Sixt Renta de Autos - Monterrey Aeropuerto - 66600 Monterrey

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sixt Renta de Autos - Monterrey Aeropuerto

Eje Metropolitano 30 KM 24, 66600 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Isaac del Abrego on Google

Tuve una experiencia desagradable por un cobro abusivo e injusto sobre limpieza del auto por $1,028 pesos ($50 USD). Renté auto en Monterrey para visitar Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila. El auto estuvo en buenas condiciones y nos aseguramos de devolverlo adecuadamente y con el nivel de gasolina correcto. Fue muy sorpresivo que al devolver el auto, el encargado señaló que aplicaría un cargo por limpieza de auto, debido a una fina capa de polvo que tenía en los asientos con motivo de un uso normal del auto en la zona norte de México. Visitamos la zona de Cuatro Ciénegas, Coah. donde se soltó de pronto polvo mientras estábamos subiendo al auto, pero nada que lo hubiera puesto en riesgo y que requiriera más allá de simplemente un lavado normal. Es un abuso y deseo reclamar un reembolso. Actualización: Después del mensaje que puso Sixt a mi comentario, envié mi correo a la dirección que me solicitaron y ha pasado más de un mes sin respuesta. ⚠️ALERTA⚠️ NO RENTEN AUTO CON SIXT, O BIEN, LES VAN A SALIR CON CARGOS ADICIONALES ABUSIVOS
I had an unpleasant experience due to an abusive and unfair charge for cleaning the car for $1,028 pesos ($50 USD). I rented a car in Monterrey to visit Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila. The car was in good condition and we made sure to return it properly and with the correct fuel level. It was very surprising that when returning the car, the manager indicated that he would apply a charge for car cleaning, due to a fine layer of dust on the seats due to normal use of the car in the north of Mexico. We visited the area of ​​Cuatro Ciénegas, Coah. where dust suddenly came loose while we were getting into the car, but nothing that would have put it at risk and required more than just a normal wash. It is abuse and I want to claim a refund. Update: After the message that Sixt put to my comment, I sent my email to the address that they requested and it has been more than a month without a response. ⚠️ALERT⚠️ DO NOT RENT A CAR WITH SIXT, OR YOU WILL GET ABUSIVE ADDITIONAL CHARGES
Julian Z on Google

