no me dio respuesta hasta me bloqueó el cobrador que viene es grosero,mal encarado ni un buenos días buenas tardes contesta ningún simple gracias da parece que me está haciendo un favor si esto y ame tienen desesperada y no me dan solución
After acquiring a funeral package, I have struggled to get them to charge me. I already spoke with the route supervisor, she resolved to solve that and she did not give me an answer until the collector who came blocked me, he is rude, bad-faced, not even a good morning, good afternoon, answer no simple thanks it seems that you are doing me a favor if this and love are desperate and they do not give me a solution
Martin Ortiz on Google

Todo está bien solo que te dicen que tuvieron que solicitar una acta de nacimiento y todo para cobrarte más, la verdad yo hubiera pagado con gusto esa cantidad si me hubieran mostrado la evidencia que demostrará ese cobro, iba a comprar un paquete con ellos pero estas prácticas me desmotivaron a hacerlo.
Everything is fine only that they tell you that they had to request a birth certificate and everything to charge you more, the truth is that I would have gladly paid that amount if they had shown me the evidence that will demonstrate that charge, I was going to buy a package with them but these practices discouraged me from doing it.
Lulú C. on Google

No cumplen lo que te vende, Yo contraté un servicio, nos fuimos a misa de once am. *Y sorpresa llegando de regreso a la capilla, tus pertenencias ya no las encuentras en su lugar donde tú las tenías.* *Ya estaba otro servicio* Se nos olvidó un cargador de celular y no lo encontramos, un termo de agua, y tampoco lo encontramos.. En el contrato dice que el servicio es de 24 horas y es una mentira. Sabiendo que en el contrato dice que el servici
They do not fulfill what they sell you, I hired a service, we went to mass at eleven am. *And surprise arriving back at the chapel, you can no longer find your belongings in their place where you had them.* * There was already another service * We forgot a cell phone charger and we couldn't find it, a thermos of water, and we couldn't find it either. In the contract it says that the service is 24 hours and it is a lie. Knowing that in the contract it says that the service
Nancy García on Google

Seriedad y buen trato, las instalaciones están recién remodeladas.
Seriousness and good treatment, the facilities are recently remodeled.
Adriana Lara on Google

Muy mal servicio, no funcionan los aires acondicionados...Y necesitas ir a reportarlo como 1000 veces para que te hagan caso. no te ofrecen una caja de pañuelos faciales, que en cualquier otra funeraria lo hacen. y el personal, con 0 actitud de servicio, la señora de recepcion, no sabe ni el nombre del gerente.!!! Muchas areas de mejora, los convoco a que lo revisen.
Very bad service, the air conditioners don't work... And you need to go report it like 1000 times to be listened to. They don't offer you a box of facial tissues, which every other funeral home does. and the staff, with 0 attitude of service, the lady at the reception, does not even know the name of the manager.!!! Many areas for improvement, I invite you to review it.
ale lira on Google

Pésimo servicio. Querían cobrar de más cuando mi contrato decia ciertas especificaciones, solo por que hice que la asesora lo escribiera con su puño y letra no pudieron hacer nada. Siempre sus recibos en orden en cualquier funeraria tomen fotos o saquen copias porque saben que estás vulnerable y lo que te importa es que tu familiar tenga la atención pronta ... Que mal servicio
Terrible service. They wanted to charge more when my contract said certain specifications, just because I had the consultant write it in their own handwriting they couldn't do anything. Always have your receipts in order at any funeral home, take photos or make copies because they know that you are vulnerable and what matters to you is that your relative has prompt attention... What a bad service
Manuel Cornejo on Google

Very nice and professional

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