Shankara - 44600 Guadalajara

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Shankara

Address :

Av. Manuel Acuña 1795, Ladrón de Guevara, Ladron De Guevara, 44600 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av. Manuel Acuña 1795, Ladrón de Guevara, Ladron De Guevara, 44600 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Karlita Martinez on Google

Vestidos bonitos, pero PÉSIMA atención al cliente. Incluso la gerente es una grosera (en la sucursal Manuel Acuña). He ido a la sucursal de Pedro Moreno y totalmente distinto el trato. No recomiendo para nada esta sucursal.
Nice dresses, but AWFUL customer service. Even the manager is rude (at the Manuel Acuña branch). I have gone to the Pedro Moreno branch and the treatment is totally different. I do not recommend this branch at all.

Me entregaron el vestido rayado y sucio de enfrente, cuando me lo probé me dijeron que le iban a quitar las manchas que no me podían hacer descuento y no le quitaron nada y llame para hacer aclaración y me dijeron que era mi culpa por no revisarlo pero cuando llegue ya lo tenían empacado ??‍♀️ Que lastima que traten así a las personas y cuando pague me cobraron el 5% de más, que en realidad fue más no supieron sacar ni el 5% sin decirme y no me di cuenta porque eran varios vestidos los que lleve y ya iba a ser hora de cerrar. (Me estaban apurando.)
They gave me the scratched and dirty dress from the front, when I tried it on they told me that they were going to remove the stains that they could not give me a discount and they did not remove anything and I called to clarify and they told me that it was my fault for not checking it but when it arrived they already had it packed ??‍♀️ Too bad they treat people like that and when I paid they charged me 5% more, which was actually more, they didn't know how to get even 5% without telling me and I didn't realize why they were I wore several dresses and it was going to be closing time. (They were rushing me.)

!!!!!......NO COMPREN AQUI....!!!!!!!!!!!! Las vendedoras se creen dueñas y la encargada no hará nada por ti si algo estuvo mal. Te tratan mal y tienen trato preferencial por clientas que ellas deciden, de no ser así, te ignoran o se molestan si quieres probarte vestidos. Una vez que has pagado o apartado el vestido se acabó la atención ... Y espera recibir EL PEOR trato o retrasos en los arreglos y la entrega. La verdad existen los mismos vestidos en otras sucursales, con mejor atención y menos problemas. Mejor ahorrense el disgusto.....
!!!!! ...... DO NOT BUY HERE .... !!!!!!!!!!!! The saleswomen think they own themselves and the manager won't do anything for you if something went wrong. They treat you badly and have preferential treatment by clients who they decide, if not, they ignore you or get upset if you want to try on dresses. Once you've paid for or put aside the dress, the attention is over ... And expect to receive THE WORST treatment or delays in arrangements and delivery. The truth is that the same dresses exist in other branches, with better service and fewer problems. Better save yourselves the annoyance .....
Ary Rojas on Google

Tienda espectacular de hermosos vestidos de fiesta el único inconveniente es pago en efectivo o te incrementan 5% extra en estos tiempos que se actualicen para beneficio de los clientes.
Spectacular store of beautiful party dresses the only drawback is payment in cash or they increase you an extra 5% in these times that are updated for the benefit of customers.
Paulina Aldana on Google