Una compañía irresponsable y cara de renta de carros. Habiendo muchas otras opciones no los recomiendo ni en lo más mínimo. En primer lugar pedí y pague por un carro automático en línea. No había ninguno cuando llegue. Luego la señora que me estaba atendiendo me dijo que el carro que me pudo conseguir estaba 3 niveles más lujoso. Yo no le vi nada de diferente en la calidad del carro en comparación al que pedí. Me imagino lo dijo para que la compañía no se quedara viendo mal. Cuando lo regrese me cobraron $1028 pesos por la limpieza que según no venía incluida y porque lo dejé “demasiado sucio”. Solamente tenía la cantidad esperada de que fue usado por unos días en el desierto donde está todo muy seco y hay mucho polvo. Discúlpame por usarlo en esta parte del país donde el aironazo que hacía casi diario me metió polvo y arena. Tan fácil que es de darle unas pasaditas con la aspiradora y un trapo húmedo para limpiarlo. No era lodo ni alguna otra sustancia pegajosa. E rentado muchos carros en varias compañías y jamás en mi vida me han cobrado una limpieza y los e dejado más sucios que este. Prácticamente me salió en lo de un día extra de rentarlo. Haber sabido lo hubiera limpiado un poco yo antes de entregarlo. Antes de llevármelo me advirtió la señora muy bien de toooodo lo que el seguro no cubre pero por alguna razón falló decirme que lo entregara limpio como si nunca lo hubiera usado. Como dice mi mamá después de limpiar toda la casa, lo querían INtocable, y pues eso si que no está bien. RESPUESTA AL COMENTARIO DE SIXT: Me encanta que no tuvieron el valor de comentar sobre el carro automático que yo rente que irresponsablemente no tenían al llegar a su oficina bravo ??. Cualquier empresa buena y respetable va a ser todo lo posible de asegurarse que sus clientes tengan una buena experiencia y su falla en decirme sobre este absurdo costo adicional y más la falta del carro automático sin por lo menos disculparse o dar una admisión de su erro me hizo que tuviera una experiencia muy mala rentando un carro de Sixt. A pero eso si “este carro está 3 niveles mejor que el que pidió”. Eso es mentira que mentirosos. El carro estaba igual de regular y lo más importante es que no era lo que pedi que era un carro automático. Mi primo con quien fui tuvo que hacer toooooda la conducción ya que yo no se como manejar un carro manual todo gracias a su falta de responsabilidad y su incapacidad para administrar adecuadamente su negocio. Yo también quería conducir pero ni modo. A mi no me salgan con que todas nuestras políticas de renta están en línea. Díganme todo lo que tengo que saber al momento de rentar el carro porque no todos tenemos el tiempo para estar leyendo todo eso o simplemente se nos olvida porque estamos tan emocionados de rentar el carro e ir en nuestro viaje. O que? Sus empleados no están entrenados adecuadamente y no saben todo lo relacionado sobre la renta que deben de mencionar? Fíjese que su trabajadora si tomo su tiempo de decirme casi todo lo de sus políticas antes de irme excepto lo de este cobro adicional. Que chistoso. Es su responsabilidad de informar al cliente al 100% y fallaron. Y opinar que deje el carro muy sucio es absurdo también. Pero no me voy a poner a discutir con ustedes. La gente viendo esta reseña (que son muchos y ojalá sean más) pueden ver las fotos que subí de como lo deje y pueden decidir por ellos mismos si vale la pena rentar aquí o no habiendo muchas muchas otras opciones mejor. Buen día ✌?
An irresponsible and expensive car rental company. Having many other options, I do not recommend them in the slightest. I first ordered and paid for an automatic car online. There were none when I arrived. Then the lady who was attending me told me that the car she could get me was 3 levels more luxurious. I did not see anything different in the quality of the car compared to the one I ordered. I imagine he said it so that the company would not be left looking bad. When I returned it, they charged me $1028 pesos for the cleaning that according to what was not included and because I left it “too dirty”. It only had the expected amount as it was used for a few days in the desert where everything is very dry and dusty. Excuse me for using it in this part of the country where the wind blow I did almost daily got me dust and sand. So easy that it is to give it a few passes with the vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth to clean it. It was not mud or any other sticky substance. I have rented many cars in several companies and never in my life have they charged me for a cleaning and I have left them dirtier than this one. It practically cost me an extra day to rent it. Had I known, I would have cleaned it up a bit myself before handing it over. Before taking it away, the lady warned me very well about everything that the insurance does not cover, but for some reason she failed to tell me to return it clean as if I had never used it. As my mom says after cleaning the whole house, they wanted it to be untouchable, and well that's not right. RESPONSE TO SIXT'S COMMENT: I love that they did not have the courage to comment on the automatic car that I rented that they irresponsibly did not have when I arrived at their office bravo ??. Any good and reputable company will go out of their way to make sure their customers have a good experience and their failure to tell me about this absurd additional cost and more the lack of the automatic car without at least apologizing or giving me an admission of their mistake. made me have a very bad experience renting a car from Sixt. A but that if "this car is 3 levels better than the one you asked for". That's a lie you liars. The car was just as regular and the most important thing is that it was not what I asked for, which was an automatic car. My cousin I went with had to do all the driving since I don't know how to drive a manual car all thanks to his lack of responsibility and his inability to properly manage his business. I also wanted to drive but no way. Don't get me out that all our rental policies are online. Tell me everything I need to know at the time of renting the car because not all of us have the time to be reading all that or we simply forget because we are so excited to rent the car and go on our trip. Or what? Are your employees not properly trained and don't know everything about rent that they need to mention? Note that your worker did take the time to tell me almost everything about her policies before I left except for this additional charge. How funny. It is their responsibility to inform the customer 100% and they failed. And to say that I leave the car very dirty is also absurd. But I'm not going to argue with you. People seeing this review (there are many and hopefully more) can see the photos I uploaded of how I left it and can decide for themselves if it's worth renting here or not, since there are many many other better options. Good morning ✌?
Dustin Lee on Google

Always good service for me
D Kikhtenko on Google

Unbelievable service, everywhere states they work 24/7 but they don’t, now at 1am after bunch of trying to call different numbers with no luck going to the Uber and will overpay a lot of money
Nate on Google

Great rental experience for Mexico. They were very quick to get me my car, and even had it started and cooling down while I did the paperwork. Quick to check the car back in Ave gave us a ride to the terminal. Even helped with the bags! SixT is the best!
Perrine Mathieu de Villarreal on Google

I only give this place 3 stars because upon return of the vehicle, the lady at the front desk tried to rip us off by claiming that our vehicle's tank was not full. We had to personally take the car to the gas station accompanied with one of their attendants to prove that the tank was full as we had told them. This felt like they were attempting to rip us off and we got no excuse from the lady at the desk who kept claiming she was in the right. If it wasnt for the poor service we received upon return and being treated like thieves, this place would have gotten 5 stars. We will not be using Sixt again.
Ed Serra on Google

Nice friendly staff. Clean car and excellent service. Will be using them again.
Natalie Alanis on Google

Clear pricing on the rental booking site. Water and coffee in the waiting room. Was skeptical booking rental car in Mexico after reading horror stories, but I am glad I chose Sixt! I will be using them again in the future!

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