Salón de Belleza Collins - 57730 Nezahualcóyotl

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Contact Salón de Belleza Collins

Address :

Coatepec 203, Metropolitana 1ra Secc, 57730 Nezahualcóyotl, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Méx.

Coatepec 203, Metropolitana 1ra Secc, 57730 Nezahualcóyotl, Méx., Mexico
Samuel Hernandez on Google

Liz Ferrer on Google

Fui a hacerme unas mechas balayage, pregunté días antes si me las hacían ahí y cuánto me cobraban, me dieron precios y me sugirieron unas baby lights, que por cierto, el dueño se refirió a ellas como baby liss (eso no existe) total que hice cita y fui el día indicado, durante los días previos a la cita investigué lo que me sugirieron y me di cuenta que no quería eso, porque era hasta la raíz de mi cabellera, se me iba a maltratar mucho más y no me gustaba el estilo, y cuando llegué le pregunté mis dudas al dueño ALEJANDRO COLLINS y él se aferró a que lo que yo me quería hacer estaba mal, y que las mechas que el decía (que costaban $500 más) me tenían que gustar, le pregunté si me las podían hacer no tan marcadas o barridas y no tan de raíz y dijo que no, entonces me empezó a decir que ya le dijera rápido que quería porque le estaba haciendo perder su tiempo y que yo no sabía ni lo que significa "baby lights" cuando él es quien no sabe ni pronunciar correctamente, y no tiene idea de la diferencia entre un californiano, unas balayage o transparencias, y dice que todas son lo mismo (cosa que me alarmo, porque si no sabe la diferencia, no me lo puede realizar) se quejó de mi cabello, porque dice que en cabellos cortos y que sea poco cabello, si se puede hacer y que en el mío quedaría todo horrible y cuando me presionó y me dijo "pues dime pronto que cosa quieres" me molestó demasiado y le dije que pues realmente ya no quería que me hiciera nada, por muchas razones, una es que seguro ya me las iba a hacer mal, porque ya se había enojado, otra es porque no conozco su profesionalismo, pero se ve nulo, al no respetar mi decisión, porque yo siempre dije que quería un estilo en particular, y aunque el me sugiera, es eso sólamente, una SUGERENCIA, otra fue porque yo las iba a pagar y con mi dinero yo me hago lo que yo quiero, no lo que él quiera, porque a fin de cuentas, si quedara mal, sería mi culpa, por no decir que no quería eso, y por último me empezó a recalcar que él trabajó en POLANCO, y que él también sólo le daba servicio a quién él quería... Me retiré porque se me hizo un grosero y porque yo no voy a comprar lo que no quiera, si yo hubiera ido y le dijera que quiero un cambio y que me pongo en sus manos, entonces no discuto, porque se supone que él es el experto, pero yo fui con una idea clara de lo que quería y el a fuerza me quiere hacer algo que no quiero, pésimo servicio, no vayan, se arrepentirían, yo no lo recomiendo, cuido mucho mi cabello para que él diga que todo se me vería horrible, no sé si no lo sabe hacer, pero a mi me trató de tonta cuando decía que yo no sabía ni que era un" baby liss" en palabras de él, EL CLIENTE ES PRIMERO, y tienes que darle el mejor servicio...
I went to make some balayage wicks, I asked days before if they made them there and how much they charged me, they gave me prices and suggested some baby lights, which by the way, the owner referred to them as baby liss (that does not exist) total that I made an appointment and I was the day indicated, during the days before the appointment I researched what they suggested and I realized that I did not want that, because it was up to the root of my hair, I was going to be mistreated much more and I did not like the style, and when I arrived I asked my doubts to the owner ALEJANDRO COLLINS and he held on to what I wanted to do was wrong, and that the wicks he said (which cost $ 500 more) I had to like, I asked him if I they could make them not so marked or swept and not so rooted and he said no, then he began to tell me that I already told him quickly what I wanted because he was wasting his time and that I did not even know what "baby lights" means when he is the one who doesn't know or pronounce correct And I have no idea about the difference between a Californian, some balayage or transparencies, and he says that they are all the same (something that alarms me, because if he doesn't know the difference, he can't make it to me) he complained about my hair, because he says that in short hair and that there is little hair, if it can be done and that in mine it would be all horrible and when he pressed me and said "well tell me soon what you want" annoyed me too much and I said that well I really no longer I wanted him to do anything to me, for many reasons, one is that I was going to do them badly, because he was already angry, another is because I don't know his professionalism, but he looks void, not respecting my decision, because I always I said that I wanted a particular style, and although he suggests to me, it is only a SUGGESTION, another was because I was going to pay them and with my money I do what I want, not what he wants, because in order After all, if it were wrong, it would be my fault, not to say I didn't want that, and finally I began to emphasize that he worked at POLANCO, and that he also only served who he wanted ... I retired because I was rude and because I am not going to buy what I do not want, if I I would have gone and told him that I want a change and that I put myself in his hands, so I do not argue, because he is supposed to be the expert, but I went with a clear idea of ​​what he wanted and he forcefully wants me to do something that I do not want, lousy service, do not go, they would regret it, I do not recommend it, I take care of my hair so that he says that everything would look horrible to me, I do not know if he does not know how to do it, but he treated me silly when he said that I didn't even know he was a "baby liss" in his words, THE CLIENT IS FIRST, and you have to give him the best service ...
omar nava (cyborito) on Google

No pude hacer cita ni pedir información, el número publicado aparentemente no existe
I could not make an appointment or request information, the published number apparently does not exist

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