SAN PABLO mueblerías - 44160 Guadalajara

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Contact SAN PABLO mueblerías

Address :

Av. Ignacio L. Vallarta 1459, Col Americana, Americana, 44160 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av. Ignacio L. Vallarta 1459, Col Americana, Americana, 44160 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
elias moreno on Google

compre un sofa cama,un perchero y una entregaron a tiempo y forma, el primer dia al quitar el plastico del sofa cama,me di cuenta que el sofa estaba hecho literalmente de pedazera, el perchero no era el que yo habia escojido y la sala tenia una madera rota al frente.fui a la muebleria y un junior que es el propietario, me dijo que me hiban a reparar el dano, fueron a mi casa y solo entintaron el mueble de un color chocolate para que no se viera la union l frente. el perchero me lo cambiaron por el que se habia escojido desde la primera vez. el sofa cama me lo cambiaron por otro mucho peor, que estaba en sucursal. llego el momento que tuve que irme a parar a la tienda, hasta que me solucionaran el problema, no compren aqui..... no beneficien a esta clase de personas que solo lucran con el dinero de las personas.... hay muchos chicos ahi, que te atienden, tratas con uno y despues te atiende otro....por favor no compren ahi.saludos.
I bought a sofa bed, a coat rack and a room. They delivered me on time and form, the first day when I removed the plastic from the sofa bed, I realized that the sofa was literally made of pedazera, the coat rack was not the one I had chosen and the room had a broken wood in front. I went to the furniture store and a junior who is the owner, told me that they were going to repair the damage, they went to my house and only inked the furniture of a chocolate color so that it did not look the union l front. I changed the coat rack to the one I had chosen since the first time. The sofa bed was changed for a much worse one, which was in branch. The time came that I had to go to the store, until they solved the problem, do not buy here ... do not benefit this kind of people who only profit from people's money ... there are many Guys there, who attend you, deal with one and then attend you another .... please do not buy there greetings.
Luis Guillermo Vallejo on Google

Mi experiencia con San Pablo Muebleria fue pésima. Compre una sala, un comedor y al final una recámara... Los muebles se ven bonitos en la tienda y te platican que es la mejor calidad y q son primos de los de Artex y demás... Pero la verdad es q después q te venden el producto comienzan los problemas... El primer problema es q no respetan los tiempos de entrega... en todos los casos se retrasaron más de un mes. Una vez q me entregaron tarde y ya molestos por mi insistencia el flete fue pésimo ya que me llegaron los muebles dañados... algunos defectos de fábrica y otros defectos por daño en transporte... Pero finalmente entregan y te dicen q te mandaran a alguien a detallar o te cambiarán algunas piezas q están mal... Pero nunca mandan a nadie a la reparación... algunas piezas me las cambiaron porque de plano estaban chuecas, rotas, despostilladas, etc... Pero finalmente tuve q ir yo a recoger después de 2 meses de insistencia... Al final ni te dan la cara, se esconden, no regresan las llamadas, los dueños se hacen pasar por empleados para no atenderte, mienten y demás... cero compromiso, ética y profesionalismo de los dueños... aparte q todos los muebles finalmente son de otros fabricantes... La sala y comedor super delicados, pones un vaso y queda la marca, se rayan fácilmente super delicados. No vuelvo a comprar y no recomiendo a nadie la muebleria.
My experience with San Pablo Muebleria was terrible. Buy a room, a dining room and at the end a bedroom ... The furniture looks nice in the store and they talk to you that it is the best quality and they are cousins ​​of the Artex and others ... But the truth is that after you They sell the product the problems begin ... The first problem is that they do not respect delivery times ... in all cases they were delayed more than a month. Once I was delivered late and already annoyed by my insistence the freight was lousy since I got the damaged furniture ... some factory defects and other defects for transport damage ... But finally they deliver and they tell you to send you to someone to detail or change some pieces that are wrong ... But they never send anyone to repair ... some pieces were changed because they were crooked, broken, broken, etc ... But finally I had to go to pick up after 2 months of insistence ... In the end they do not give you the face, they hide, the calls do not return, the owners pretend to be employees not to attend you, they lie and others ... zero commitment, ethics and professionalism of the owners ... apart from all the furniture finally they are from other manufacturers ... The super delicate room and dining room, you put a glass and the mark remains, they are easily scratched super delicate. I do not buy again and I do not recommend furniture to anyone.
Brenda Ramirez on Google

