SALME - 45150 Zapopan

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SALME

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Av Zoquipan 1000-a, Zoquipan, 45150 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Av Zoquipan 1000-a, Zoquipan, 45150 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Nataly Frogs on Google

Mucho apoyo psicólogico para quien lo necesita
A lot of psychological support for those who need it
e n on Google

La atención por parte del personal de Salme es excepcional. Estoy agradecida a la vida por hacerme caer en manos de dichos profesionales. ¡Danke schön!
The attention from the Salme staff is exceptional. I am grateful to life for making me fall into the hands of such professionals. Danke schön!
Rosalio López on Google

Pésimo Servicio, una Dra que le hice una pregunta me contestó muy déspota
Terrible service, a doctor who I asked a question answered me very despotic
Eduardo Guerrero on Google

Tengo años acudiendo a SALME para tratar mis problemas. Aquí me ayudan con mi depresión crónica y mi TLP y he acudido a urgencias varias ocasiones, incluso estuve internado ya en 2 ocasiones. Los doctores son amables, atentos y buenas personas, muy profesionales en todo A pesar de ser un hospital público es sumamente bueno en todo. Psicología y psiquiatría son perfectamente tratadas aquí Si tienes un problema emocional o mental; te recomiendo ampliamente acudir a SALME, es GRATIS para todos y sin tener seguro.
I have been going to SALME for years to treat my problems. Here they help me with my chronic depression and my BPD and I have gone to the emergency room several times, I was even hospitalized on 2 occasions. The doctors are kind, attentive and good people, very professional in everything Despite being a public hospital, it is extremely good at everything. Psychology and psychiatry are perfectly treated here If you have an emotional or mental problem; I highly recommend going to SALME, it is FREE for everyone and without having insurance.

Excelente atención, aunque cabe decir que no todos los médicos son tan buenos, pero no generalizó, hay una que otra muy insensible y no muy certera, pero no hay que rendirse, en mi opi ión y por mi experiencia es un excelente lugar, accesible a todos y si das con el especialista correcto... Tu vida va a cambiar,, mucho ánimo
Excellent attention, although it must be said that not all doctors are so good, but he did not generalize, there is one or another that is very insensitive and not very accurate, but you must not give up, in my opinion and from my experience it is an excellent place, accessible everyone and if you find the right specialist... Your life will change, good luck
M M on Google

Las indicaciones del lugar es llegar antes de las 7:00 am por unas supuestas fichas que entregan, te anotas en una libreta, te formas y como a las 7:30 am comienzan a llamarte para pasar por varios filtros. En el primero te preguntan por qué vas a ese lugar, si tienes IMSS o ISSSTE ($150 la consulta) y te comentan: Vaya a su clínica a que ahí la atiendan ? porque aquí no tenemos por el momento citas, está muy saturado. Si no tienes seguridad social es gratuito. Hoy lunes 28 de marzo 2022 los únicos que fueron atendidos al momento, fueron niñ@s y adolescentes, entonces los adultos no tenemos derecho a la atención pronta? Porque no solo fui yo, sino varios adultos que no nos atendieron ?
The indications of the place is to arrive before 7:00 am for some supposed cards that they deliver, you write down in a notebook, you form and at around 7:30 am they start calling you to go through several filters. In the first they ask you why you go to that place, if you have IMSS or ISSSTE ($150 per consultation) and they tell you: Go to your clinic to be attended there ? because we don't have appointments here at the moment, it's very saturated. If you don't have social security it's free. Today, Monday, March 28, 2022, the only ones who were attended to at the moment were children and adolescents, so adults do not have the right to prompt attention? Because it wasn't just me, but several adults who didn't attend to us ?
Lodge Meiki on Google