El peor servicio y lugar al que he ido. La persona que esta en el mostrador es maleducadisisisisma. Estuve ahi cuando elegi el vestido y al resto del personal las trata como basura , en varias ocasiones me dio pena ajena como se dirigia a ellas. Tambien en ese lapso llego un cliente a preguntar por un vestido que iba arecoger, la tal gerente o dueña no creo porque seria asquerosa su actitud, observo el ticket y solo dijo aqui no es. El cliente confundido decia que era la misma tienda pero ella no se digno a contestarle mas que aqui nooo es. Despues de insistirle varias veces por fin, despues de hacerse tonta un rato le comento que habia varias sucursales , lo cual soluciono el problema del pobre cliente confundido. Prepotente la de la caja. El vestido que elegi se quedo para arreglos, cuando lo recogi parecia broma como se los habian hecho, con ganas de llorar ya que era un vestido costosos y la fiesta pronto. Me respondieron que los arreglos no estaban listos porque apenas me.iban a medir, cosa que ya habian hecho el dia que fui a elegirlo. Al pedirle detalles como que se ajustaran las mangas etc, me respondieron que era bajo mi propio riesgo. Y para acabar con todo me cobraron un porcentaje extra por pagar el vestido a 3 meses sin intereses y al final en la cuenta de mi tarjeta el.movimiento fue en una sola exposicion. Ratera la dueña o lo que sea porque lo mencionamos mas de 5 veces el hecho de que seria a meses y con costo extra , ella sabe que no fue asi. Ni ganas de ir a reclamar conociendo la actitud de esa señora que tiene mal aspecto, mal encarada. Aparte habia otras dos clientas enojadas por detalles con sus vestidos de lentejuelas faltantes etc. He ido a las otras sucursales y te tratan de lujo asi que por vestidos no hay diferencia pero atencion si.
The worst service and place I have ever been. The person at the counter is rude. I was there when she chose the dress and she treats the rest of the staff like trash, on several occasions I felt sorry for others as she addressed them. Also in that period a client came to ask for a dress that he was going to pick up, the such manager or owner I do not think because his attitude would be disgusting, he looked at the ticket and only said it is not here. The confused customer said that it was the same store but she did not deign to answer him more than it is here. After insisting several times at last, after being silly for a while I commented that there were several branches, which solved the problem of the poor confused customer. The one in the box is overbearing. The dress I chose was left for arrangements, when I picked it up it seemed like a joke as they had been made, wanting to cry since it was an expensive dress and the party soon. They replied that the arrangements were not ready because they were barely going to measure me, which they had already done the day I went to choose it. When I asked for details like how to adjust the sleeves etc, they replied that it was at my own risk. And to end it all, they charged me an extra percentage to pay for the dress in 3 months without interest and in the end the movement was in a single exhibition on my card account. Ratera the owner or whatever because we mentioned it more than 5 times the fact that it would be months and with extra cost, she knows it was not like that. Not wanting to go to complain knowing the attitude of that lady who looks bad, badly faced. Besides, there were two other clients angry about details with their missing sequin dresses etc. I have been to the other branches and they treat you in luxury so there is no difference for dresses but pay attention.
Sastreria de Toreros on Google

Cuentan con un gran surtido de vestidos si bien sus textiles no son muy finos cuentan con la calidad suficiente para estar en el mercado, no hay nada novedoso, los mismos vestidos los puedes encontrar en otra tienda de la zona del vestir a un costo mucho menor y lo que si es PÉSIMA es la atención.. coincido con que la mujer que esta en el mostrador tiene un carácter déspota y nada amable, las vendedoras, sobre todo una ya mayor lo que quiere es que hagas la compra, no te pregunta ni lo que buscas solo te lleva 40 vestidos y te presiona a elegir alguno... y pues solo basta echar una mirada a los demás comentarios para valorar la atención.
They have a large assortment of dresses, although their textiles are not very fine, they have sufficient quality to be in the market, there is nothing new, the same dresses can be found in another store in the clothing area at a much lower cost And what is AWFUL is the attention. I agree that the woman at the counter has a despotic character and is not friendly at all, the saleswomen, especially an older one, what she wants is for you to make the purchase, she does not ask you or what you are looking for only takes you 40 dresses and pressures you to choose one... and then it is enough to take a look at the other comments to assess the attention.
Koki on Google

Fuimos a buscar vestidos para fiesta de graduación. Tienen gran variedad de modelos y colores. La atención se puede decir que es personalizada, pues desde que llegas la señorita que te recibe te atiende hasta el final. Hay personal para las modificaciones ( de ser necesarias ), se toman medidas y se fija un día para la prueba y entrega del vestido. Hay seriedad y formalidad en el trato.
We went looking for prom dresses. They have a wide variety of models and colors. The attention can be said to be personalized, since from the moment you arrive the lady who receives you attends to you until the end. There is staff for the modifications (if necessary), measurements are taken and a day is set for the test and delivery of the dress. There is seriousness and formality in the deal.
Gustavo Castillo on Google

Lot of beautiful dresess in different colors , for sure you will find the one you are looking for here.

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