Experiencia pésima muebles defectuoso, y sin respetar la garantía. mi compra fue de comedor que me enviaron de forma foránea a San Luis potosi el comedor se pandeo hablando con un especialista me informa que la madera está mojada y por lo tanto con el peso se torcio ...muebles de pésima calidad y se suponía que sería de chapa de parota y claro que no es ni de parota ni de salam calificación cero y menos que cero
Bad furniture experience defective, and without respecting the warranty. My purchase was from a dining room that was sent to San Luis potosi in a foreign manner. The dining room buckled, talking to a specialist informs me that the wood is wet and therefore with the weight it is crooked ... furniture of poor quality and it was assumed that it would be made of parota plate and of course it is neither parota nor salam zero rating and less than zero
Sonia Rivera on Google

Tengo años comprando en esta tienda y sin duda son la mejor opcion.!los precios y la calidad son los mejores. La gente que dice a tenido malas experiencias creo lo hace con mala fe... Porque cuando yo he tenido algun peoblema inmediatamente me resuelven 100%lo recomiendo
I have been shopping in this store for years and without a doubt they are the best option. The prices and quality are the best. People who say they have had bad experiences I think they do so with bad faith ... Because when I have had a problem they immediately solve it for me 100% I recommend it
Oscar Gomez on Google

Todo es de primera calidad. Me encantó la calidad y el servicio. Super recomendado !!!
Everything is top quality. I loved the quality and the service. Super recommended !!!
Jose Ortíz on Google

La peor experiencia de compra. No se hacen responsables, tratan de culpar a la pandemia, a sus empleados y etc. para pretextar que no han podido cumplir sus compromisos de entrega de muebles. Muy mala experiencia. Ahórrense corajes, no compren con gente mentirosa como ellos, no tienen palabra y son irresponsables. Inequívocamente les van a quedar mal como a todos los clientes que han atendido, hasta en líos legales andan. Altamente NO recomendables.
The worst shopping experience. They don't take responsibility, they try to blame the pandemic, their employees and etc. to pretext that they have not been able to meet their furniture delivery commitments. Very bad experience. Save yourselves courage, do not buy with lying people like them, they have no word and are irresponsible. Unequivocally, they will look bad like all the clients they have attended, even in legal trouble. Highly NOT recommended.
Rogelio Izunza Padilla on Google

Me recomendaron sus muebles y superaron mis expectativas en calidad y diseño, la experiencia de compra fue muy agradable, estoy muy satisfecho al haber invertido mi dinero sus muebles. Ahora soy yo el que los recomienda.
They recommended their furniture to me and they exceeded my expectations in quality and design, the shopping experience was very pleasant, I am very satisfied with having invested my money in their furniture. Now I am the one recommending them.
Misael Perez Martinez on Google

Muy mal servicio de entrega, su contrato dice que 20 días hábiles y en mi caso ya va mas de mes y medio y no entregan; se comprometen con fechas que no cumplen, no contestan el teléfono; en fin PESIMO SERVICIO !!! Lamentablemente no investigué antes la reputación de esta pésima mueblería, de haberlo hecho antes jamás hubiera comprado nada con ellos; seguiré batallando para que me entreguen y/o me regresen mi dinero.
Very bad delivery service, your contract says that 20 business days and in my case it's been more than a month and a half and they don't deliver; they commit to dates they don't meet, they don't answer the phone; in short, AWFUL SERVICE!!! Unfortunately I did not investigate the reputation of this lousy furniture store before, if I had done it before I would never have bought anything with them; I will continue to fight for them to deliver and/or return my money.

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