Registro Publico De La Propiedad Y El Comercio - esquina

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Registro Publico De La Propiedad Y El Comercio

Address :

esquina, 30 Avenida Nte. & Calle 36 Norte, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 30
Categories :

esquina, 30 Avenida Nte. & Calle 36 Norte, Mexico
Santos Benito Chan on Google

Todos lo días llamo y no me contestan
Every day I call and they don't answer me
cesar medina on Google

Gine Sos on Google

Pongan el número de la oficina cada ves que cambien jefe es un problema marca uno y nada
Put the office number every time you change boss, it's a problem, dial one and nothing
lizardo castro a on Google

JI L on Google

No hay atención telefónica o el número es incorrecto.
There is no telephone service or the number is incorrect.

En esta nueva etapa deja mucho que desear con su pésimo servicio, haciendo demasiadas horas para un solo trámite
In this new stage it leaves much to be desired with its terrible service, making too many hours for a single procedure
Pablo Aaron Garcia Medrano on Google

El Servicio Cambia depende de quien este a la Cabeza, ahora con el Covid, todo se pone mas incierto, en Cancun el RP, es mucho mas Eficiente, Aqui es todo lo contrario, Actualmente esta de Delegado un Sr. Manuel Canto, Todo un Especimen, aunque creo que varios de los funcionarios , trabajan con responsabilidad y vocacion , estan sujetos a la dirección de este Individuo, o al que este en turno, Este es la clase de Sujetos que parecen Salidos de una Caricatura, o un personaje de Comedia, parece haber tenido educacion Superior , pero Su acento Maya es tan fuerte que es dificil entenderle a veces, Pero ese no es un defecto que afecte, lo que si afecta es la forma como trata a sus subalternos, y al publico al que sirve, No es un lider, nisiquiera un Jefe, sino que se comporta prácticamente como un Padrote segun me comentarion algunas de las muchachas que trabajan alli, quien le adula mas tiene ciertas provisiones en la Oficina, eso es lo de menos , Segun el el 21 de Marzo se celebra la expropiacion Petrolera, Jaja, es curioso que existan este tipo de sujetos Super Despotas, que no conocen la Palabra Servidor publico, sino que para el es el Reino del registro Püblico, los procesos son Terribles, y este sujetos solo va a cobrar y a pasear su fragil humanidad por la oficina para hacer negocios, Obvio por su defectuosa administracion la pequeña Salita se mantiene abarrotada aun en Pandemia, o Pero eso si Todos con su cubrebocas. La mala actitud de algunos de sus funcionarios del R:P en playa no es mas que la consecuencia del maltrato por parte de este sujeto.
The Service Changes depends on who is at the helm, now with the Covid, everything becomes more uncertain, in Cancun the RP is much more efficient, here it is quite the opposite, currently a Mr. Manuel Canto is the Delegate, a whole Specifically, although I believe that several of the officials, work with responsibility and vocation, are subject to the direction of this Individual, or whoever is in turn, This is the class of Subjects that seem to come out of a Cartoon, or a Comedy character , He seems to have had a higher education, but His Mayan accent is so strong that it is difficult to understand him at times, But that is not a defect that affects, what does affect is the way he treats his subordinates, and the public he serves, He is not a leader, not even a Boss, but he behaves practically like a Padrote according to some of the girls who work there commented to me, whoever flatters him the most has certain provisions in the Office, that is the least of it. March is celebrated The Petroleum expropriation, Haha, it is curious that there are this type of Super Despot subjects, who do not know the Word Public Servant, but for him it is the Kingdom of the Public registry, the processes are Terrible, and this subject is only going to charge and walk his fragile humanity for the office to do business, Obviously due to his faulty administration, the little Salita remains crowded even in a Pandemic, or But that if Everyone with their face masks. The bad attitude of some of its R: P officials on the beach is nothing more than the consequence of mistreatment by this subject.
alejandro duenas on Google

Pésimo!! Increíble que en estos tiempos sigan trabajando con un sistema de pueblo
Appalling!! Incredible that in these times they continue to work with a village system

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