Reyes del horno - 04470 Ciudad de México

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Contact Reyes del horno

Address :

Av. H. Escuela Naval Militar 688, Coapa, Presidentes Ejidales 1ra Secc, Coyoacán, 04470 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +778
Categories :
City : CDMX

Av. H. Escuela Naval Militar 688, Coapa, Presidentes Ejidales 1ra Secc, Coyoacán, 04470 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Carlota Barroso on Google

Riquísima comida. Excelente atención. Los calzonnes son enormes y muy buenos. La pizza es rústica y deliciosa sobre todo la de 4 quesos y su sopa de brocoli y queso es inigualable. Como cocinan al momento puede llegar a ser lento pero vale la pena la frescura de lo recién horneado
Delicious food. Excellent attention. The underpants are huge and very good. The pizza is rustic and delicious, especially the 4-cheese one, and its broccoli and cheese soup is second to none. As they cook at the moment it can be slow but it is worth the freshness of the freshly baked
Medardo Centeno on Google

Buen sazón en los alimentos, bue. Servicio y precios justos. Los alimentos limpios y bien presentados, pero sobre todo, agradables al paladar. Se pueden degustar pastas, papas al horno y más y también postres ricos. Muy bien!
Good seasoning in food, bue. Fair service and prices. Clean and well presented food, but above all, pleasant to the palate. You can taste pasta, baked potatoes and more and also rich desserts. Very well!
Antonieta Lopez on Google

Los ingredientes parecen de muy mala calidad, ni siquiera le pusieron base de salsa de jitomate en la pizza, sabe como si no estuviera bien cocida como si entre el queso y la pasta estuviera crudo, un sabor como de engrudo. Muy decepcionante.
The ingredients seem of very poor quality, they did not even put a tomato sauce base on the pizza, it tastes as if it were not well cooked as if between the cheese and the pasta it was raw, a taste like paste. Very disappointing.
Jules GH on Google

Ninguna medida de seguridad por COVID-19, la vdd teníamos mucha hambre y por eso entramos, nosotros desinfectamos "todo" previamente. Tienen un servicio excelente la verdad el mesero es muy amable y movido pero fuera de eso nada que ofrecer, pedimos una pasta q estaba súper salada, y el menú es bastante confuso. Además no es nada barato.
No security measures for COVID-19, the vdd were very hungry and that's why we entered, we disinfected "everything" previously. They have excellent service, the truth is, the waiter is very friendly and busy, but apart from that nothing to offer, we ordered a pasta that was super salty, and the menu is quite confusing. It is also not cheap at all.
Luis Ortega on Google

Si quieres perder tu tiempo y el apetito, este es el lugar indicado. La peor pizza que he probado en mi vida. La masa tiene la consistencia como de una tortilla de harina. Pareciera que le falta tiempo en el horno, y el queso parece una mezcla de maizena, quizá para reducir costos. No se siente bien al tacto ni sabe bien. No vuelvo a comprar.
If you want to waste your time and appetite, this is the right place. The worst pizza I have ever had in my life. The dough has the consistency of a flour tortilla. It seems that it lacks time in the oven, and the cheese looks like a mixture of cornstarch, perhaps to reduce costs. It does not feel good to the touch or taste good. I will not buy again.
José Gabriel Gil Marcos on Google

Pesar a su buena atención y actitud no va mas allá de un buen lugar para picar algo rápido cómo una ensalada, que junto la lasaña fue lo mejor que probé. La ensalada que vino de acompañamiento del chorizo argentino, estuvo bien. El chorizo primero lo sirvieron abierto de tal manera que parecía picadillo, después lo trajeron entero pero a medio cocimiento, no estaba mal, pero faltó presentación y sabor. La lasaña como dije fue de lo mejor, sin embargo pese a que lo vendieron como un plato con varios pisos, fue una lasaña aplastada que difícilmente se podían divisar los pisos del relleno de la lasaña y un poco pasada de sal. La pasta salada. La limonada natural estuvo insípida, para mí gusto le faltó limón, y eso que pedimos que se endulzara con estevia. En definitiva no tiene nada de comida italiana, si acaso si horno de piedra, incluso sacaron del menú las pizzas, palabras textuales, las quitaron del menú porque no son su especialidad.
Despite his good attention and attitude does not go beyond a good place to snack something fast like a salad, which together with lasagna was the best thing I tried. The salad that came with the Argentine chorizo ​​was good. The sausage was first served open in such a way that it looked like mincemeat, then they brought it whole but half cooked, it wasn't bad, but it lacked presentation and flavor. The lasagna as I said was the best, however, although they sold it as a plate with several floors, it was a crushed lasagna that could hardly be seen on the floors of the lasagna filling and a bit of salt. Salty pasta. The natural lemonade was tasteless, for me, it lacked lemon, and that we asked to be sweetened with stevia. In short, it has nothing of Italian food, just in case if stone oven, they even took the pizzas from the menu, textual words, they removed them from the menu because they are not their specialty.
Steven Hempel on Google

It's awesome
I. Diana on Google

This is not pizza!!! ???It's more like a circular puff pastry. The so-called "pizza" dough is made with butter, as it was confirmed by them. Also, there was a large group of people playing board games, which is cool, don't get me wrong, but the acoustics of the place made it difficult for us to have a conversation. Such a disappointment, because the ambience is quite like a trattoria. On the upside the beer was great although they didn't have enough inventory ?

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