Scotiabank San Cristóbal de las Casas - 29200 San Cristóbal de las Casas

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About Scotiabank San Cristóbal de las Casas

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** Horario de la Ciudad de México (De lunes a viernes de las 17:30 a las 05:59 hrs., sábados, domingos y días festivos, todas las operaciones que se realicen estarán limitadas hasta un monto de $8,000.00 pesos)

Contact Scotiabank San Cristóbal de las Casas

Address :

16 de Septiembre 4, Centro, 29200 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chis., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9779
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City : Chis.

16 de Septiembre 4, Centro, 29200 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chis., Mexico
Patricia Xochitl Ayala Campos on Google

Pésimo banco y pésimo servicio ....por favor no abran cuenta con ellos busquen otra opción
Terrible bank and terrible service ... please do not open an account with them, look for another option
marilu jimenez on Google

Pésimo servicio Nunca contestan el teléfono
Terrible service They never answer the phone
Ulises Garcia. on Google

Es un buen lugar, en ocasiones atienden bien pero otras ocasiones el personal esta incapacitado para ciertos movimientos bancarios, al ser un banco no tan común no hay tanta fila para hacer transferencias, tiene cajeros pero algunos no sirven o ni siquiera tienen dinero, los asesores son muy amables y te responden bien a tus dudas, es un excelente lugar pero personalmente no lo recomendaría
It is a good place, sometimes they serve well but other times the staff is incapacitated for certain banking movements, being a not so common bank there is not as much line to make transfers, it has ATMs but some do not serve or do not even have money, the advisers They are very friendly and they answer your questions well, it is an excellent place but personally I would not recommend it
Fotocomputergrafica FotoVR on Google

San Cristóbal de Las Casas è una città dello Stato del Chiapas in Messico, situata tra le montagne della Sierra Madre. Nel 2010 la stima della popolazione era di 158 027 abitanti. Fondata nel 1528, fu una delle prime città nel nordamerica coloniale spagnolo. Inizialmente si chiamò Villareal, poi quando da paese era ormai diventata una vera a propria città, divenne Ciudad Real (città reale). Prese poi il nome di "San Cristóbal" (San Cristoforo); il "de Las Casas" è stato aggiunto in onore di Bartolomé de Las Casas, primo vescovo di Ciudad Real, che combatté per i diritti degli Indios. La città è nota per la sua bella architettura in stile coloniale. Fu capitale del Chiapas in epoca coloniale. All'inizio della dittatura di Porfirio Díaz (epoca conosciuta come il porfiriato), il potere passò a Tuxla Gutiérrez, attuale capitale, dopo una lotta tra le due città. Una lotta simile si ripeté all'inizio della rivoluzione, essendosi San Cristòbal allineata con Porfirio Díaz. Attualmente si può considerare la capitale culturale del Chiapas. Vi convivono vari gruppi etnici. È una città molto turistica; dal 2003 è stata inserita dalla segreteria del turismo nella lista delle Città Magiche. Nel Barrio El Cerrillo si trova il museo Na Bolom gestito dall'omonima organizzazione non lucrativa. Nella struttura è vissuto, tra il 1950 e il 1963, l'archeologo ed esploratore danese Frans Blom. Nel museo è possibile ammirare reperti Maya e gli oggetti della vita quotidiana di Blom e della moglie Gertrude Duby Blom. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
San Cristóbal de Las Casas is a city in the state of Chiapas in Mexico, located in the Sierra Madre mountains. In 2010 the population estimate was 158 027 inhabitants. Founded in 1528, it was one of the first cities in Spanish colonial North America. Initially it was called Villareal, then when it had become a real city from the town, it became Ciudad Real (real city). Then it took the name of "San Cristóbal" (San Cristoforo); the "de Las Casas" was added in honor of Bartolomé de Las Casas, the first bishop of Ciudad Real, who fought for the rights of the Indians. The city is known for its beautiful colonial-style architecture. It was the capital of Chiapas in colonial times. At the beginning of the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz (an era known as the porphyry), power passed to Tuxla Gutiérrez, the current capital, after a struggle between the two cities. A similar struggle was repeated at the beginning of the revolution, having San Cristòbal aligned with Porfirio Díaz. Currently it can be considered the cultural capital of Chiapas. Various ethnic groups live together. It is a very touristy city; since 2003 it has been included by the tourism secretariat in the list of Magic Cities. In the Barrio El Cerrillo there is the Na Bolom museum managed by the non-profit organization of the same name. The Danish archaeologist and explorer Frans Blom lived between 1950 and 1963 in the structure. In the museum it is possible to admire Mayan finds and the objects of daily life of Blom and his wife Gertrude Duby Blom. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Laura Garcia Garcia on Google

Los ejecutivos muy amables, la atención en ventanilla pésima. Realice una trasferencia internacional y al parecer no están capacitados para hacerla ademas de perder tiempo y no realizar la trasferencia, por no saber realizar el movimiento perdimos 12,000 pesos más comisión. Y la única explicación que te dan es por que la cuenta no existe. Por favor tengan cuidado al realizar este tipo de pagos. Capaciten a su personal o informen a los clientes si pueden o no realizar este tipo de trámites
The executives very friendly, the attention in a lousy window. Make an international transfer and apparently they are not trained to make it in addition to wasting time and not making the transfer, for not knowing how to make the move we lost 12,000 pesos plus commission. And the only explanation they give you is because the account does not exist. Please be careful when making these types of payments. Train your staff or inform customers whether or not they can perform this type of paperwork
Mario Rea on Google

Pueblo mágico donde encontrarás diversas atracciones, restaurantes, bares. Toda una experiencia agradable para visitar y conocer
Magical town where you will find various attractions, restaurants, bars. All a pleasant experience to visit and know
Alfonso on Google

Pesimo banco bloquean tarjetas sin plevio aviso, el servicio al cliente es tardado y su resolutiva es mentir. Eviten este banco.
Terrible bank blocks cards without prior notice, customer service is slow and their solution is to lie. Avoid this bank.
Joan Hernández on Google

Tener cuidado con el cajero, hice un giro de una cantidad. Y el dinero salió incompleto. Ojo con eso. Según lo devolverán, cajero con fallas. Vamos a ver que pasa con la resolución.
Be careful with the cashier, I made a transfer of an amount. And the money came out incomplete. Watch out for that. As they will return it, cashier with faults. Let's see what happens with the resolution.

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