Rivas Lavoignet Juan Manuel - 10700 Ciudad de México

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Contact Rivas Lavoignet Juan Manuel

Address :

Sta. Teresa 10055, Santa Teresa, Sta Teresa, La Magdalena Contreras, 10700 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Categories :
City : CDMX

Sta. Teresa 10055, Santa Teresa, Sta Teresa, La Magdalena Contreras, 10700 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Eve Romé on Google

El doctor es una gran persona pero si les menciono algo para que no caigan en esto su hija Gilda Rivas se hace pasar por el doctor firma las recetas de el no sé si realmente ella sea doctora hace algunos meses acudí con el doctor para una cita por que el es una eminencia un excelente neurocirujano muy reconocido y sobretodo un gran ser humano resular que le llamo a su celular y contesta su esposa me cita en hospital Ángeles para dar consulta segunnella están poniendo un nuevo hospital un consultorio en una Torre de médica sur llegamos al Ángeles y nos dio la consulta en la sala de espera resulta que le pregunté por el doctor Rivas que era el que nos iba a atender nos dijo que él estaba en cirugía nos creímos eso por un momento pasaron 4 horas y seguimos en consulta preguntamos si el doctor ya iba a venir a saludarnos nos dijo su esposa Patty Rivas que ya había bajado pero que se volvió a subir a seguir con la cirugía, desde ese momento empecé a sospechar de algo mientras la doctora Gilda osea su hija de Rivas seguía dando consulta yo trataba de mencionarle algo acerca del Dr. Para obtener más información solo evadia el tema y decía que ella nos iba a atender lo dejamos así y nos despedimos no sin antes habernos Cobrado la cantidad de $7500.00 pesitos nos dio cita para un mes después pero algo seguía sin cuadrar al darme la receta note algo no había ni cédula ni firma ni teléfonos directos de la doctora Gilda únicamente había teléfonos del consultorio Ángeles donde el dr daba consulta anteriormente oviamente yayno oaborq an el Ángeles desde hace un año al llamar me dijeron que no sabían nada de él que solo se dio de baja se me hizo raro la firma del dr ella la falsificó llegando a mi casa busque las recetas de el dr anteriores que nos había expedido el mismo eran las mismas con la misma firma todo igual hasta el medicamento, me puse a pensar en por que el dr. No nos devolvió la llamada después de unos años de no vernos siempre le daba gusto vernos saludarnos, las recetas tenían un número de teléfono era del hospital siglo XXl llame para localizar al dr. me dijeron que acudiera a pediatra fui a la semana siguiente con el jefe de dpto de pediatría o sorpresa me comentó que el dr. Rivas había fallecido fue una noticia muy impactante para mi esposo y para mí debido a que el operó a mi esposo de la columna y mi esposo y yo admirabamoa profundamente al Dr. Ami me parece poco ético que la esposa y la hija del Dr tengan que acudir a este tipo de cosas para obtener dinero debo mencionar que la esposa era su secretaria ella tenía el control de todo de su agenda de sus citas de todo lo relacionado con el dr. Porfavor no acudan con estas persona no se sabe si su hija tenga los conocimientos en medicina lo que recetó estaba bien por que cheque los medicamentos con otra psiquiatra sin embargo antes de saber todo esto mi esposo estuvo tomando lo que nos dijo y llego a tener complicaciones taquicardias repentinas por las dosis tan altas que le recetó afortunadamente logramos acudir a salubridad con una excelente dra. Ellamodifico las dosis y ahora se siente mejor pero de verdad investiguen con quién van a acudir a consulta las referencias para que no les pase lo mismo fueronn 7500 por la consulta dinero tirado a la basura pensando en que el dr. Nos iba a atender y nos atiende alguien sin experiencia que toma la identidad del Dr. Lo peor de todo sin respetar la memoria de Rivas Lamentablemente su propia esposa e hija en complicidad esta esi experiencia y la comparto para que no les quiten está cqntican de dinero penando en que van a ver al Dr. Les van a mentir y en el momento les dirán que el dr si va a llegar y los terminará atendiendo su hija.
The doctor is a great person but if I mention something to you so that you do not fall into this, your daughter Gilda Rivas pretends to be the doctor signs his prescriptions I do not know if she really is a doctor a few months ago I went to the doctor for an appointment for that he is an eminence, an excellent, well-known neurosurgeon and, above all, a great resular human being who called him on his cell phone and his wife answered me at the Angeles hospital for a consultation, according to which they are setting up a new hospital an office in a South Medical Tower we arrived to Angeles and he gave us the consultation in the waiting room, it turns out that I asked him about Dr. Rivas who was the one who was going to treat us, he told us that he was in surgery, we believed that for a moment, 4 hours passed and we continued in consultation, we asked if The doctor was going to come to greet us, his wife Patty Rivas told us that he had already come down but that he went back up to continue with the surgery, from that moment I began to suspect something while Dr. Gil Da bone, her daughter from Rivas continued to consult, I tried to mention something to her about the Dr. For more information, she just evaded the subject and said that she was going to attend to us, we left it like that and said goodbye, not before having been charged the amount of $ 7500.00 pesos. He gave us an appointment for a month later but something still did not match when he gave me the prescription, notice something there was no identity card or signature or direct telephone numbers for Dr. Gilda, there were only telephone numbers from the Angeles office where the dr had previously consulted yayno or to the Angeles from A year ago when I called they told me that they did not know anything about him that he only unsubscribed it made me strange the signature of Dr. she forged it arriving at my house I looked for the prescriptions of the previous Dr. that he had issued to us were the same with the same signature everything the same until the medicine, I started to think about why dr. He did not return our call after a few years of not seeing us, he was always glad to see us greet us, the recipes had a phone number that was from the XXl century hospital, call to locate dr. They told me to go to a pediatrician, I went the following week with the head of the pediatrics department, or surprise he told me that dr. Rivas had passed away, it was very shocking news for my husband and me because he operated on my husband on the spine and my husband and I deeply admired Dr. Ami, it seems unethical to me that Dr.'s wife and daughter have to go to this kind of thing to get money I must mention that the wife was his secretary she had control of everything from her schedule of her appointments to everything related to dr. Please do not go to these people, it is not known if your daughter has the knowledge in medicine, what she prescribed was fine because she checked the medications with another psychiatrist, however before knowing all this my husband was taking what he told us and he had complications Sudden tachycardia due to the high doses that he prescribed, fortunately we were able to go to health with an excellent doctor. He modified the doses and now he feels better but really investigate with whom the references are going to consult so that the same thing does not happen to them, they were 7500 for the consultation money wasted thinking that dr. Someone without experience was going to attend to us and we are attended by someone without experience who takes the identity of Dr. Worst of all without respecting the memory of Rivas. Unfortunately, his own wife and daughter in complicity with this experience and I share it so that they do not take away these pennies of money Thinking that they are going to see the Dr. they are going to lie to them and at the moment they will tell them that the dr is going to arrive and his daughter will end up treating them.

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