Site 41 Plaza patria Hospital De Zoquipan - 45170 Zapopan

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Contact Site 41 Plaza patria Hospital De Zoquipan

Address :

Av Zoquipan 1050, Zoquipan, 45170 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av Zoquipan 1050, Zoquipan, 45170 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Juan diego Mayoral on Google

Mi padre fallecido el día 21 de enero de este año y estubo 19 días internado Ai nos davan muy poca información y cuando la davan eran siempre lo mismo nunca optubimos esa mentada llamada que aiga sido de mucha ayuda más aparte emos encontrado muchos errores en lo que le asian para convatir el covit entre medicamentos y sierto a ejercicios para que sus pulmones se recuperarán lo lo deja an mucho tiempo solo y creo en ese tardar en checar como seguía el entro en paro respiratorio al ver eso le pusieron el aparato de oxigenación al 10 % siendo que era poco a poco es como que inflan un globo si lo asen despacio infla lentamente pero si lo haces rápidamente y con mucha precion que pasa pues revienta y eso le isieron con su corazón pero se lo dejo a Dios que aló que veo estudian con pacientes para combatir el covit y eso no tiene nombre gracias a ustedes me e quedado huérfano muchas gracias
My father died on January 21 of this year and was hospitalized for 19 days, Ai gave us very little information and when davan was always the same, we never got that so-called call that has been very helpful, apart from that we found many errors in what He asian to convert the covit between medications and I give him exercises so that his lungs will recover he leaves him alone for a long time and I believe in that delay in checking how he went into respiratory arrest when he saw that they put the oxygenation device on 10 % being that it was little by little it is like they inflate a balloon if they grasp it slowly, inflate it slowly but if you do it quickly and with a lot of pressure, what happens then it bursts and they hit him with his heart but he left it to God who aló I see they are studying with patients to combat covit and that has no name thanks to you I am orphaned thank you very much
Karly Acevedo on Google

Los Médicos y enfermer@s de este hospital, han salvado dos veces la vida de mi Papá, en situación muy grave y delicada. Sin duda, el sistema de salud que tenemos en México no es el mejor del mundo y deja que desear, pero esto muchas veces no es culpa de los médicos y enfermeras, creo realmente que en este lugar estos profesionistas ponen empeño en ayudar tanto como pueden.
The Doctors and nurses of this hospital have twice saved my Dad's life, in a very serious and delicate situation. Undoubtedly, the health system we have in Mexico is not the best in the world and leaves us to want, but this is often not the fault of doctors and nurses, I really believe that in this place these professionals are committed to helping as much as they can .
Lourdes Lopez on Google

Para mí este hospital es malísimo En mi experiencia cuando tuve a mi paciente ahi cuando llegas lo primero que te piden Es la mascarilla cpap además de la mascarilla de puntillas de alto flujo ami me hicieron rentar un chaleco percutor que para expulsar las flemas de mi paciente la renta era de 1500 por día lo uso durante 10 días así que pague 15000 pesos todo esto lo permite el encargado del área covid el doctor Jaime arias almaral además se aprovechan dando malos informes de tu paciente te siembra miedo para lucrar con la enfermedad trabajo social esta aliada con los médicos te tratan de lo peor yo pague medicinas estudios en total 30000 pesos el dinero no importa sino la forma como lo obtienen porque al final mataron a mi paciente.
For me, this hospital is terrible. In my experience, when I had my patient there when you arrive, the first thing they ask of you is the CPAP mask in addition to the high-flow toe mask. They made me rent a percussion vest to expel the phlegm of my patient. The rent was 1500 per day, I use it for 10 days, so I paid 15,000 pesos, all this is allowed by the manager of the covid area, Dr. Jaime arias almaral, they also take advantage of giving bad reports of your patient, it sows you fear to profit from the disease social work This allied with the doctors treats you the worst. I paid for medicines for studies in total 30,000 pesos. The money does not matter but the way they get it because in the end they killed my patient.
Carlos Ramos on Google

