Santander - 64850 Monterrey

2.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Santander

Address :

Revolución 3653 Sur y Alfonso Reyes, Villa del Rio, 64850 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8898
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City : N.L.

Revolución 3653 Sur y Alfonso Reyes, Villa del Rio, 64850 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Irving D. Cueto Vázquez on Google

Bien ubicado, siempre le hace falta personal. Hay un cajero para todos los clientes. Aunque haya más trabajadores en la sucursal nadie quiere atenderte. Sugiero no visitarlo si tienes prisa.
Well located, always lacking staff. There is an ATM for all customers. Even if there are more workers in the branch nobody wants to help you. I suggest not visiting it if you are in a hurry.
Silvia Ibarra on Google

Los cajeros le dan preferencia a la fila de clientes Santander y los demás podemos pasar ahí largos minutos antes de que se dignen atendernos. Al menos aquí hay elevador para la gente que no puede subir escaleras aunque dudo si está en funcionamiento.
The tellers give preference to the Santander customer line and the others can spend long minutes there before they pay attention to us. At least here there is a lift for people who can not climb stairs although I doubt if it is working.
Claudia Martinez on Google

Es el lugar con el PEOR servicio de atención a clientes que he conocido hasta ahora. Jamás resuelven dudas. En todas y cada una de las ocasiones en que he ido me dicen que todo lo debo arreglar por vía telefónica. Mi última experiencia fue que la tarjeta que en esa sucursal me dieron la fui a reemplazar y me dieron la explicación que debo ir a la sucursal del centro. Nunca me han ayudado con absolutamente nada. NADA!!!!!
It is the place with the WORST customer service I have ever encountered. They never resolve doubts. In each and every one of the occasions in which I have been they tell me that I must fix everything by phone. My last experience was that the card that they gave me at that branch was replaced and they gave me the explanation that I should go to the downtown branch. They have never helped me with absolutely anything. NOTHING!!!!!
Diana Mondragon on Google

Tengo mucho tiempo viniendo aquí, me gusta que en horas tempranas no hay fila. El personal de cajas siempre ha tenido un buen servicio. Sin embargo doy dos estrellas por la gerente poco profesional que tienen, creo que comenzó a trabajar aquí a partir del 2019. Lamentablemente no tengo su nombre. Pero sé que es la gerente de esta sucursal. No es una, sino varias veces que vengo a solicitar orientación ya sea de supernet o para otros movimientos y esta mujer siempre está a la defensiva y es muy despota. Pareciera que quiere imponer autoridad pero lo que refleja es prepotencia. No sabe tratar a la gente de una manera digna, parece que te regaña todo el tiempo y que odia su trabajo. Por esta razón, veré la posibilidad de cambiar mi cuenta a otra sucursal cercana en la cual su personal ejecutivo y el gerente den un buen servicio. Yo no voy a un banco donde me griten y me traten mal sin ninguna razón.
I have a lot of time coming here, I like that in early hours there is no line. The cash desk staff has always had a good service. However I give two stars for the unprofessional manager they have, I think he started working here from 2019. Unfortunately I don't have his name. But I know he is the manager of this branch. It is not one, but several times that I come to request guidance either from supernet or for other movements and this woman is always on the defensive and is very despot. It seems that he wants to impose authority but what it reflects is arrogance. He doesn't know how to treat people in a dignified way, he seems to scold you all the time and he hates his job. For this reason, I will see the possibility of changing my account to another nearby branch where your executive staff and the manager provide good service. I don't go to a bank where they yell at me and treat me badly for no reason.
jesus gomez gonzalez on Google

Muy mala atención en las cajas tienen una persona atendiendo en lo personal llegué a las 14:45 hrs. Y estaban tres clientes mi y salí hasta las 15:30 horas. Le comenté a una persona que estaba en un escritorio que cuál es el motivo de tener una persona atendiendo a los clientes y me comenta que ellos por la contingencia estan cuidando a su personal. Les sugerí que metieran cuando menos dos personas en cajas para agilizar la fila Pd. Las tres personas que estaban adelanteeran: Uno,Sacando efectivo para rayas Otro pagos al imss Y el tercero haciendo 5 depósitos en cantidades arriba de 50,000. Pesos.
Very bad attention in the boxes they have a person attending personally I arrived at 14:45 hrs. And there were three clients ahead of me and I left until 3:30 p.m. I commented to a person who was at a desk that what is the reason for having a person serving customers and he tells me that they are taking care of their staff due to the contingency. I suggested they put at least two people in boxes to speed up the line P.S. The three people in front were: One, Pulling cash for stripes Other payments to the imss And the third making 5 deposits in amounts over 50,000. Pesos.
Diego G.G. on Google

Habíamos 3 clientes y 4 empleados y aún así tarde 40 min solo para que me mandaran a hablar por teléfono a servicio a cliente, podría haber alguien en la entrada pre-resolviéndo problemas como en las demás sucursales, y así no tendríamos que perder nuestro tiempo.
We had 3 clients and 4 employees and it still took 40 min just for them to send me to speak by phone to customer service, there could be someone at the entrance pre-solving problems like in the other branches, and thus we would not have to waste our time .
Felix Jaime on Google

Pesimo Servicio, 3 de los 4 ejecutivos en el celular, uno de ellos hasta un partido de futbol estaba viendo, y servicio al cliente, pos todos ocupados, y pesimo servicio. En mi opinion los ejecutivos NO deberian tener sus celulares en la mano, no les dan ganas de trabajar, y te pone a pensar lazos con delincuencia.
Terrible Service, 3 of the 4 executives on the cell phone, one of them was even watching a soccer game, and customer service, after all busy, and terrible service. In my opinion, executives should NOT have their cell phones in their hands, they don't feel like working, and it makes you think about ties to crime.
Jeeves Williams on Google

Locked card for no reason. Five business days to unlock. In 2021?! Absolutely ridiculous and appalling and embarrassing. Also, they have a separate section with different flooring and furnishings and uniforms for ‘richer’ clientele — literally classism. Also, the entrance and elevator for wheelchair users is filthy and hostile. Disgusting.

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