Silversmith shop La Azteca - Taxco

2.6/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Silversmith shop La Azteca

Address :

40200, Celso Muñoz 1, Centro, Taxco, Gro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78
Categories :
City : Gro.

40200, Celso Muñoz 1, Centro, Taxco, Gro., Mexico
Bruno Borras on Google

Excelencia en productos y atención. Grandes plateros.
Excellence in products and attention. Great silversmiths
Coleman Priske (Victor) on Google

Mi hijo de 9 años pedía una explicación sobre el proceso de la plata, fue ignorado por el empleado, y poco después mencionaba afuera, " un escuincle quiere que lo atiendan", mi esposa escuchó y nos quejamos, la respuesta nos indignó aun mas: ¡es que ellos no compran!? Indignante, pero al turista que acompañabamos, de Alemania, fue tratado muy bien. El niño mexicano era una molestia
My 9-year-old son asked for an explanation about the silver process, was ignored by the employee, and shortly after he mentioned outside, "a escuincle wants to be taken care of", my wife listened and we complained, the answer angered us even more: They don't buy! ? Outrageous, but the tourist we accompanied, from Germany, was treated very well. The Mexican boy was a nuisance
Trigueros Cervantes on Google

Me gustaría comentarles a los lectores que en dicho lugar te aplican un descuento del 20% y cuando pagas solo te aplican el 10% los vendedores como colaboradores de dicho lugar tienen pésima práctica profesional. No saben respetar incluso sus propios precios.
I would like to comment to the readers that in said place they apply a 20% discount and when you pay you only apply 10%, the sellers as collaborators of said place have a terrible professional practice. They do not know how to respect even their own prices.
Janet Pizano on Google

La verdad son unos estafadores y ladrones ; que Se aprovechan del turismo . Me dieron para degustar un mezcal dulce . Y les compare dos botellas y cuando llegue a Casa solo era jarabe endulzante , sin mezcal. Y Ellos me lo vendieron como Mezcal (Licor). Y me lo vendieron super Caro solo azucar ???y compré algo de plata que tenia Otro material para que no Se hiciera negra la plata y sin mojarla en menos de un mes ya estaba negra . Lamentable que Roben tan descarado a los touristas.
The truth is that they are swindlers and thieves; They take advantage of tourism. They gave me a sweet mezcal to taste. And I bought two bottles and when I got home it was just sweetening syrup, no mezcal. And They sold it to me as Mezcal (Liquor). And they sold it to me super expensive only sugar ??? and I bought some silver that had other material so that the silver would not turn black and without wetting it in less than a month it was already black. It is unfortunate that they steal so shamelessly from the tourists.
Damian Cross on Google

My wife was treated with courtesy and good manners. The shop has a huge selection of silver jewelry and decorations. They provided a detailed explanation of the manufacturing process, along with a free "Mezcal" drink, and a warranty on the products we bought.

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