Seguro Popular - 01020 Ciudad de México

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Seguro Popular

Address :

Calle Gustavo E. Campa 54, Guadalupe Inn, Álvaro Obregón, 01020 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : CDMX

Pina Diaz on Google

En mapaton2017 vi que es un lugar accesible con espacios para personas discapacidad
In mapaton2017 I saw that it is an accessible place with spaces for people with disabilities
Erik Ortuño González on Google

Me encanta la actitud de los servidores públicos de esta institución.
I love the attitude of the public servants of this institution.
Yobe Media on Google

A que mail podemos contactarlos puesto que necesito una protesis para mi cadera, me urge
To which mail can we contact them since I need a prosthesis for my hip, it urges me
J G Bautista B. on Google

Pues igual que todo este gobierno. No muy bien. ?
Well, like all this government. Not very well. ?
Manuel Altamirano Lango on Google

Edificio administrativo del Seguro Popular.Un respaldo muy importante para la población que no contaba con seguridad social.Excelente apoyo.
Popular Security administrative building. A very important support for the population that did not have social security. Excellent support.
lorena fuentes on Google

En mapatón2017 vi que tienen buena accesibilidad, las entradas con amplia como para silla de ruedas y pasillos amplios.
In 2017 mapatón I saw that they have good accessibility, the entrances with wide as for wheelchair and wide corridors.
María de Montserrat galeazzi on Google

Quizás es mala suerte o me enfermo y mi hija igual cuando es día de asueto o fiesta, ayer fui a mi centro de salud y no alcance ficha de la tarde, llegue 12.45pm enferma de diarrea,vomito, nauseas, mareos, y hasta las 2pm me dijieron que ya no alcance pues solo hay un dr, por la tarde pedí si se podía pues venía de Cuernavaca donde me dijieron que mi centro de salud es aquí, en congreso de la unión el luis e. ruiz, delegación Venustiano carranza, una doctora la directora jazmin, muy prepotente y de malas pues era el partido y se le molestaba, ya alguna vez igual me paso con mi hija, y es muy déspota,no me resolvió nada solo venga mañana por ficha, ESO ES LO QUE VALGO COMO MEXICANA, QUE POCA, EL FUT ES PRIMERO,y para colmo ya me había pasado con mi hija pero ahí no tuve porque aguantar y me fui a don SIMI a gastar lo poco que tengo, NO SE VALE CHEQUEN ESE CENTRO DE SALUD, los doctores faltan cuando quieren y COMO QUE UNO EN LA TARDE O SEA ENFERMENSE 10 NADA MAS LOS DEMAS PUES MUERANSE O AGANLE COMO QUIERAN, y para rematar en Cuernavaca, pues trabajo ahí media semana, NO ME ATIENDEN PUES MI FILIACIÍON ES DEL D.F que pasa, DIGANME POR FAVOR. NO ENCUENTRO COHERENCIA UNDOCTOR PARA UF CUANTOS, EN LA TARDE O ERA POR EL FUT BOL Y LA DRA, JAZMIN LES DIO PERMISO A MAS DE LA TERCERA DEL PERSONAL PARA FALTAR LA TARDE, pues según se, no se puede quedar un centro de salud sin doctores, ah enfermeras si había, o.k. PESIMO, PESIMO. pero al final tengo que ir que poca.
Maybe it's bad luck or I'm sick and my daughter is the same when it's a holiday or a holiday, yesterday I went to my health center and did not reach the afternoon tab, I arrived at 12.45pm sick with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and even 2pm they told me that it is not enough because there is only one dr, in the afternoon I asked if I could come from Cuernavaca where they told me that my health center is here, in the union congress, Luis. ruiz, delegation Venustiano carranza, a doctor the director jazmin, very arrogant and bad because it was the party and it bothered him, and sometimes I still happened with my daughter, and is very despotic, did not solve anything just come tomorrow by tab , THAT IS WHAT VALGO LIKE MEXICAN, THAT LITTLE, THE FUT IS FIRST, and to top it off I had already spent with my daughter but I did not have to put up with it and I went to don SIMI to spend what little I have, NOT GOING CHECK ESE HEALTH CENTER, the doctors are missing when they want and AS ONE IN THE AFTERNOON OR IT IS SICK 10 NOTHING ELSE THEY DEMAS AS YOU DIE OR AGE AS WANT, and to top off in Cuernavaca, because I work there half a week, DO NOT ATTEND ME AS MY MEMBERSHIP IS FROM THE DF that passes, PLEASE SEND ME. I DO NOT MEET COHERENCE UNDOCTOR FOR UF WHAT, IN THE AFTERNOON OR WAS FOR THE FUT BOL AND THE DRA, JAZMIN GAVE THEM MORE PERMISSION FROM THE THIRD STAFF TO MISS THE AFTERNOON, because according to it, you can not stay a health center without doctors, ah nurses if there were, ok PESSIMO, PESIMO. but in the end I have to go that little.

