Royal Bride - 06000 Centro

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Contact Royal Bride

Address :

República de Honduras 28, Lagunilla, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000 Centro, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Categories :
City : CDMX

República de Honduras 28, Lagunilla, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000 Centro, CDMX, Mexico
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Hermosos modelos de primera calidad,diseños exclusivos instalaciones perfectas atención de excelencia
Beautiful top quality models, exclusive designs, perfect facilities, excellent service
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Si buscas vendedores mentirosos que cumplen la tercera parte de sus promesas, estas en el lugar apropiado! Yo fui atendida por Francisco & Rocio (El primero, va por Paco, personalidad rara) Rocio en cambio de personalidad mas creible. Mi estatura es 5.1' y mi peso es de 131lbs, me vendieron una talla 34 Modelo: 2064. Yo ya tenia exactamente la idea de como me queria ver el dia de mi boda y el vestido que estaba buscando (Primera foto), el modelo que adquiri, si se parece a lo que buscaba excepto algunas cosas que este personal "disenadores" "segun" modificaria: 1.- El escote, si lo modificaron y quedo bien. 2.- El cinturon, les pedi que lo removieran completamente, y Paco al inicio dijo, si claro y cuando fui a recogerlo, dijo oh no solo le quitamos lo bordado, pero de hecho yo les mostre la foto del vestido de misueno y su su respuesta al dia de recogerlo fue; oh no lo podemos quitar porque pierde forma. 3.- El velo del primer beso, super falsas promesas, el primer dia que me lo medi, Paco menciono; es tu dia te vamos a bordar un velo delicado con un encaje pequeno, el dia que fui a recogerlo, oh si te borde tu belo, al momento de colocarlo, Paco dice: la verdad no borde. (Tristemente tenia hoyos y estaba manchado, y obviamente yo tuve que hacer las costuras y modificaciones para que no se viera como que me aventaron trapos blancos encimados) 4.- Les pedi que me separan los velos (velo del beso y velo largo en differentes peinetas, porque asi lo requirio mi estilista) pues se hicieron tontos y me dijeron que me lo dejaban separado para que yo lo cociera a como mi estilista me dijo.... pffff muy mal sabor de boca. 5.- Por ultimo Paco me da su numero y me dice que me enviara un mensaje cuando este listo para recogerlo, y le marco en eso momento para asegurarme que lo apunte bien, y el XXXX me lo dio mal y en mi cara me dice que no importa que despues entrara la llamada.... jajaja asi o mas profesional.... De hecho mi objetivo era comprar mi vestido en BridenFormal, ya que ellos tambien tienen modelos similares pero en mas fancy y elegantes, y honestamente por ahorrarme unos pesos lo compre en esta tieda, e igual porque ya andaba con prisas ya que yo vivo en Estados Unidos y no tuve tanto tiempo para estar en Mexico probandome muchos bestidos, pero si me compre una corona alli e igual me medi dos vestidos y el trato y la calidad de las personas totalmente differente, nada de actitud vendedor barato, super polite. En fin su nombre de impuestos o el nombre que aparece en el ticket de compra es: Royal Bride, pero las etiquetas en el bestido es: Diana Di Giorno. Moraleja del cuento, lo barato sale caro y valora si vale la pena lo que te ahorras por la calidad de lo que compras, te deseo lo mejor encontrando el vestido de tus suenos y para fotos de las modificaciones que hice a los velos puedes ver en Facebook en un par de meses en cuanto me entregen mi videos &/o fotos.
If you are looking for lying salespeople who keep a third of their promises, you are in the right place! I was cared for by Francisco & Rocio (The first one goes for Paco, weird personality) Rocio instead of a more credible personality. My height is 5.1 'and my weight is 131lbs, I was sold a size 34 Model: 2064. I already had exactly the idea of ​​how I wanted to look on my wedding day and the dress I was looking for (First photo), the model I acquired, If it looks like what I was looking for except some things that this personal "designers" would "according to" modify: 1.- The neckline, if they modified it and it looked good. 2.- The belt, I asked them to remove it completely, and Paco at the beginning said, yes of course and when I went to pick it up, he said oh not only did we remove the embroidery, but in fact I showed them the photo of my dream's dress and its His response on the day of picking it up was oh we can't take it off because it loses shape. 3.- The veil of the first kiss, super false promises, the first day I measured it, Paco mentioned; It is your day we are going to embroider a delicate veil with a small lace, the day I went to pick it up, oh if I embroider your beauty, when placing it, Paco says: the truth does not border. (Sadly, it had holes and was stained, and obviously I had to do the seams and modifications so that it did not look like they threw white rags over it) 4.- I asked them to separate the veils (kiss veil and long veil in different combs, because that is what my stylist required) because they were foolish and told me that they would leave it separate for me so that I could bake it as my stylist. he said .... pffff very bad taste in my mouth. 5.- Finally Paco gives me his number and tells me to send me a message when he is ready to pick it up, and I dial him at that moment to make sure he writes it down correctly, and the XXXX gave me wrong and in my face he tells me It does not matter that the call will come in later .... hahaha like this or more professional .... In fact my goal was to buy my dress in BridenFormal, since they also have similar models but in more fancy and elegant, and honestly to save a few pesos I bought it in this store, and the same Because I was already in a hurry since I live in the United States and I did not have that long to be in Mexico trying on many bestidos, but if I bought a crown there and I still measured two dresses and the treatment and quality of the people totally different, no cheap seller attitude, super polite. Anyway, your tax name or the name that appears on the purchase receipt is: Royal Bride, but the labels on the bestido is: Diana Di Giorno. Moral of the story, cheap is expensive and assess whether it is worth what you save for the quality of what you buy, I wish you the best by finding the dress of your dreams and for photos of the modifications I made to the veils you can see in Facebook in a couple of months as soon as they give me my videos & / or photos.

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