San Vicente Hospital - 64000 Monterrey

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact San Vicente Hospital

Address :

Ruperto Martínez 1200, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +887777
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City : N.L.

Cresencio Ramos on Google

No recomiendo el Hospital San Vicente porque te obligan en tus pagos con tarjeta a presentar tu credencial de elector y apuntan tus datos personales, eso viola la protección de datos personales además de ser innecesario porque mi tarjeta de débito ni siquiera trae mi nombre, para eso se inventó la firma electrónica, es ridículo, mejor ir a otro lugar.
I do not recommend Hospital San Vicente because in your card payments they force you to present your voter identification card and they write down your personal data, that violates the protection of personal data as well as being unnecessary because my debit card does not even have my name on it, for that the electronic signature was invented, it's ridiculous, better go somewhere else.
Menusa Vera on Google

Martes 8 llego a urgencias por un dedo cortado medianamente severo, la mujer en turno me dice que amerita cirugía plástica, decido consultar al médico para que me recete antibióticos para evitar infección y la Dra me da instrucción de que al menos me hagan limpieza, regreso a urgencias y la Dra Castro me dice que amerita sutura y que quien me atendió antes debió atenderme. Felicidades a la Dra Castro! Hoy 16 marzo regreso a que me quiten los 5 puntos, me lastimo el muchacho al inicio porque estaba usando unas tijeras incorrectas punta redonda y sin filo, dijo: - antes si teníamos unas tijeras chicas de punta pero quien sabe que les pasó. O sea, es hospital privado, cobran hasta por respirar ahí adentro y no tienen para unas tijeras y prefieren que el área médica use herramientas no adecuadas, es el IMSS acaso??? Pésimos algunos elementos HSV.
Tuesday 8 I arrive at the emergency room for a moderately severe cut finger, the woman on duty tells me that plastic surgery is needed, I decide to consult the doctor so that he prescribes antibiotics to avoid infection and the Dr instructs me to at least do a cleaning, I return to the emergency room and Dr. Castro tells me that it requires a suture and that the person who treated me before should have treated me. Congratulations to Dr. Castro! Today, March 16, I return to have the 5 points removed, the boy hurt me at the beginning because he was using the wrong scissors with a round tip and without a sharp edge, he said: - before we had small scissors with a tip but who knows what happened to them. I mean, it's a private hospital, they even charge for breathing in there and they don't have scissors and they prefer that the medical area use inappropriate tools, is it the IMSS perhaps??? Lousy some HSV elements.
Kory Velázquez on Google

Leí muy malos comentarios en cuanto a la atención, la verdad a mi me atendieron muy bien, el doctor me explico el procedimiento a realizar, yo estaba un poco nerviosa y la enfermera fue muy amable conmigo, incluso a pesar de que llegue tarde a mi cita.
I read very bad comments regarding the care, the truth is that they treated me very well, the doctor explained the procedure to be performed, I was a little nervous and the nurse was very kind to me, even though I arrived late. appointment.
Adda Perez on Google

Hace años recuerdo que tenían una atención de primer nivel. Sin embargo hoy fuimos de emergencia por una caída que tuvo mi suegra y la atención que brindaron para nada fue lo que hace años. Le tomaron 2 radiografías las cuales no supieron interpretar y sin tener algún diagnóstico preciso nos dieron un estimado de precio entre los 40 y 120 mil pesos. Pero porque dan esas cantidades?? Si No sabemos si sea fractura, esguince, cirugía etc.. Desidimos llevarla a otra clínica ya que el dolor que tiene es insoportable y es una persona de la tercera edad. Me siento muy decepcionada realmente.
I remember years ago that they had first-rate care. However, today we went to the emergency room due to a fall that my mother-in-law had and the care they gave was not what it was years ago. They took 2 x-rays which they could not interpret and without having any precise diagnosis they gave us an estimate of a price between 40 and 120 thousand pesos. But why do they give those amounts? Yes We do not know if it is a fracture, sprain, surgery, etc. We decided to take her to another clinic since the pain she has is unbearable and she is a senior citizen. I really feel very disappointed.
Erick Hernandez on Google

Precios accesibles en laboratorio y en consultas Te atienden súper bien. Y los estudios son confiables Un perfil bioquímico sanguíneo té cuesta no más de 150 pesos y en otras partes triplican el precio
Affordable prices in the laboratory and in consultations They treat you very well. And the studies are reliable A tea blood biochemical profile costs no more than 150 pesos and in other places they triple the price
aly moonty on Google

Sali peor de como estaba me hicieron un estudio sin avisarme y estando anesteciada se tardaron mucho para aplicar para dolor . Se tardaban hastas 3 hrs en ir. Me reventaron las venas y me maltrataron dormida regrese peor regrese toda golpeada fisicamente nunca me dieron medicamento para desinflamar higado me pusieron micho suero sali toda hinchada solo me dieron de comer 3 veces . Sali con los brazos todos morados. Pesimo
I came out worse than I was, they did a study without notifying me and being anesthetized they took a long time to apply for pain. It took up to 3 hours to go. My veins burst and they mistreated me when I was asleep. I came back worse. I came back all beat up physically. They never gave me medicine to reduce liver inflammation. They put a lot of serum on me. I came out all swollen. They only fed me 3 times. I came out with my arms all purple. Appalling
Gisel Torres on Google

Yo estoy encantada con el servicio! Llevo aproximadamente 1 año yendo ahí a consultar con mi Dermatologo y al laboratorio a hacerme mis chequeos de sangre que me tocan cada ciertos meses. En ambos casos la atención es excelente, rápida y los costos muy baratos. Además el estacionamiento es súper barato y confiable. Yo voy desde Escobedo hasta allá por que en ningún otro hospital o clínica me siento tan agusto como ahí.
I am delighted with the service! I have been going there for approximately 1 year to consult with my Dermatologist and to the laboratory to do my blood checks that touch me every few months. In both cases the attention is excellent, fast and the costs are very cheap. In addition, parking is super cheap and reliable. I go from Escobedo to there because in no other hospital or clinic do I feel as comfortable as there.
Orlando Montoya on Google

Accesible prices on laboratory

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