RG BROKERS - 66220 San Pedro Garza García

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Address :

Calz. del Valle 400, Del Valle, 66220 San Pedro Garza García, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88789
Categories :
City : N.L.

Calz. del Valle 400, Del Valle, 66220 San Pedro Garza García, N.L., Mexico
Nora Aguilar on Google

Es puro fraude no te prestan nada y solo te quitan el dinero no le sigan el juego son una bola de rateros k se aprovechan de la gente.
It is pure fraud, they do not lend you anything and they only take your money, do not play along, they are a bunch of thieves who take advantage of people.
Aglae Covarrubias on Google

Si fueron defraudados en rg Brokers vayan a levantar denuncia si procede ahora a denuncia por fraude es por video conferencia aganlo para evitar Sigan robando yo fui y me dieron cita para llegar aún acuerdo con ellos me den mi dinero el contrato dise si no te prestan te lo devuelven PorfAvor denuncien es muy rápido y pueden aserlo qe les devuelvan su lana no están registrados ante condusef y mienten muy bien aganlo PorfAvor ami me robaron 50 mil qede muy endeudada aganlo
If they were disappointed in rg Brokers, they will file a complaint if they proceed now to report a fraud. It is by video conference. Aganlo to avoid Keep stealing. They return it. Please report it very quickly and they can make it that their wool is returned to them, they are not registered with condusef and they lie very well. Please, please, they stole me 50 thousand, which is very indebted.
Akle Games on Google

Es un fraude te piden anticipo después, de que le das el anticipo te piden más dinero que según es para reaperturarte la cuenta a dónde van a depositarte después les dicen que no le vas a depositar y ya no te marcan y te desvían las llamadas si van a ir a un lugar que sea un lugar donde no pidan efectivo antes de darte el crédito.
It is a fraud, they ask you for an advance, after you give them the advance, they ask you for more money than they are to reopen the account where they are going to deposit you, later they tell you that you are not going to deposit and they no longer dial you and they divert your calls if They are going to a place that is a place where they don't ask for cash before they give you credit.
Luom LO on Google

Estafadores: 7/03/20 Pedimos un préstamo de 50 mil ,y nos pidieron el 10% para que se pudiera autorizar para que fuera rápido,de 7 a 10 días ,total que ya no nos tomaron llamadas,no nos atendieron,tuvimos que volver a a acudir a San Pedro al edificio,para cancelarlo,y nos dijeron que nos darían la mitad de los 5mil que nos pidieron (que fue el 10%) del préstamo,y después de nos dijeron en llamada que no nos darían la devolución de nuestro dinero segun por incumplimiento,si ellos son los incumplidos,son ratas,estafadores,cabe aclarar que nunca contestaban llamadas,no veían mensajes,nos pasaban con diferentes asesores ,y por último no se como sigue esa institución ahí,como podremos hacerles para hacer que dejen de estafar personas .........no caigan
Scammers: 03/07/20 We asked for a loan of 50 thousand, and they asked us for 10% so that it could be authorized so that it would be quick, from 7 to 10 days, total that they no longer took calls, they did not answer us, we had to go back to San Pedro at building, to cancel it, and they told us that they would give us half of the 5 thousand that they asked us (which was 10%) of the loan, and after they told us on call that they would not give us the return of our money according to default, if They are the defaulted, they are rats, swindlers, it should be clarified that they never answered calls, they did not see messages, they passed us with different advisers, and finally I do not know how that institution continues there, as we can do to stop them from cheating people. ....... don't fall
Iván garza on Google

Es mentira todo lo que dicen se hacen pasar por una intermediaria de financiera después te piden un contrato el cual tienes que pagar y después te piden más dinero para una apertura de cuenta te dicen también que la transferencia no se puede hacer porque tú tarjeta tiene límite
It is a lie everything they say they pose as a financial intermediary after they ask you for a contract which you have to pay and then they ask you for more money for an account opening they also tell you that the transfer cannot be done because your card has a limit
El que Busca Encuentra on Google

Hace tiempo me tramitaron un credito para mi Pyme y yo queria arriba de 500 mil pero solo me pudieron conseguir 420 mil Se tardan como 12 dias y ya empiezas a pagar hasta el tercer mes
Some time ago I received a credit for my SME and I wanted more than 500 thousand but they could only get 420 thousand It takes about 12 days and you start paying until the third month
Marina Cedillo Lara on Google

Son una bola de estafadores desde la chava que hace el trámite, el área de crédito u el tipo de da respuesta, no me interesó después que me un pedían más y más dinero y no solo el 10% que ellos lo pidieron y dicen que se cancelo el folio y que no me regresarán lo que inverti lo bueno que la conducef si ayuda!!!
They are a swindle of scammers from the girl who does the procedure, the credit area or the type of response, I was not interested after they asked me for more and more money and not only the 10% that they asked for and say they are I cancel the page and they will not give me back what I invested, how good it is if it helps !!!
Talis Medellin on Google

Esto es un mentira y estafa te piden dinero segun ellos como garantia. Les das el dinero y ahora te piden avales o algún bien como casas o carros.vy pues obvio tu no quieres molestar a a nadie y. Perder tus bienes, el problema es que ya les entregaste el dinero y como no aceptas te dicen que no te lo aprueban. Te hacen firmar una carta en donde te van a regresar el dinero que les diste pero te van a quitar un porcentaje y al final te dicen que su sistema no les deja darte nada..y se quedan. Con tu dinero De verdad no confien en es fraude..!!!!! Ojalá hubiera alguna forma de denunciar.. y que ya no siguerian defraudando a más gente
This is a lie and scam they ask for money according to them as a guarantee. You give them the money and now they ask for endorsements or some good like houses or cars. And obviously you do not want to bother anyone and. Losing your assets, the problem is that you already gave them the money and as you do not accept they tell you that they do not approve. They make you sign a letter where they will return the money you gave them but they will take a percentage and at the end they tell you that their system does not let them give you anything ... and they stay. With your money Do not really trust it's fraud .. !!!!! I wish there was some way to denounce .. and that no longer defrauding more people

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