SILEO (Polanco) - 11560 Ciudad de México

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SILEO (Polanco)

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Calz. Gral. Mariano Escobedo 444, Chapultepec Morales, Anzures, Miguel Hidalgo, 11560 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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City : CDMX

Marisol R on Google

No se ve bien el anuncio
Ad does not look good
Mario Chavarria on Google

Esperaba otra cosa de la escuela, nada que ver con las expectativas que tenía. ?
I expected something else from the school, nothing to do with the expectations I had. ?
Ronald Reagan on Google

Cursos sobrevalorados. Los encuentras en internet hasta en $200 pesos. No caigan en este fraude
Overrated courses. You find them on the internet for up to $ 200 pesos. Do not fall for this fraud
Rocío Hernández on Google

Costo excesivo $32,000, al 50%, por un curso 4 meses.
Excessive cost $ 32,000, at 50%, for a 4-month course.
Raymundo Vasquez on Google

Me gusta mucho mis experiencias, de las mejores inversiones que he realizado!!
I really like my experiences, the best investments I have made !!
German Carrillo Gomez on Google

Excelente lugar para aprender
Excellent place to learn

Horrible el lugar, trabajé un mes ahí, espantoso En verdad, explotan a los trabajadores en horarios y salarios Les diré cómo funcionan como trabajadores y como clientes. Si tienen tantita consideración por los trabajadores, tambien tomenlo en cuenta para rechazarlos Clientes; Los costos del curso son de aprox $50,000, es un relajo para que validen tus datos y empieces el curso, eso si, cobran antes una parte por lo menos. Te hablan de una "beca", los precios varian dependiendo de cómo vean tu situacion (te juzgan económicamente) Se te da un sermon enorme de que necesitas el curso en tu vida y ya que estás clavado hasta el final, despues de una hora de puro bla bla bla, te dan los precios Les hacen hacer un depósito directo, hay personas a las que no les dan el curso porque su validación de datos o te dan alguna larga, el dinero no te lo regresan Es carisimo para lo que se da Pueden robarte tus datos de la tarjeta, te pedían numero de tarjeta, la clave de tres digitos y la fecha de expedicion (no sé si sigan haciendole asi) Dan mucha lata, te estan hable y hable y mandando mensajes Trabajador; Me tocó trabajar en linea, aun asi los horarios eran espantosos, si tenias que presentarte a las 22 hrs, lo hacias y nada te aseguraba la venta Te pagaban por porcentaje de lo que paga el cliente, una friega para las pocas ventas que haces Lo veo como estafa de curso, nunca supe si en serio servian sus cosas, incluso a nosotros trabajadores, nos llenan la cabeza de que si sirve Nos hacian hacer "himnos", que implicaba frases motivacionales impuesta en una letra de ltra cancion reconocida, terminabas odiando la cancion Te hacian conectarte a juntas super temprano en donde a veces no se veía nada Una super sonrisa, arreglada y un tono suave de voz No tenemos horarios, nos acoplamos al cliente Salarios iban de los $700 a los $2500 por venta, te lo venden super facil con que cada semana tienes que cumplir una meta y lo vas a lograr Es piramidal y te vuelves en lo que juraste destruir, venderles el mismo cuento a nueva gente Yo me salí de ahí porque la gota que derramó el vaso, fue que nos pedían anotados nombre, numero, direccion y situación económica de 100 personas, conocidos mios, obligatorios Me pelee porque no me querian pagar lo poco o mucho que vendí y lo depositaron hasta que les dije que me iba a ir a lo legal (me daban largas de que no validaban las cuentas que habia vendido)
Horrible place, I worked there for a month, horrible In truth, they exploit workers in hours and wages I will tell you how they function as workers and as customers. If you have so much consideration for the workers, also take it into account to reject them Customers; The costs of the course are approximately $50,000, it is a relaxation for them to validate your data and start the course, yes, they charge at least part of it first. They tell you about a "scholarship", the prices vary depending on how they see your situation (they judge you financially) You are given a huge sermon that you need the course in your life and since you are nailed to the end, after an hour of pure blah blah blah, they give you the prices They make them make a direct deposit, there are people who do not give the course to them because their data validation or they give you a long one, the money is not returned to you It is very expensive for what is given They can steal your card data, they asked for your card number, the three-digit key and the date of issue (I don't know if they continue to do so) They give a lot of trouble, they talk to you and talk and send messages Employee; I had to work online, even so the hours were horrible, if you had to show up at 10 pm, you did it and nothing guaranteed the sale They paid you by percentage of what the client pays, a scrub for the few sales you make I see it as a scam of course, I never knew if they really served their things, even to us workers, they fill our heads that if it works They made us do "hymns", which implied motivational phrases imposed on a letter from another well-known song, you ended up hating the song They made you connect to meetings super early where sometimes you didn't see anything A super smile, groomed and a soft tone of voice We do not have schedules, we connect to the client Salaries ranged from $700 to $2,500 per sale, they sell it to you super easy so that every week you have to meet a goal and you will achieve it It's pyramidal and you become what you swore to destroy, sell the same story to new people I left there because the straw that broke the camel's back was that they asked us to write down the name, number, address and economic situation of 100 people, acquaintances of mine, mandatory I fought because they didn't want to pay me the little or much that I sold and they deposited it until I told them that I was going to go legal (they gave me the long run that they didn't validate the accounts that I had sold)
Gerardo Pérez on Google

Waste of money.

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