Saludos hace un par de dias a mi mama Ma. Fidel Linares Gonzalez la hospitalizaron de emergencia en la unidad adolfo lopez mateos en toluca por una operacion de la vesicula y el trato del personal medicos, enfermeras, servicio social, SEGURO POPULAR, me dejo con la boca abierta, Yo soy de las personas que siempre habian creido que este tipo de servicio (seguro popular) no servian Grata mi sorpresa y no tengo mas que decir si no GRACIAS en verdad vale mucho la pena afiliarse Lo unico malo fue una empleada que desde el principio se ostento como "Directora del centro medico" (nunca supe su nombre o si en verdad lo era) Que desde el principio se dedico a hablar mal del seguro popular comentandole a mi madre ( en la cama a unas horas de ser operada dentro de el area de valoracion) que el seguro popular no cubriria la operacion porque ella se habia afiliado en cancun y en ese momento se encontraba en toluca Que deviamos solicitar una carta donde el gobierno de cancun se comprometiera a pagar la operacion si no, nosotros tendriamos que pagarla y que ella de su bolsa pagaria un ultrasonido que solicitaban porque "Sus familiares no quieren pagar el estudio" Por fortuna la informacion tan detallada en su portal de internet y su personal en el area de atencion al derechohabiente nos dio certidumbre Al final el seguro popular cubrio los gastos al 100% y por fortuna no tuvimos que vender los pocos bienes que tenemos je GRACIAS POR APOYAR A LAS FAMILIAS MEXICANAS P,D, De aqui en adelante a convencer a mis conocidos de afiliarse a el seguro popular
Greetings a couple of days ago to my mother Ma. Fidel Linares Gonzalez hospitalized her emergency in the unit adolfo lopez mateos in toluca for an operation of the vesicle and the treatment of medical staff, nurses, social service, POPULAR INSURANCE, I leave with Open mouth, I am one of the people who had always believed that this type of service (popular insurance) did not work Pleasantly, I am surprised and I have nothing more to say if not THANK YOU, it is really worth joining The only bad thing was an employee who from the beginning showed herself as "Director of the medical center" (I never knew her name or if she really was) That from the beginning she dedicated herself to speaking badly about popular insurance by telling my mother (in the bed a few hours after being operated within the area of ​​valuation) that the popular insurance would not cover the operation because she had joined in Cancun and at that time was in Toluca That we should request a letter where the government of Cancun committed to pay for the operation if not, we would have to pay it and that she would pay for an ultrasound from her purse that they requested because "her relatives don't want to pay for the study" Fortunately, the detailed information on its website and its staff in the area of ​​attention to the right holder gave us certainty In the end, popular insurance covered expenses 100% and fortunately we did not have to sell the few goods we have je THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING MEXICAN FAMILIES P, D, From now on to convince my acquaintances to join the popular insurance

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