Pésimo hospital,no entiendo cómo el presidente puede afirmar que la atención está garantizada para todos los pacientes cocido y llegando el hospital lo primero que te pide es dinero para medicamento, estudios y accesorios médicos. Es falso totalmente la atención gratuita. Que pena que solo sean palabras vacías y para muestra no vastan mil botones.
Terrible hospital, I do not understand how the president can affirm that care is guaranteed for all patients cooked and when the hospital arrives the first thing he asks you is money for medicine, studies and medical accessories. Free care is totally false. Too bad they are just empty words and there are not a thousand buttons to show.
Aneida Avalos on Google

Muy malo. HAY muchos descuidos por parte de medicos yo hiba por una cesarea. Y sali con cirujias mas q yo no necesitaba ?? no vallan. Ay son puros descuidos. Malo por los dosctores desgracian la vida por. Aser. Cosas. Alo tonto
Very bad. There are many oversights on the part of doctors and I had a cesarean section. And I came out with more surgeries than I did not need ?? do not go. Oh they are pure carelessness. Bad for the dosctors disgrace life for. To be. Stuff. Alo silly
Carlos Manuel Martinez Felix on Google

este hospital es de lo peor a mi papá lo mataron hay le tocaron doctores de lo peor como el doctor jaime arias encargado de la area covid y del 4 piso del hospital ademas del doctor jesus alberto cervantes castellanos el cual es medico cirujano y partero , mi papá no ocupaba ni cirujia ni estaba embarazado no se por que lo atendia este cirujano y partero . por favor no lleven a sus familiares alli no informan nada bien piden muchos medicamentos caros y no se los administran. de mi papá nos devolvieron cajas de medicamentos nuevos no les dan la medicina yo vi los comentarios malos de este hospital y no lo crei lo deje ahi y salio sin vida. pongo los nombres de los doctores para que me crean es una lastima que digan que salvan vidas cuando las quitan, lo bueno que de la justicia de dios no escaparan, a mi papá le administraron morfina sin tener una enfermedad terminal me quitaron un ser muy especial, con eso solo se marcaron para toda su vida llevaran esa sangre inocente derramada en su conciencia, incluso asta en la cedula de paciente de mi papá dijeron que tenia VIH sida cuando no fue asi. deverian de cerrar ese hospital o si no correr a el personal medicos como al doctor jaime arias encargado del area covid y jesus alberto cervantes castellanos. por que no se vale que siga muriendo gente buena ,alcen la voz .
This hospital is the worst, my dad was killed, there are worst doctors like Dr. Jaime Arias in charge of the covid area and the 4th floor of the hospital in addition to Dr. Jesus Alberto Cervantes Castellanos, who is a surgeon and midwife, my Dad was neither involved in surgery nor was he pregnant. I don't know why this surgeon and midwife attended him. Please do not take your relatives there. They do not report anything well. They ask for many expensive medications and they are not administered. from my dad they gave us boxes of new medicines they didn't give them medicine. I saw the bad comments about this hospital and I didn't believe it, I left it there and it came out dead. I put the names of the doctors so that they believe me, it is a pity that they say that they save lives when they take them away, the good thing that they did not escape from the justice of God, my dad was administered morphine without having a terminal illness they took away a very special being With that, they only marked themselves for their whole lives, they will carry that innocent blood spilled on their conscience, even on my father's patient ID they said that he had HIV / AIDS when he did not. They should close that hospital or else run to the medical staff like Dr. Jaime Arias in charge of the COVID area and Jesus Alberto Cervantes Castilian. because it is not worth that good people continue to die, raise your voice.
Auxiliar DeVuelo on Google

Creo que nunca tendremos un mejor sistema médico, deja mucho que desear, eran las 11:00 am y para agendar una cita no se puede porque la srita salió a desayunar a las 10:45 am. Para sacar una cita en laboratorio pasó algo similar, una enorme fila que por lo menos me llevaría media hora para sólo agendar una cita a laboratorio. El hospital de geriatría quedó muy chulo como hospital privado pero con personal de público.
I think we will never have a better medical system, it leaves much to be desired, it was 11:00 am and to schedule an appointment you can not because the srita went to breakfast at 10:45 am. To get an appointment in the laboratory, something similar happened, a huge line that would take at least half an hour to schedule a lab appointment. The geriatric hospital was very cool as a private hospital but with a public staff.
Duribe on Google

Muy buena atención para donar sangre!! Súper rápido ???? me encanto.
Very good attention to donate blood!! Super fast ???? I loved it.

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