Secundaria Oficial #421 "Dr. Alfonso García Robles" - Cuautitlán Izcalli

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Contact Secundaria Oficial #421 "Dr. Alfonso García Robles"

Address :

54768, Av. Paseo de Los Bosques 260, Bosques de Hacienda, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Méx.

54768, Av. Paseo de Los Bosques 260, Bosques de Hacienda, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Méx., Mexico
jose de jesus barrueta gonzalez on Google

Quisiera contactar a alumnos de la generaciones 2003-2006
I would like to contact students from the 2003-2006 generations
Lupita Zaragoza on Google

En esta secundaria tienen disponible el servicio de USAER?
In this secondary they have available the service of USAER?
Gemaelizabeth Hernandeztodd on Google

Me gustaría contactar con compañeros de la generación 1991_1993 del turno vespertino ojala me pudieran ayudar gracias
I would like to contact colleagues from the 1991_1993 generation of the evening shift, hopefully they could help me thanks
Sayu M.A. on Google

Estudié ahí y fue ahí donde conocí a un gran amigo que aún sigue siendo profesor ahí Se llama Jesús Arreguin M.
I studied there and it was there that I met a great friend who is still a teacher there His name is Jesús Arreguin M.
Remember on Google

Se estudia bien, pero hace falta mejorar las instalaciones. Eso sí, sales de ahí sabiendolo todo xD
It is studied well, but facilities must be improved. Yes, you go out there knowing all xD
Alberto Soto reyes on Google

Es una de las mejores, Sales de esa secundaria con una mentalidad grandiosa. Ya que te enseñan y explican bien.
She's one of the best, you come out of that high school with a great mindset. Since they teach you and explain well.
elissa rodriguez on Google

Porque me hubiese gustado q hicieran más actividades escolares y q tuvieran bien cubierta su matrícula de profesores durante este ciclo escolar 2017 -2020. Y cobra mucho de mantenimiento escolar para q no se vean cambios en cada ciclo escolar.
Because I would have liked them to do more school activities and to have their teacher enrollment well covered during this 2017-2020 school year. And it charges a lot of school maintenance so that no changes are seen in each school year.
Roberto Ruiz on Google

Yo estudié en La cuarenta y los maestros son malos por qué uno entregaba la tarea y te decían que estaban mal y le preguntabas que estaba mal y no te respondían y te sacaban cero pero te decían y lo resorbías y te sacaba cero y entregabas una tarea y no te apetecía nada pero la hacías y te regañaban cuando era culpa la plataforma
I studied at La forty and the teachers are bad because one would turn in the homework and they would tell you that they were wrong and you would ask them what was wrong and they would not answer you and they would get zero but they would tell you and you would resorb it and they would take zero and you would hand in an assignment and you did not feel like anything but you did it and they scolded you when it was the platform's fault

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