Refacciones - 57740 Nezahualcóyotl

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Refacciones

Address :

Av. Texcoco 312-A, Metropolitana 2da Secc, 57740 Nezahualcóyotl, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +787
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City : Méx.

Av. Texcoco 312-A, Metropolitana 2da Secc, 57740 Nezahualcóyotl, Méx., Mexico
andres santiago on Google

No respetan la supuesta garantía que dan, el señor Mario según arreglo mi computadora y como no encendía mi carro le hable por teléfono para que la revisara de nuevo y me dijeron que se había ido de vacaciones, sin embargo fui al taller y ahí estaba, me dijo que el la había dejado bien que si quería que la volviera a revisar me iba a cobrar mil pesos, el señor es muy déspota y cortante cuando le pides que respete la garantía, no recomiendo ese lugar hay otros muchos mejores y que tratan bastante bien a sus clientes, respetando la garantía.
Do not respect the alleged guarantee they give, Mr. Mario as fix my computer and how would not turn my car would talk on the phone, for review again and was told they had gone on vacation, however I went to the shop and there it was, told me that he had left well that if he wanted the back to check I was going to charge a thousand pesos, the Lord is very despot and sharp when you ask to respect the guarantee would not recommend this place there are many other better and trying very While your customers, respecting the guarantee.
Ingrid González Martínez on Google

Pésimo servicio... Rateros y ponen pretextos a más no poder... Fingen que sus técnicos salen de vacaciones... Le robaron cosas al mazda... Ya tiene golpes y se deslindan de todo... Nada recomendable... No tienen ni idea de su negocio
Lousy service ... Rateros and put excuses to more can not ... They pretend that their technicians go on vacation ... They stole things from the mazda ... It already has blows and demarcate everything ... Nothing recommended ... They have no idea of ​​their business
Víctor Ángel Ortiz on Google

Son unos rateros de primera, te cambian las piezas de tu carro, te cobran por no hacer nada y después te quieren vender lo que previamente te robaron. Nunca vallan ahí por ninguna razón solo harás corajes y te quitaran tu dinero a la mala
They are first-rate thieves, they change the parts of your car, they charge you for doing nothing and then they want to sell you what they previously stole from you. They never go there for any reason you will only get angry and take your money badly
victor manuel rodriguez on Google

Por ningun motivo vayan ahí, solo se dedican a estafar a la gente, supuestamente habia reparado la computadora de mi auto y cuando lo lleve porque seguia presentando el mismo fallo, su solución era retirar los focos de los testigos que aparecian en el tablero para que ya no encendieran, haganme el bendito favor!!!
For no reason go there, they only dedicate themselves to scam people, supposedly I had repaired my car's computer and when I took it because it kept presenting the same fault, their solution was to remove the spotlights of the witnesses that appeared on the board so that no longer light, do me the blessed favor !!!
Charly Pinkfloyd on Google

Son unos vividores, sólo saben robar, revisan las piezas, y aunque estén bien te cobran por una compostura q jamás existió ! En pocas palabras, no vallan a este lugar si no quieren perder tiempo ni dinero, preferible vallan a la segura a la R1 si se trata d computadoras, está lejos pero es seguro ! El señor Mario es un Ratero de primera!
They are livers, they only know how to steal, they check the pieces, and even if they are well they charge you for a composure that never existed! In short, do not go to this place if you do not want to waste time or money, preferably go safely to R1 if it is about computers, it is far but it is safe! Mr. Mario is a first-time thief!
Kevin Rojas on Google

PÉSIMO SERVICIO!!!! No vayan ni de broma. Yo fui pensando que tal vez solo eran algunos casos de las personas que se quejan pero no, a mi también me ha pasado igual. Lleve a reparar una computadora y según ya la habían arreglado, después de cobrarme un dineral por según arreglarla; la camioneta seguía igual. Nada recomendable, no le hacen nada y aun así te cobran mucho. Gaste demasiado dinero porque me urgía arreglarla ademas de que iba para provincia y fue un desperdicio de tiempo y dinero
TERRIBLE SERVICE!!!! Don't even joke. I was thinking that maybe it was just some cases of people complaining but no, it has happened to me too. I took to repair a computer and they had already fixed it, after charging me a fortune to fix it; the truck was still the same. Nothing recommended, they do nothing to you and still charge you a lot. I spent too much money because I was urgent to fix it in addition to going to the province and it was a waste of time and money

Te dicen un aproximado por teléfono ese aproximado se va a elevar 5 veces, puedes intentar comprobarlo bajo tu riesgo, te van a robar tu refacción, tus tapones de las ruedas y te van a entregar en varias semanas y mientras ocuparán tu auto. Ni se te ocurra llevar tu auto porque te robaran más que en la colonia más peligrosa de la zona metropolitana. No hay cero estrellas si no las ponía. Una vez que ya tienen tu auto ya no puedes sacarlo y te cobrarán lo que ellos quieran. Denunciarlos es la solución
They tell you an approximate over the phone that approximate is going to rise 5 times, you can try to check it at your risk, they will steal your spare part, your wheel caps and they will deliver you in several weeks and while they will occupy your car. Don't even think about taking your car because they will steal more than in the most dangerous neighborhood in the metropolitan area. There are no zero stars if you don't put them. Once they have your car, you can no longer take it out and they will charge you whatever they want. Reporting them is the solution
Adalberto Quintana on Google

Verdaderos rateros pq no se puede llamar de otra forma. Usaron mi auto le robaron dos tapones y dijeron que asi lo habían recibidos aparte de la llanta de refaccion. Dejaron el auto como arbolde Navidad y dijeron que ya no era su área la falla para poder sacarlo casi nos extorsionaron pues no nos dieron antes presupuesto y si no les pagas no te lo entregan. Como repito lo usaban cada dia mientras, segun ellos, lo reparan. Sinceramebte bajo su riesgo de cada uno dejar su automóvil con estos delincuentes. Solo basta ver al señor Mario y verán y comprobarán de quien hablamos.
True thieves pq can not be called otherwise. They used my car, stole two caps and said that they had received it that way apart from the spare tire. They left the car as a Christmas tree and said that it was no longer their area the fault to be able to remove it they almost extorted us because they did not give us an estimate before and if you do not pay them they do not deliver it to you. As I repeat, they used it every day while, according to them, they repair it. Honestly, at your own risk, leave your car with these criminals. It is enough to see Mr. Mario and they will see and verify who we are talking about.

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