No se puede sacar cita por teléfono se tiene que estar ahí desde las 6 am para anotar tu nombre en una lista de pacientes que vienen por primera vez. A las 7:30 (más o menos) comienza a llamarlos por su nombre para pasarlos al primer filtro lo único que tienes que llevar es tu ine y curp impresos, si se trata de una urgencia te atienden inmediatamente pero si no te hacen una entrevista y te dan un papel con fecha y hora para atenderte (te pueden dar la cita para dos semana como para 2 meses o más y solo para abrir tu expediente dependiendo de como te valoren) ya el día de tu cita se te asignará número de consultorio y un especialista qué te valorará ( POR MI PARTE LA CONSULTA ME SALIO GRATIS SOLO TIENES QUE LLEVAR TU INE Y CURP IMPRESOS CONTANDO QUE YO NO CUENTO CON SEGURO SOCIAL NI NADA PERO PUEDE VARIAR SEGUN EL CASO ESO CREO) después de que te valoren te dan tus recetas y tu cartilla de citas ahora lo malo es que a mi me dieron medicamentos solo para 2 meses y mi próxima cita La tengo hasta dentro de 5 meses por lo que será difícil tener un tratamiento constante.
You cannot make an appointment by phone, you have to be there from 6 am to put your name on a list of patients who come for the first time. At 7:30 (more or less) he begins to call them by name to pass them to the first filter, the only thing you have to bring is your printed ine and curp, if it is an emergency they attend to you immediately but if they do not interview you and they give you a piece of paper with the date and time to serve you (they can give you an appointment for two weeks or for 2 months or more and only to open your file depending on how they value you) On the day of your appointment, you will be assigned an office number and a specialist who will assess you (FOR MY PART THE CONSULTATION WAS FREE, YOU ONLY HAVE TO BRING YOUR PRINTED INE AND CURP, SAYING THAT I DO NOT HAVE SOCIAL INSURANCE OR ANYTHING BUT IT MAY VARY ACCORDING TO I THINK THAT'S THE CASE) after they assess you, they give you your prescriptions and your appointment book, now the bad thing is that they gave me medication for only 2 months and my next appointment is in 5 months, so it will be difficult to have constant treatment.
Andrea González on Google

Mala experiencia con la Dra.Jesica Gómez Juárez. 19/02/22 12:15 Acudí por una crisis emocional(ya tuve un intento de suicidio y auto leciones) me escucho un minuto y no me atendió porque no tenía mi expediente, que volviera el lunes. Pase a urgencias por algo para el dolor y mis respetos profesionales, muy humanos y respeto a mi identidad, soy una mujer trans. Me escucharon, inyectaron y dieron una hoja de referencia para que sí me atendieran en salme. Regresé salio la misma dra. Vio la referencia, me escucho medio minuto "y como esperas que te ayude?" Me dijo,(no lo se ustedes son los que se dedican a esto no?) y que mejor volviera el lunes. Le mencioné que no me llamó por mi nombre de mujer y dijo que no sabia que la referencia no decía, cuando si decía eh incluso hacia enfasis a eso por lo que note que ¡nisiquiera la leyó! Me quiso dar una pastilla y que no me iba a hacer caso, se molestó porque le dije que no me quería atender y queria poner una queja, dijo que mo sabia en donde esta el buzón de quejas y se fue, a los minutos me llamo, me dio su nombre de mala gana y llamo a dos personas para inyectarme, lo hicieron pésimo 5veces y no le atinaban a la vena, pues a la segunda en el otro brazo, se nota el mal trato hasta en la manera en que te agarran y hablan. Al final, si me escuchó un poco la dra. No se reflexiono ó alguien le dijo algo. Comprendo que esten cansados ó haya muchos pacientes, pero el simplemente no dar el servicio con indirectas cuando pudieron darme aunque sea un calmante desde el principio, la mala actitud, fingir como que leen lo que tengo y recetar algo solo para que ya me vaya, no. La dra. no parece mala persona y hasta trato de ser amable, al final si me escuchó, aunque no me dijo ni que me inyecto, creo que estaba muy estresada u ocupada, pero no por eso no atiendes a pacientes "menos importantes" Espero mí queja se atienda y no vuelva a pasar.
Bad experience with Dr. Jesica Gómez Juárez. 02/19/22 12:15 I went due to an emotional crisis (I already had a suicide attempt and self-harm) he listened to me for a minute and he didn't attend to me because he didn't have my file, he should come back on Monday. I went to the emergency room for something for the pain and my professional respects, very human and I respect my identity, I am a trans woman. They listened to me, they injected me and they gave me a reference sheet so that they would treat me in salme. I came back the same dr came out. He saw the reference, he listened to me for half a minute "and how do you expect me to help you?" He told me, (I don't know, you are the ones who are dedicated to this, right?) and that I better come back on Monday. I mentioned to him that he didn't call me by my female name and he said he didn't know the reference didn't say, when it did say eh he even emphasized that so I noticed he didn't even read it! He wanted to give me a pill and that he wasn't going to pay attention to me, he got upset because I told him I didn't want to attend to me and wanted to file a complaint, he said he didn't know where the complaints box is and he left, a few minutes later he called me , reluctantly gave me his name and I called two people to inject me, they did a terrible job 5 times and they did not hit the vein, because the second one in the other arm, you can see the bad treatment even in the way they grab you and they talk. In the end, if Dr. listened to me a little. He did not reflect or someone said something to him. I understand that they are tired or there are many patients, but simply not giving the service with hints when they could give me even a painkiller from the beginning, the bad attitude, pretending that they read what I have and prescribing something just so that I leave, no. the dr. She doesn't seem like a bad person and I even try to be kind, in the end she did listen to me, although she didn't even tell me that I injected myself, I think she was very stressed or busy, but that's not why you don't treat "less important" patients I hope my complaint is addressed and does not happen again.

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